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Science Standards:
Cultural Standards:

Author (s):

Rita O'Brien

Grade Level:

7, 8, 9


10 days during, just prior to, or after the moose rutting season in September



Science Standards:

A15 - use science to understand and describe the local environment;

D3 - recommend solutions to everyday problems by applying scientific knowledge and skills

Skills and Knowledge:

1. be able to describe moose habitat, behavior and migration patterns for the local area;
2. write a resolution recommending a moose management strategy (to be sent to local tribal government)

Cultural Standards: D1 - Acquire in-depth cultural knowledge through active participation and meaningful interaction with Elders
E2 - Understand the ecology and geography of the bioregion their inhabit

Skills and Knowledge:

1. be able to describe moose habitat and migration patterns for the local area;
2. be able to use a topographic map of the area and enhance it to include local place names;
3. become more familiar with subsistence activities of the area concerning moose.

To see the full unit:

» Culturally-Responsive Units/Lessons

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