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Yupiit School District



Spring Camping



Unit Title

To learn the area of spring camps or their land allotments and what to expect to see and hunt.

3 weeks

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

A) A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principles, and theories.

Detailed Description
The student will learn what to look for, how to hunt, and learn the wilderness way of life at their families spring camp.
1. The students will learn what fur animals are gathered during this season.
2. What types of transportation gear, dwellings, weapons or traps are used to trap animals.
3. Naming all kinds of birds that migrate.
4. The students will learn the names of their family's spring camping places in Yup'ik and find it on a map. Naming rivers, hunting spots, trapping places, lakes and other important areas where the people trap or hunt.

Task Management Skill
Information: Acquires and uses information


upnerkaq - spring
amiq - skin
kapkaana - traps
qemiq - hill
qamigautak - canoe sled
uluaq - women's knife
urluveq - bow
neqnirliaraat - sweet roots
pitegcaun - arrow
urunret - spring cran berries
penguq - small hill
kuigaat - creeks
ulligtaat - dried white fish
carilqaq - meadow
ayut - labrador tea
yaqulget - birds
nanvat - lakes
peksut - eggs
qalviryaq - bog quicksand
amit - skins
kanaqlak - muskrats
ekit - torn holes on fur
qemitat - dried muskrats
uluaq - women's knife
nillat - skin stretchers
naanret - coat(muskrats of 30)
melqulget - fur goods
amiirluni - skinning animals
ulligtaruat - dried white fish
taluyat - fish trap
melqulget - fur goods
aguun - canoe
pelaatkaaq - tent

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
The student will learn what to look for, how to hunt, and learn the wilderness way of life at their families spring camp.
1. The students will learn what fur animals are gathered during this season.
2. What types of transportation gear, dwellings, weapons or traps are used to trap animals.
3. Naming all kinds of birds that migrate.
4. The students will learn the names of their family's spring camping places in Yup'ik and find it on a map. Naming rivers, hunting spots, trapping places, lakes and other important areas where the people trap or hunt.

Domain Outcomes

P1. Read to Understand
Core Skills: reading, information acquisition and management, annalytical thinking

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis
Core skills: analytical thinking, mathematics, relational thinking

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages

P5. Action research project with a team approach:

P6. Utilize one form of technology:

P7. Develop Creative Expression:

P8. Write a report:

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:


Career Investigations

Community Service Options:

Internet Questions:



Date Created2/7/1997

Unit TitleSpring Camping

Date Modified3/24/2000

Time to Complete3 weeks

Cultural ConceptThe student will name animals, demonstrate knowledge of migration and demonstrate ability to interpret maps of the area.

Outcome Area

State Standard
A) A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principles, and theories.

District Outcome 1:
4. Understand how living in a geographical region affects how people live.

District Outcome 2:

Detailed Description:
The student will learn what to look for, how to hunt, and learn the wilderness way of life at their families spring camp.
1. The students will learn what fur animals are gathered during this season.
2. What types of transportation gear, dwellings, weapons or traps are used to trap animals.
3. Naming all kinds of birds that migrate.
4. The students will learn the names of their family's spring camping places in Yup'ik and find it on a map. Naming rivers, hunting spots, trapping places, lakes and other important areas where the people trap or hunt.

Specific Grading Critieria:
> Researches an area map
> Researches animals and migratory patterns
> Knows types of weapons for hunting

General Grading Critieria:
> Followed assignment directions

SCAN Skill
Information: Acquires and uses information

1. In a library find the books on animals, transportation, spring camping, or maps of area.
2. Local people, elders, B/B teachers,

Specific Grading Critieria> Researches an area map
> Researches animals and migratory patterns
> Knows types of weapons for hunting

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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