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Yupiit School District


Social Studies/Health

Rites of Passage - Yagyarait arnaurtellriit



Unit Title

The girls will be given advice on the rites of passage from the women elders.

1 week

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

A student should understand that history is a record of human experiences that links the past to the present and the future.

Detailed Description
Students will listen to the women elders giving advice on the values that they need to follow after becoming a women. The girls will be prepared to follow the rituals and ceremonies as soon as they start menstruation.
The rites of passage in the Yup'ik culture is one of the important part of life teachings that the students need to know and carry on to the next generation. The physical changes that take place in the young lady depends on the rituals that are carried on to enhance the healthy body . The land and weather patterns can be changed by the actions of a young lady because she is believed to possess power during the time that the body is changing from a girl to a women. She may have healing powers and may cause bad luck to the hunter if she accidently touch the clothing of a man or hunting gear. She is to avoid contact with the male and be in isolation for at least up to ten days.

Task Management Skill
Systems: Understands complex inter-relationships


neryunani qasanek, yaqulerneq
angutem aklua agturnaunaku
qamikuni patuluku-

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
Students will listen to the women elders giving advice on the values that they need to follow after becoming a women. The girls will be prepared to follow the rituals and ceremonies as soon as they start menstruation.
The rites of passage in the Yup'ik culture is one of the important part of life teachings that the students need to know and carry on to the next generation. The physical changes that take place in the young lady depends on the rituals that are carried on to enhance the healthy body . The land and weather patterns can be changed by the actions of a young lady because she is believed to possess power during the time that the body is changing from a girl to a women. She may have healing powers and may cause bad luck to the hunter if she accidently touch the clothing of a man or hunting gear. She is to avoid contact with the male and be in isolation for at least up to ten days.

Domain Outcomes

P1. Read to Understand

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages

P5. Action research project with a team approach:

P6. Utilize one form of technology:

P7. Develop Creative Expression:

P8. Write a report:

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:


Career Investigations

Community Service Options:

Internet Questions:


SubjectSocial Studies/Health

Date Created11/26/1997

Unit Title Rites of Passage - Yagyarait arnaurtellriit

Date Modified3/24/2000

Time to Complete1 week

Cultural Concept The students will learn that there are rituals that they have to follow after becoming a woman.

Outcome Area

State Standard
A student should understand that history is a record of human experiences that links the past to the present and the future.

District Outcome 1:
B. Be able to relate social studies to your life.

District Outcome 2:
Develope personal and family rules to insure ones safety.

Detailed Description:
Students will listen to the women elders giving advice on the values that they need to follow after becoming a women. The girls will be prepared to follow the rituals and ceremonies as soon as they start menstruation.
The rites of passage in the Yup'ik culture is one of the important part of life teachings that the students need to know and carry on to the next generation. The physical changes that take place in the young lady depends on the rituals that are carried on to enhance the healthy body . The land and weather patterns can be changed by the actions of a young lady because she is believed to possess power during the time that the body is changing from a girl to a women. She may have healing powers and may cause bad luck to the hunter if she accidently touch the clothing of a man or hunting gear. She is to avoid contact with the male and be in isolation for at least up to ten days.

Specific Grading Critieria:
Students will be able to tell the elder about the rituals for seasonal activities.
Write an essay on the Do's and Don'ts.
Write an essay about the reason why she needs to follow the values.

General Grading Critieria:
> Mechanics (punctuation, spelling, etc.)

SCAN Skill
Systems: Understands complex inter-relationships

People-Teacher, Bilingual Teacher, Elder
Materials- paper, computer,

Specific Grading CritieriaStudents will be able to tell the elder about the rituals for seasonal activities.
Write an essay on the Do's and Don'ts.
Write an essay about the reason why she needs to follow the values.

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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