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Yupiit School District



Skinning and Dissecting Animals



Unit Title

Learn how to skin/dissect animals on own.

5 hours

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

B. A student should possess and understand the skills of scientific inquiry.

Detailed Description
The students will learn how to skin and dissect local animals and properly remove edible/ non edible parts. They will learn the main internal organs and name them. Demonstrate the proper cleaning of skins, also what meat to save and discard. Students will learn the proper dissecting methods to prepare meat for cooking. They will learn proper use of uluaq/knife and to sharpen it.

1. The students will observe an instructor first, before opening an animal;
2. The instructor will demonstrate the proper opening, starting from the hind legs, slit across the paws, then start skinning with the uluaq. The instructor will make sure the fat and the skin is cut properly avoiding cuts on the skin. The students may take turns skinning with the help of an instructor making sure the skin is clean and properly cut;
3. List of animals that are opened on the hind: otter, mink, muskrat, fox, wolf, squirrel, weasel, marmot, marten, lynx, wolverine; and,
4. Animals opened on the belly: beaver, bear, porcupine, moose, caribou, reindeer.

Task Management Skill
Systems: Understands complex inter-relationships


amiq/qecik - skin
qenercenraat - glands
uquq - oil
ekit - old cuts on skin
uatii - hind legs
melqulget - furs
qilut - guts
aqsanra - stomach side
tenguk - liver
tunulinra - back part
ircaquq - heart
catai - long furs
pugtautet - lungs
usgunrit - joints
kemek - meat
itgat - feet
ilut - extemal organs
augyanret - blood clot
amiirluku - skin
tulimarat - ribs
keligluku - to scrape
ukliat - cut up meat
uaciluku - to open at the hind
cataq - membrane tissue
keligluku - to scrape

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
The students will learn how to skin and dissect local animals and properly remove edible/ non edible parts. They will learn the main internal organs and name them. Demonstrate the proper cleaning of skins, also what meat to save and discard. Students will learn the proper dissecting methods to prepare meat for cooking. They will learn proper use of uluaq/knife and to sharpen it.

1. The students will observe an instructor first, before opening an animal;
2. The instructor will demonstrate the proper opening, starting from the hind legs, slit across the paws, then start skinning with the uluaq. The instructor will make sure the fat and the skin is cut properly avoiding cuts on the skin. The students may take turns skinning with the help of an instructor making sure the skin is clean and properly cut;
3. List of animals that are opened on the hind: otter, mink, muskrat, fox, wolf, squirrel, weasel, marmot, marten, lynx, wolverine; and,
4. Animals opened on the belly: beaver, bear, porcupine, moose, caribou, reindeer.

Domain Outcomes

P1. Read to Understand
Core Skills: reading, information acquisition and management, annalytical thinking

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis
Core skills: analytical thinking, mathematics, relational thinking

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages

P5. Action research project with a team approach:

P6. Utilize one form of technology:

P7. Develop Creative Expression:

P8. Write a report:

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:


Career Investigations

Community Service Options:

Internet Questions:



Date Created2/5/1997

Unit TitleSkinning and Dissecting Animals

Date Modified3/24/2000

Time to Complete5 hours

Cultural ConceptPeople hunted animals for food and clothing.

Outcome Area

State Standard
B. A student should possess and understand the skills of scientific inquiry.

District Outcome 1:
Understand the food chains and human effect on them.

District Outcome 2:

Detailed Description:
The students will learn how to skin and dissect local animals and properly remove edible/ non edible parts. They will learn the main internal organs and name them. Demonstrate the proper cleaning of skins, also what meat to save and discard. Students will learn the proper dissecting methods to prepare meat for cooking. They will learn proper use of uluaq/knife and to sharpen it.

1. The students will observe an instructor first, before opening an animal;
2. The instructor will demonstrate the proper opening, starting from the hind legs, slit across the paws, then start skinning with the uluaq. The instructor will make sure the fat and the skin is cut properly avoiding cuts on the skin. The students may take turns skinning with the help of an instructor making sure the skin is clean and properly cut;
3. List of animals that are opened on the hind: otter, mink, muskrat, fox, wolf, squirrel, weasel, marmot, marten, lynx, wolverine; and,
4. Animals opened on the belly: beaver, bear, porcupine, moose, caribou, reindeer.

Specific Grading Critieria:
> Proper handling of knives
> Naming animal's organs
> Classifying edible and nonedible parts
> Steps for skinning
> Vocabulary terms used in skinning.

General Grading Critieria:
> Followed assignment directions

SCAN Skill
Systems: Understands complex inter-relationships

Teacher, resource person, animal carcass, butcher knife, uluaq, pans, ziploc, freezer wrapper

Specific Grading Critieria> Proper handling of knives
> Naming animal's organs
> Classifying edible and nonedible parts
> Steps for skinning
> Vocabulary terms used in skinning.

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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