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Yupiit School District


English/ Language Arts

Eskimo Ice Cream (Akutaq)



Unit Title

The student will demonstrate knowledge of various Yup'ik Eskimo Ice Cream and their uses orally and demonstrate how they are made.

1 week

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

A) A student should be able to speak and write well for a variety of purposes & audiences.

Detailed Description
Student discussion regarding variety of Eskimo Ice-cream, ability to make ice-cream using own ingredients, written assignment and reports. Homework assignments and testing can be provided, tasting party after this lesson.
Introduce different Ice-Creams daily
1. Assign homework where students ask parents, community members.
2. Community members about a specific "Akutaq" and how they are traditionally made.
3. Compile word list
4. Pronounce names of different types of "Akutaq" in Yup'ik and English
5. Write ingredients of each "Akutaq"
6. The students will write reports on the Eskimo Ice-creams and learn how they are made.

Task Management Skill
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources


uqiinaq-mixture of berries , seal oil, and sugar
tunuq- back fat/tallow
kemlek-mixture of fish, shortening, berries, oil, and sugar
qerrpertaq-pike roe with berries,oil,sugar
passiaq-white fish roe with berries, oil, and sugar
tenguggluk-cooked fish liver with berries, oil, and sugar
aurrluk-cooked fish giblets, liver, eggs, meats with berries
mak'aaq-aged salmon roe mixture with salmon berries, oil, and sugar
uqinaq-mixture of salmon berries with oil and sugar
atsiuraq-boiled cranberries with flour and sugar
qetget-mouse nuts
anlleret-cotton grass roots

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
Student discussion regarding variety of Eskimo Ice-cream, ability to make ice-cream using own ingredients, written assignment and reports. Homework assignments and testing can be provided, tasting party after this lesson.
Introduce different Ice-Creams daily
1. Assign homework where students ask parents, community members.
2. Community members about a specific "Akutaq" and how they are traditionally made.
3. Compile word list
4. Pronounce names of different types of "Akutaq" in Yup'ik and English
5. Write ingredients of each "Akutaq"
6. The students will write reports on the Eskimo Ice-creams and learn how they are made.

Domain Outcomes

P1. Read to Understand

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages

P5. Action research project with a team approach:

P6. Utilize one form of technology:

P7. Develop Creative Expression:

P8. Write a report:

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:


Career Investigations

Community Service Options:

Internet Questions:


SubjectEnglish/ Language Arts

Date Created2/13/1997

Unit TitleEskimo Ice Cream (Akutaq)

Date Modified3/2/1999

Time to Complete1 week

Cultural ConceptThe student will demonstrate knowledge of various Yup'ik Eskimo Ice Cream and their uses orally and demonstrate how they are made.

Outcome Area

State Standard
A) A student should be able to speak and write well for a variety of purposes & audiences.

District Outcome 1:
5. Be able to write a sequence of several proper and legible sentences organized around a theme.

District Outcome 2:

Detailed Description:
Student discussion regarding variety of Eskimo Ice-cream, ability to make ice-cream using own ingredients, written assignment and reports. Homework assignments and testing can be provided, tasting party after this lesson.
Introduce different Ice-Creams daily
1. Assign homework where students ask parents, community members.
2. Community members about a specific "Akutaq" and how they are traditionally made.
3. Compile word list
4. Pronounce names of different types of "Akutaq" in Yup'ik and English
5. Write ingredients of each "Akutaq"
6. The students will write reports on the Eskimo Ice-creams and learn how they are made.

Specific Grading Critieria:
> The- students will visit community members
> The students will practice pronunciation of the words.
> The students will learn to write Eskimo Ice-cream in Yup'ik and English
> The students will write reports on the Eskimo Ice-creams and learn how they are made.

General Grading Critieria:
> Completeness and accuracy

SCAN Skill
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources

1. People-parents, community members, teachers, teacher aides.
2. Materials-Yup'ik dictionary, Yup'ik orthography, paper, pencils, notebooks, magazines, glue, scissors, pens, shortening, sugar, berries, water, mashed potatoes, moose fat, reindeer fat, seal oil, etc.
3. Information, parents and community members knowledge, resource book, library, book: "Ayuqenrilnguut Atsat".

Specific Grading Critieria> The- students will visit community members
> The students will practice pronunciation of the words.
> The students will learn to write Eskimo Ice-cream in Yup'ik and English
> The students will write reports on the Eskimo Ice-creams and learn how they are made.

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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