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Yupiit School District



Plants and their Medicinal Uses



Unit Title

There are classifications of plants and how they may be used in the Yup'ik culture.

1 month

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principals, and theories.

Detailed Description
1. The students will list words in alphabetical order the names of plants and their medicinal uses in a homework assignment using 20 examples.
2. The students will choose five plants and write their names in Yup'ik and English as an in class assignment.
3. The students will identify medicinal plants and report the usage of each plant both oral and written using Yup'ik and English.
4. The students will do experiments making medicinal plants.
Suggested Activities: Go on a field trip and collect the plants, take pictures of the plants that are on the tundra. Press, label, and laminate collected plants. Identify edible, medicinal and poisonous plants.
5. Boil or seep plants for medicinal use.

Task Management Skill
Information: Acquires and uses information


elnguq- birch
plukutak- colts foot
ikiituq- wild celery
ciilqaaq- fireweed
tayarut- horsetail
ayut- labrador tea
enrilnguaq- willow
qugniilnguq- Cotton wood
puyuraat epulget- raspbemies with stem
angelica quagcit-sourdock
elnguq- birch
ayut- labrador tea
ikiituq- angelica
plukutak- colts foot
kunaat- shield fern
Angukaat-Wild rhubarb
tan'gerpak- crowberry
Tarnat-wild celery
cuukvaguaq- alder
turnaglit/Kavirlit- low bush cranberries
cuukvaguaq- alder
acsaruaq- chamomile
kunaat- shield feunaat
tumaglit/Kavirlit- low bush cranbenies
mercuullugpiit- high bush cranberries

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
1. The students will list words in alphabetical order the names of plants and their medicinal uses in a homework assignment using 20 examples.
2. The students will choose five plants and write their names in Yup'ik and English as an in class assignment.
3. The students will identify medicinal plants and report the usage of each plant both oral and written using Yup'ik and English.
4. The students will do experiments making medicinal plants.
Suggested Activities: Go on a field trip and collect the plants, take pictures of the plants that are on the tundra. Press, label, and laminate collected plants. Identify edible, medicinal and poisonous plants.
5. Boil or seep plants for medicinal use.

Domain Outcomes
E-1 The learner will demonstrate his/her ability to survey a defined area of land, water, or air, biologically, chemically and physically, and interpret its macro-ecological surrounding.

E-2 The learner will select an animal or plant to descriibe in detail and highlight its value to the living systems in which it operates.

E-4 The learner will demonstrate an ability to apply mathematical techniques to interpret ecological population dynamics.

E-6 The learner will demonstrate a knowledge of pollution of natural systems as it relates to population cycles/balances of living creatures, with results presented inseparate scenarios for air, water, soil, plants and animals.

P1. Read to Understand
Core Skills: reading, information, acquisition and management, analytical thinking
-Identify five additional sources of information that you have read describing particular aspects of plants. -Develop a bibliography of materials about plants or plant sources.

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis
Core Skills: Analyze a plant in weight and height in a lighted area and shaded area.
-Use mathematical measurements in a scientific experiments with plants.

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart
Core Skills: thought presentation, mathematics, relational thinking -Create a map of local area. -Graph plant growth in shaded and lighted area.-Chart the plants that are edible ,medicinal, and poisonous .

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages
Core Skills: thought presentation, reading -Use the vocabulary words in one language and create a press plant page to illustrate. -Use vocabulary words in one language in this unit to creat sentences, or a paragraph of information.

P5. Action research project with a team approach:
Core Skills: project planning, team work, goal setting -Work with team of students to do an experiment of making medicine from plants. -Work with local elders to identify plants.

P6. Utilize one form of technology:
Core Skills: information acquisition and management, systems thinking -Conduct an Internet survey on the use of plants. -Create a World Wide Web page about your study of plants.

P7. Develop Creative Expression:
Core Skills: creative thinking, appreciation and reflection -Write a haiku about a plant topic. -Create "plant dance"

P8. Write a report:
Core Skills: reading, information acqusition and management, thought presentation, goal setting, project planning -Write a report about a plant that is indigenous to the local area. -Research and write a report on plants, methods of preparing, and when to harvest.

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:
Core Skills: thought presentation, creative thinking -Make oral presentation about your plant to your teacher, other students in class, and local assembly. -Video tape your description of your plant project for the use of other students.

-Science centers -YKHC -Local library -Health Center -Local Elders

Career Investigations
Teachers Fish and Wildlife agenciesScientist -IRA council and Employees Health Aides University

Community Service Options:
-Clean up local area
-Distribute plants that are edible and medicinal to elders prepared.
-Make postures for public places

Internet Questions:
How are some of the plants used in other countries? Compare plants in different parts of Alaska.



Date Created10/19/1996

Unit TitlePlants and their Medicinal Uses

Date Modified3/24/2000

Time to Complete1 month

Cultural ConceptThe students will become knowledgable of local plants that can be used as medicine .

Outcome Area

State Standard
A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principals, and theories.

District Outcome 1:
4. Understand ecosystems and how plants and animals adapt to survive.

District Outcome 2:

6. Be able to solve problems using measurement, precision, and conversion.

Detailed Description:
1. The students will list words in alphabetical order the names of plants and their medicinal uses in a homework assignment using 20 examples.
2. The students will choose five plants and write their names in Yup'ik and English as an in class assignment.
3. The students will identify medicinal plants and report the usage of each plant both oral and written using Yup'ik and English.
4. The students will do experiments making medicinal plants.
Suggested Activities: Go on a field trip and collect the plants, take pictures of the plants that are on the tundra. Press, label, and laminate collected plants. Identify edible, medicinal and poisonous plants.
5. Boil or seep plants for medicinal use.

Specific Grading Critieria:
>The students will identify and classify at least five plants that have poisonous or medicinal uses.
>The students can preserve, cook or prepare plants on their own.

General Grading Critieria:
>Completeness and accuracy

SCAN Skill
Information: Acquires and uses information

1. People parents, community health aides, elders.
2. Books, "Alaska Wilderness Medicines", Yup'ik Dictionary, "Tuqunarqellriit"

Specific Grading Critieria>The students will identify and classify at least five plants that have poisonous or medicinal uses.
>The students can preserve, cook or prepare plants on their own.

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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