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Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Division of Wildlife Conservation
National Parks Foundation
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Very Useful
Teacher's Guide
Referenced by: ANKN Clearinghouse

Grade Level(s): K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Energy/Ecology, Living in Place, Subsistence, Outdoor Survival

Excerpt from Acknowledgments:

How to use this curriculum

The contents of this book are divided into 5 topics. Each of the 5 topics is covered in depth in the "Read Me First" sections, followed by "Student Activities". The Read Me First introduction at the beginning of each unit gives instructors most of the background information they need. If more specific information is needed, a "Background" section is included in individual Student Activities.

Several of the activities may require or be improved by use of Alaska Ecology Cards . If you would like to order a set of cards [or this resource, or other sets of materials from the Alaska Wildlife Curriculum series], please write to Division of Wildlife Conservation, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, P.O. Box 25526, Juneau, Alaska 99802-5526. [(907) 465-4190]

We hope you find these materials useful. Let us hear from you with suggestions for improvement and any news of your students' experiences with Alaska Wildlife Curriculum !

Information about the resource can be found at:
ANKN Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 756730
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6730

Tel: (907) 474-5897
or email: ANKN Clearinghouse

» Culturally-Based Curriculum Resources


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