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Science Standards:

History Standards:

Skills for a Healthy Life Standards:

Cultural Standards:

Author (s):

Barb Pungowiyi

Grade Level:


This Unit can be used at any time of the year, as long as the walrus intestine has been obtained.


St. Lawrence Island Yupik

Science Standards:

A. A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principles and theories. A student who meets thie content standard should: 14) understand a. the interdependence between living things and their environments; 15) use science to understand and describe the local environment (Local Knowledge);

History Standards: B. A student should understand historical themes through factual knowledge of time, places, ideas, institutions, cultures, people and events. A student who meets the content standard should: 2) understand the people and the political, geographic, economic, cultural, social and environmental events that have shaped the history of the state, the United States and the world.

Skills for a Healthy Life Standards:

B. A student should be able to demonstrate responsibility for the student's well-being. A student who meets the content standard should: 3) asses the effects of culture, heritage and traditions on personal well-being;
Cultural Standards: Schools A. A culturally-responsive school fosters the on-going participation of Elders in all aspects of the schooling process. A school that meets this cultural standard: 1. maintains multiple avenues for Elders to interact formally and informally with students at all times; 2. provides opportunities for students to regularly engage in the documenting of Elders' cultural knowledge and produce approriate print and multimedia materials that share this knowledge with others; 4. utilizes educational models that are grounded in the traditional world view and ways of knowing associated with the cultural knowledge system reflected in the community.

To see the full unit:

» Culturally-Responsive Units/Lessons

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