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McConnell, R.

no date given

Referenced by: ANKN Clearinghouse

Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Exploring Horizons

"It is exceedingly difficult for the typical American family, whose 1972 average income was $11,000, to grasp the hard fact that some two-thirds of the world's population persistently lives at, or perilously close to, the subsistence level. Ironically, most Americans are too preoccupied with problems associated with affluence - pollution, rapid urban growth, the monotony and alienation which often accompany employment in large-scale enterprises - to acknowledge the abject poverty which characterizes much of our planet. An eight-room suburban home and a new Buick make hunger, squalor, and disease which prevail in most nations of the world seem remote."

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