Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Resources for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing.

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Science Standards:

Math Standards:
Cultural Standards:

Author (s):

Iditarod Area School District
Sarah Hanuske-Hamilton

Elders and Local Experts:
Edna Deacon, Lina Demoski, Helen Dick, Local Experts: Philip Esai, Katherine Hamilton, Grace Holmberg, Mary Ellen Esai.-Kimball, Betty Petruska

Grade Level:

4, 5, 6


Winter Activity


Interior Alaska - Athabascan

Science Standards:

A14A understand the interdependence between living things and their environments;
A14C understand that a small change in a portion of an environment may affect the entire environment (Interdependence);
A15 use science to understand and describe the local environment (Local Knowledge); and
D1 use the processes of science; these processes include observing, classifying, measuring, interpreting data, inferring, communicating, controlling variables, developing models and theories, hypothesizing, predicting, and experimenting.

Skills and Knowledge:

1. recognize the hare's habitat and describe its behavior including special adaptive characteristics.
2. describe the interdependence of the animals, plants, and humans through the food web and how population cycles are affected.
3. design snaring experiments based on knowledge of habitat and behavior of the hare.
4. list characteristics of the hare family (classification), its body structures and functions.

Math Standards:

A4 represent analyze, and use mathematical patterns, relations, and functions using methods such as tables, equations, and graphs;
B1 use computational methods and appropriate technology as problem-solving tools.

Skills and Knowledge:

1. discover and use a mathematical formula to describe the population increase of the hare.
2. analyze data from a graph to describe the predator-prey relationship.

Cultural Standards: A4 practice their traditional responsibilities to the surrounding environment;
C1 perform subsistence activities in ways that are appropriate to local cultural traditions;
D1 acquire in-depth cultural knowledge through active participation and meaningful interaction with Elders.

Skills and Knowledge:

1. describe and practice respectful behavior toward the hare and the environment.
2. describe older traditional rabbit hunting practices and retell traditional rabbit stories.
3. observe and perform all the traditional subsistence activities associated with rabbit snaring including: making snares, setting and checking snares, skinning the hare, and preparation and uses of the hare.
4. use Native language words and phrases with the activities.
5. interact respectfully with the Elders and local experts.

To see the full unit:

» Culturally-Responsive Units/Lessons

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