Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Resources for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing.

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Western Education Development Group
Faculty of Education
The University of British Columbia

Western Education Development Group
Faculty of Education
Th University of British Columbia

Very Useful
Referenced by: ANKN Clearinghouse

Grade Level(s): 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Energy/Ecology

Excerpt from Introduction to the Teacher:

"Managing the Forest is a resource manual from which the teacher can draw ideas and activities to support a high school forestry course. This book is not a course in itself although an attempt has been made to place activities in a developmental sequence so that a teacher new to the subject can use it as a guide to develop and present a forestry course to secondary school students from grades ten to twelve."

Information about the resource can be found at:
ANKN Clearinghouse
P.O.Box 756730
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6730

Tel: (907) 474-5897
or email: ANKN Clearinghouse

» Culturally-Based Curriculum Resources


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