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Yupiit School District



Traditional Games



Unit Title

1 week

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

A student should be able to acquire a core knowledge related to well -being.

Detailed Description
The students will learn to demonstrate and play piataq (bat/ball) game. Its a similiar game as baseball but has only two bases and two teams. When a hit is homerun all the students who batted and did not make it to the other base can run across and back. Each player can get another chance to bat, three times. This requires a lot of running and swinging a bat.

The students will demonstrate and play flag game (tag). This game has two teams and the teams make a big circle and home base. Each team has to stay in the circle and try to enter the other teams circle by forcing entry. When you enter the other teams circle you can take another team member as a nd free a jailed person. The jailed person is a member who was tagged upon trying to force entry. This type of a game requires team work, being observant, and being a fast runner.

The students will learn to demonstrate all the Native Olympic games and participate in the regional level.

Task Management Skill
Interpersonal: Works with others


piataq (bat/ball) game

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
The students will learn to demonstrate and play piataq (bat/ball) game. Its a similiar game as baseball but has only two bases and two teams. When a hit is homerun all the students who batted and did not make it to the other base can run across and back. Each player can get another chance to bat, three times. This requires a lot of running and swinging a bat.

The students will demonstrate and play flag game (tag). This game has two teams and the teams make a big circle and home base. Each team has to stay in the circle and try to enter the other teams circle by forcing entry. When you enter the other teams circle you can take another team member as a nd free a jailed person. The jailed person is a member who was tagged upon trying to force entry. This type of a game requires team work, being observant, and being a fast runner.

The students will learn to demonstrate all the Native Olympic games and participate in the regional level.

Domain Outcomes

P1. Read to Understand

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages

P5. Action research project with a team approach:

P6. Utilize one form of technology:

P7. Develop Creative Expression:

P8. Write a report:

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:


Career Investigations

Community Service Options:

Internet Questions:



Date Created1/23/1998

Unit TitleTraditional Games

Date Modified3/24/2000

Time to Complete1 week

Cultural ConceptStudents will become knowledgable of the traditional games that are part of the Yup'ik culture.

Outcome Area

State Standard
A student should be able to acquire a core knowledge related to well -being.

District Outcome 1:
1. Achieve physical fitness through physical activities.

District Outcome 2:

Detailed Description:
The students will learn to demonstrate and play piataq (bat/ball) game. Its a similiar game as baseball but has only two bases and two teams. When a hit is homerun all the students who batted and did not make it to the other base can run across and back. Each player can get another chance to bat, three times. This requires a lot of running and swinging a bat.

The students will demonstrate and play flag game (tag). This game has two teams and the teams make a big circle and home base. Each team has to stay in the circle and try to enter the other teams circle by forcing entry. When you enter the other teams circle you can take another team member as a nd free a jailed person. The jailed person is a member who was tagged upon trying to force entry. This type of a game requires team work, being observant, and being a fast runner.

The students will learn to demonstrate all the Native Olympic games and participate in the regional level.

Specific Grading Critieria:
tudents will be graded on written assignment.
Students will be graded on ability, participation, and knowledge of rules.

General Grading Critieria:
> Followed specific processes

SCAN Skill
Interpersonal: Works with others

Elders, resource people, teacher, teachers aide
Baseball, softball, bat,

Specific Grading Critieriatudents will be graded on written assignment.
Students will be graded on ability, participation, and knowledge of rules.

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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