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Yupiit School District



Local Land Animals



Unit Title

Students will develop knowledge of the local land animals.

2 weeks

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

A. A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principles, and theories.

Detailed Description
The teacher and students will research & classify animals that hibernate/or change color of fur/ feathers in winter.
1. Assign each student one species of mammal. Require them to research their Yup'ik names and uses by local people.
2. Share information with others and review Yup'ik names as a class.
3. Each student will construct a large card with a pasted magazine picture of his or her assigned mammal and write both English and Yup'ik names on the card.

Task Management Skill
Information: Acquires and uses information


black bear-tan'gerliq
arctic fox-uliir
grizzly bear-taqukaq
wolverine-terikani aq
red fox-kaviaq
arctic fox-uliir
rabbit- maqaruaq

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
The teacher and students will research & classify animals that hibernate/or change color of fur/ feathers in winter.
1. Assign each student one species of mammal. Require them to research their Yup'ik names and uses by local people.
2. Share information with others and review Yup'ik names as a class.
3. Each student will construct a large card with a pasted magazine picture of his or her assigned mammal and write both English and Yup'ik names on the card.

Domain Outcomes
E2-The learner will select an animal or plant to describe in detail and highlight its value to the living systems in which it operates.

E5- The learner will demonstrate an understanding of the efficiency of the ecological balnaces.

E6-The learner will demonstrate a knowledge of pollution of natural systems as it relates to population cycles /balances of living creatures, with results presented in separate scenarios for air, water, soil, plants, and animals.

E8-Additional competencies identified by the local community.

P1. Read to Understand
Core skills: Reading, Information Acquisition, Analytical Thinking
- Visit a museum in Bethel and Fish and Wildflife displays.
-Read about stories relate to the local animal.
-Read, explain and present the animal you are studying.

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis
Core skills: analytical thinking, mathematics, relational thinking
-Compare prices of the pelts from different businesses that sell pelts.
-Use the measurement system to determine the size, weight, of an animal.

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart
Core skills: thought presentation, mathematics, relational thinking
-Create a map of the traditional hunting grounds.
- Research what ypes and numbers of animals are found in the area.

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages
Core skills: thought presentation, reading
-Learn vocabulary for clothing and food and for the descriptive words related to those items.
-Demonstrate fluency of vocabulary words in other languages,

P5. Action research project with a team approach:
Core skills: project planning, team work, goal setting
-Involve members of the community who still trap and hunt the local animals.
-Develop a parka pattern using local animal pelts.
-Identify parka stlyes from each region in state.

P6. Utilize one form of technology:
Core Skills: Information acqusition and management, systems thinking
-Write to students in other countries you chose to learn about their local animals and uses.
-Design a parka.
-Reseach different animals on the World Wide Web

P7. Develop Creative Expression:
Core Skills: creative thinking, appreciation and reflection
-Write a haiku verse about an animal.
-Make an animal mobile.
-Create a poster for local enviroment clean up project.

P8. Write a report:
Core Skills: reading, information acquisition and management, thought presentation, project planning, team work, goal setting
-Write a report about an animal that is indigenous to the area.
-Research and write a report about pollution and promote cleaner land.
-Make an "Animal " booklet .

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:
Core Skills: thought presentation, creative thinking
-Interveiw elders and record the traditional methods of hunting and trapping animals.
-Prepare and deliver presentation on an animal of choice.
-Explore human impact on the environment.

-Akiachak Native Community
-Akiachak Limited
-Akiachak Search and Resue
-Fish and Wildlife Management
-Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation
-Association of Village Council Presidents
-Calista Corporation

Career Investigations
Local business people
-Service organizations
-Professional organizations

Community Service Options:
-Clean up local enviroment.
-Help an elderly with chores.
-Hang posters to promote clean environment.

Internet Questions:
-How many different cultures hunt animal?
-What are some traditional methods of hunting in your culture?
-How many days are you allowed to hunt?
-What type of government does your community have?



Date Created10/20/1996

Unit TitleLocal Land Animals

Date Modified3/24/2000

Time to Complete2 weeks

Cultural ConceptStudents will learn to identify local animals, habitat, Yup'ik names , and whether or not it is edible.

Outcome Area

State Standard
A. A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principles, and theories.

District Outcome 1:
15) use science to understand and describe the local environment (Local Knowledge)

District Outcome 2:

Detailed Description:
The teacher and students will research & classify animals that hibernate/or change color of fur/ feathers in winter.
1. Assign each student one species of mammal. Require them to research their Yup'ik names and uses by local people.
2. Share information with others and review Yup'ik names as a class.
3. Each student will construct a large card with a pasted magazine picture of his or her assigned mammal and write both English and Yup'ik names on the card.

Specific Grading Critieria:
> Students will produce their mammal cards and be able to identify it.
> Students will submit a brief report on their chosen mammal.

General Grading Critieria:
>Completeness and accuracy

SCAN Skill
Information: Acquires and uses information

1. People: Community members, elders, teachers,
2. Material: Magazine, paste, big cards or construction paper, magic markers, pen/pencil.
3. Equipment: Videos, books, dukane projector, slides.

Specific Grading Critieria> Students will produce their mammal cards and be able to identify it.
> Students will submit a brief report on their chosen mammal.

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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