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Yupiit School District



Identification of Weather



Unit Title

The student will name various climates and outcomes.

2 weeks

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

A. A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principles, and theories.

Detailed Description
Names of weather in Yup'ik and English: students will interveiw parents and other relatives for the names of weather patterns. View weather types using videos, magazines, and elders as resources. Write a paper based on interveiw s and make a booklet describing weather names and techniques of predicting weather.

Task Management Skill
Information: Acquires and uses information


Negeq-North, Ungaleq-South, Calaraq-East (sunrise), kanakneq-west (sunset)
akerta- sun minirpak-shower
akercirtuq-shiny pirtuk-blizzard
amirluq-cloud pircirtuq-snow storm
amirlirtuq-cloudy kavtuk-hail
anuqa-wind mecigaq-sleet
anuqlirtuq-windy Lightening- Kal luk
ellalluk-rain cikunaq-icy fog
ellallirtuq-rainy negeq-north
qanuk-snow ungalaq-south
qanirtuq-snowy calaraq-east
kanakneq/Kanavaq- west
iqalluguat-small snowdrift
qengaruq-large snowdnft
mitcirtarluni-traveling rain
Taligpaq-heavy rain after the thunder
taksurenkelrit-small snow-falling
qarnaunani-same features of ground level
pircillaraluni-blowing snow
patugluluni-blowing, snow forming banks
Uquguat-cloud formation in gathered forms
Nengnukluten-stretched cloud formation
Ella Iluperluni- gray sky

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
Names of weather in Yup'ik and English: students will interveiw parents and other relatives for the names of weather patterns. View weather types using videos, magazines, and elders as resources. Write a paper based on interveiw s and make a booklet describing weather names and techniques of predicting weather.

Domain Outcomes

P1. Read to Understand
Core Skills: reading, information acquisition and management, annalytical thinking

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis
Core skills: analytical thinking, mathematics, relational thinking

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages

P5. Action research project with a team approach:

P6. Utilize one form of technology:

P7. Develop Creative Expression:

P8. Write a report:

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:


Career Investigations

Community Service Options:

Internet Questions:



Date Created10/20/1996

Unit TitleIdentification of Weather

Date Modified3/24/2000

Time to Complete2 weeks

Cultural ConceptKnowledge of weather names and predictions of weather for both summer and winter.

Outcome Area
Survival Skills

State Standard
A. A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principles, and theories.

District Outcome 1:
4) understand observable natural events such as tides, weather, seasons, and moon phases in terms of the structure and motion of the earth (Earth)

District Outcome 2:
6. Understand the causes of the weather.

Detailed Description:
Names of weather in Yup'ik and English: students will interveiw parents and other relatives for the names of weather patterns. View weather types using videos, magazines, and elders as resources. Write a paper based on interveiw s and make a booklet describing weather names and techniques of predicting weather.

Specific Grading Critieria:
>The students will know the types of weather names.
>Student discussion regarding weather and survival in wilderness in case of accidents.
>Predicting weather outcomes.
> Write an essay

General Grading Critieria:
>Completeness and accuracy

SCAN Skill
Information: Acquires and uses information

1. People: parents, community, health aide, elders
2. Materials-weather book, Yup'ik dictionary, pencil, paper.
3. Information- videos, magazines, parents, relatives, library
4. Equipment- audio visual aids, compass

Specific Grading Critieria>The students will know the types of weather names.
>Student discussion regarding weather and survival in wilderness in case of accidents.
>Predicting weather outcomes.
> Write an essay

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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