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Deloria Jr., Vine
Lytle, Clifford


American Indian
Referenced by: Alaska Yukon Library

Grade Level(s): 4, 5, 6

Theme(s): Cultural Expression, Tribe/Community

This is not a student text by any means but a scholarly work forcusing on John Colliler;'s struggle with both the U.S. Congress and Indian tribes to develop a New Deal for Indians fifty years ago. This is a unique coverage, which may be the only way to show the full complexity of American Indian relations with federal and state governments. The two concludilng chapters clarify 1985 current Indian points of view. ANCSA is not mentioned.

Pantheon Books $ll.95

Information about the resource can be found at:
Alaska Yukon Library
Anchorage, AK
Telephone: (907) 474-5897
email: Alaska Yukon Library

» Culturally-Based Curriculum Resources


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