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Yupiit School District


Yup'ik Language

Traditional Games



Unit Title

One-Sentence Summary

Time to Complete

A student should be able to acquire a core knowledge related to well -being.

Detailed Description
Native people have been playing games for hundreds of years. Many different games were played, such as piaskaq, kalaciq, airraq, piataq, yo yos, tag, and aavicaq. The games can be played by teams or one person against another. The piaskaq is the game that was adopted and it is a checker games. The rules are made by the people. Kalaciq is a dart game that uses body parts as you play the game . Each body part is named and the players have to follow the rules to play the game. The games is to throw a dart on the ground and if the dart lands standing your opponent has to step on the spot where the dart landed on the ground.

Task Management Skill
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources


kalaciq-dart game
airraq-string stories
piataq-lap game
yo yos
aavicaq-dart game

Primary Domain

Detailed Description
Native people have been playing games for hundreds of years. Many different games were played, such as piaskaq, kalaciq, airraq, piataq, yo yos, tag, and aavicaq. The games can be played by teams or one person against another. The piaskaq is the game that was adopted and it is a checker games. The rules are made by the people. Kalaciq is a dart game that uses body parts as you play the game . Each body part is named and the players have to follow the rules to play the game. The games is to throw a dart on the ground and if the dart lands standing your opponent has to step on the spot where the dart landed on the ground.

Domain Outcomes

P1. Read to Understand

P2. Complete a Mathematical Analysis

P3. Create a Map, Graph, or Chart

P4. Demonstrate Competency in World Languages

P5. Action research project with a team approach:

P6. Utilize one form of technology:

P7. Develop Creative Expression:

P8. Write a report:

P9. Make an Oral Presentation:


Career Investigations

Community Service Options:

Internet Questions:


SubjectYup'ik Language

Date Created1/23/1998

Unit TitleTraditional Games

Date Modified12/9/1999

Time to Complete

Cultural ConceptThe students will become knowledgable of traditional games.

Outcome Area

State Standard
A student should be able to acquire a core knowledge related to well -being.

District Outcome 1:
G. Be able to evaluate physical fitness needs, interests, and opportunities.

District Outcome 2:

Detailed Description:
Native people have been playing games for hundreds of years. Many different games were played, such as piaskaq, kalaciq, airraq, piataq, yo yos, tag, and aavicaq. The games can be played by teams or one person against another. The piaskaq is the game that was adopted and it is a checker games. The rules are made by the people. Kalaciq is a dart game that uses body parts as you play the game . Each body part is named and the players have to follow the rules to play the game. The games is to throw a dart on the ground and if the dart lands standing your opponent has to step on the spot where the dart landed on the ground.

Specific Grading Critieria:
Students will be graded on written assignment.
Students will be graded on ability, participation, and knowledge of rules.

General Grading Critieria:
> Followed specific processes

SCAN Skill
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources

Bilingual teacher, resource person,
Dart, checker game, fur scrapes, string,

Specific Grading CritieriaStudents will be graded on written assignment.
Students will be graded on ability, participation, and knowledge of rules.

» Yupiit Culture Curriculum

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