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Yupiit School District


English/ Language Arts

Moose Hunting



Unit Title

Reporting and writing about successful moose hunting.

1 week

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

C. A student should be able to identify and select from multiple strategies in order to complete projects independently and cooperatively.

Detailed Description
1. Students will video or audio tape stories from resource people and obtain information about moose hunting.
2. They will participate in a moose hunting expedition as part of a cultural heritage activity.
3. Students will assist their parents in preparing the meat.
4. Students will know what preparation to make for the hunt; know Alaska State hunting regulations.
5. Students will list food and camping gear to bring along.
6. Students will learn the traditional way of hunting the animal.
7. Student will learn animal behavior.
8. Students will learn to be prepared for various weather conditions during the hunt.
9. Students will make a budget for the hunting trip.

Task Management Skill
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources


imat- bullets
itumlluku-cut up
ivrarcuutek-rubber boots
neqerluaraat-dried fish
ellalliurcuutet-rain gear
inarvviik-sleeping bag
kuuliat-tent poles (sides)
agluq-tent pole
kangciraq- tarp
uquq-seal oil
kaminiaq-small stove

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
1. Students will video or audio tape stories from resource people and obtain information about moose hunting.
2. They will participate in a moose hunting expedition as part of a cultural heritage activity.
3. Students will assist their parents in preparing the meat.
4. Students will know what preparation to make for the hunt; know Alaska State hunting regulations.
5. Students will list food and camping gear to bring along.
6. Students will learn the traditional way of hunting the animal.
7. Student will learn animal behavior.
8. Students will learn to be prepared for various weather conditions during the hunt.
9. Students will make a budget for the hunting trip.

Domain Outcomes
E2-The learner will select an animal or plant to describe in detail and highlight its value to the living systems in which it operates.

E5- The learner will demonstrate an understanding of the efficiency of the ecological balnaces.

E6-The learner will demonstrate a knowledge of pollution of natural systems as it relates to population cycles /balances of living creatures, with results presented in separate scenarios for air, water, soil, plants, and animals.

E8-Additional competencies identified by the local community.

P1. Read to Understand
Core skills: Reading, Information Acquisition, Analytical Thinking
-Read books about moose hunting trips and rules and regulations from the state and federal government on hunting.
-Read about stories that relate to animals.
-Research all about a moose, investigate the characteristics,

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis
Core skills: analytical thinking, mathematics, relational thinking
-Conduct an animal survey for defined area and tally the number of moose caught in different areas from the Fish and Game files.
-Create a budget for the hunting expedition.

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart
Core skills: thought presentation, mathematics, relational thinking
-create a map of the hunting area
-Graph weather data from the hunting area.
-Map or graph the different animals and plants that were used for edible and useful for the trip.

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages
Core skills: thought presentation, reading
-Use vocabulary words in the language of a nationality that settled in your area to tell about the area.
-Develop a partnership with a student in foreign countries.
-Unit vocabulary in 10 languages.

P5. Action research project with a team approach:
Core skills: project planning, team work, goal setting
-Develop a plan for a trip
-Interveiw elders about the traditional moose hunting method.
-Organize a celebrations for first catch or hunt .

P6. Utilize one form of technology:
Core Skills: Information acqusition and management, systems thinking
-Conduct an internet search about other Alaskan Native cultures and compare and contrast using the information you have located
-Record the hunting trip using camcorder.
-Interview hunting partner.

P7. Develop Creative Expression:
Core Skills: creative thinking, appreciation and reflection
--Write a haiku verse about a moose
-create yuraq "Dance"

P8. Write a report:
Core Skills: reading, information acquisition and management, thought presentation, project planning, , goal setting
-Write a report about the hunting trip.
-Research and write about a moose.

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:
Core Skills: thought presentation, creative thinking
-Make an oral presentation about your hunting purposal, research, and trip to your teacher or other students.

-Akiachak Native Community
-Akiachak Limited
-Akiachak Search and Resue
-Fish and Wildlife Management
-Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation
-Association of Village Council Presidents
-Calista Corporation

Career Investigations
-Local business people
-Service organizations
-Professional organizations

Community Service Options:
-Donate fresh meat to elder prepared or frozen.
-Support the Head Start, Local Schools with fresh meat.
-Organize a potlatch for a first hunter.

Internet Questions:
-How many different cultures hunt moose?
-What are some traditional methods of hunting in your culture?
-How many days are you allowed to hunt?
-What type of government does your community have?


SubjectEnglish/ Language Arts

Date Created10/19/1996

Unit TitleMoose Hunting

Date Modified3/24/2000

Time to Complete1 week

Cultural ConceptThe students will learn proper way to hunt moose successfully .

Outcome Area

State Standard
C. A student should be able to identify and select from multiple strategies in order to complete projects independently and cooperatively.

District Outcome 1:
Be able to read/listen/veiw and produce popular media communication (news, advertisements, sitcoms, documentaries, songs, editorials).

District Outcome 2:

Detailed Description:
1. Students will video or audio tape stories from resource people and obtain information about moose hunting.
2. They will participate in a moose hunting expedition as part of a cultural heritage activity.
3. Students will assist their parents in preparing the meat.
4. Students will know what preparation to make for the hunt; know Alaska State hunting regulations.
5. Students will list food and camping gear to bring along.
6. Students will learn the traditional way of hunting the animal.
7. Student will learn animal behavior.
8. Students will learn to be prepared for various weather conditions during the hunt.
9. Students will make a budget for the hunting trip.

Specific Grading Critieria:
>Students will report a successful hunt as part of a cultural heritage activity.
A written report of a successful moose hunt will be completed.

General Grading Critieria:
> Followed assignment directions

SCAN Skill
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources

Resources: Elders, hunters, video films, books.

Specific Grading Critieria>Students will report a successful hunt as part of a cultural heritage activity.
A written report of a successful moose hunt will be completed.

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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