Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Resources for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing.

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The compact discs, made from digitized masters of the original recordings, and this index were produced by the Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Library and Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum and the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency, and by the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Library Association, and the Alaska State Library. For more information or to order any CD (available for check out, too), contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

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(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Aalik (Father-in-law's revenge for hurting his daughter). Subject: Stories, family, children.

Ref. cut: H9112208
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Aalik (Father-in-law's revenge for hurting his daughter). Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112209
(Galena) Notti, Madeline: Koyukon and English. Title: About family and prospecting; Medicine people; Woodsmen. Subject: Mining, traditional living, medicine people, family.

Ref. cut: H9112264
(Kaltag) Stanley, Missouri: Koyukon and English. Title: About the stick dance; Songs; Who is being dressed. Subject: Dances, songs, clothing.

Ref. cut: H9112235
(Kaltag) Alexie, Mary: Koyukon and English. Title: About the stick dance; Songs; Who is being dressed. Subject: Dances, songs, clothing.

Ref. cut: H9112235
(Kaltag) Alexie, Mary: Koyukon and English. Title: About womanhood, being secluded, and her first husband; About traditional beliefs; About the stick dance. Subject: Traditional living, traditional beliefs, dances, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112237
(Kaltag) Carlo, Poldine: Koyukon and English. Title: About womanhood, being secluded, and her first husband; About traditional beliefs; About the stick dance. Subject: Traditional living, traditional beliefs, dances, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112237
(Fort Yukon) Joseph, Peter: Kutchin. Title: Abraham; Wolverine. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H911229
(Politics and History) Upickson, Joe: English. Title: AFN speech, 12/71; Protection of subsistence living; North Slope pipeline permits; Tanana Chiefs; Alaska Federation of Natives; Birthrights for jobs; Share and share alike; Greed and Western culture; Wildlife Refuge land; Self-identity and respect. Subject: Politics, land claims, resources, sharing, education, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Alaska Federation of Natives, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78126
(Politics and History) Oldperson, Earl: English. Title: Alaska Native land claims bill; Alaska Federation of Natives; National Congress of American Indians; Native identity. Subject: Politics, Alaska Federation of Natives, land claims, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78133
(Fairbanks) Barnabas, Bessie: Tanana. Title: Animal story, part 2; War story; Songs; Ant story; Indian love song. Subject: Stories, war, songs, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112322
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Anniktlgiik (Man who was hard to hit with arrow but was finally killed). Subject: Stories, war.

Ref. cut: H9912206
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Aquppak; Life of Auuyuk, part 1. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112198
(Arctic Village) Tritt, Abel: Kutchin. Title: Arctic Village; Old John; Abel's father. Subject: Elders, family.

Ref. cut: H911234
(Saint Lawrence) : Inupiaq. Title: Asiatic Eskimo music; Walrus hunt song; Raven song; Raven and the fox. Subject: Songs, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H78147
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Attungowruk. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112194
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Tobuk, James: English. Title: Autobiography. Subject: Traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112181
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Tobuk, James: English. Title: Autobiography. Subject: Traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112180
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Athabascan. Title: Autobiography. Subject: Chiefs.

Ref. cut: H911251
(Politics and History) Kawagly, Oscar: English. Title: Autobiography and thoughts on education; BIA elementary school for Natives; School integration in Bethel, 1945; Linguistics program at UAF; Teaching programs for Native crafts, dance, songs and culture; Fish camps, subsistence fishing, smokehouse. Subject: Education, discrimination, politics, traditional living, fishing, hunting, sharing, Native languages, Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Ref. cut: H780104
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Autobiography, part 1. Subject: Traditional living, chiefs.

Ref. cut: H9112275
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Autobiography, part 2. Subject: Traditional living, chiefs.

Ref. cut: H9112274
(Minto) John, Peter: Central Tanana. Title: Autobiography; Child raised by a grandmother story; First Christmas tree. Subject: Traditional living, floods, resources, mining, alcohol, elders, chiefs, Christianity, family, children.
Listen to the interview (15.3 MB)

Ref. cut: H911266
(Rampart) McCarty, Bill: English. Title: Autobiography; Dog teams for transportation; Potlatches along the river; Reindeer herding; Stick dances; Trapping fox, mink and lynx; Ruby Street front fire in 1930's; NC Company. Subject: Traditional living; education; fishing; dogs, traveling; potlatches; herding; fires; dances; .

Ref. cut: H78186
(Ruby) Titus, Henry: English. Title: Autobiography; First airplane. Subject: Traditional living, airplanes.

Ref. cut: H78187b
(Rampart) Harwood, Katherine: English. Title: Autobiography; Fishing; Work at Doyon; Fish wheels. Subject: Traditional living; education; fishing; foods.

Ref. cut: H78185b
(Ruby) Honea, Johnny: English. Title: Autobiography; Herded reindeer; Cut wood for the steamboats and mining camps; Dog teams. Subject: Traditional living, fishing, hunting, trapping, herding, boats, dogs, mining.

Ref. cut: H78187a
(Rampart) Woods, Walter: English. Title: Autobiography; Ice jam flood; Fishing in Yukon; Sternwheelers; Dog mushing. Subject: Floods, fishing, boats, dogs, traditional living, alcohol.

Ref. cut: H78183a
(Point Hope) Rock, Howard: English. Title: Autobiography; Ivory carving; World War II; Tundra Times established. Subject: Carving, war, politics, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78113
(Ruby) Titus, Henry: English. Title: Autobiography; Mail delivered by airplane; Fishing, hunting and trapping; Names changed by teachers. Subject: Traditional living, airplanes, hunting, fishing, trapping, discrimination, dogs, stories, education.

Ref. cut: H78188
(Kotzebue) Green, Paul: English. Title: Autobiography; Missionaries; Dog team travel; Making oomiaks and kayaks; Eskimo dance demonstration in Washington, DC; Whale and seal hunting; Skin splitting and sewing; Blanket toss; Alaska Airlines. Subject: Dogs, traveling, traditional living, dances, hunting, whaling, sewing, snow shoes, houses, carving, games, Christianity.

Ref. cut: H78117
(Allakaket) Simon, Sarah: Koyukon and English. Title: Autobiography; Mouse song; Owl song; Caribou song 1; Caribou song 2; Lynx story; Sun and moon story. Subject: Songs, stories, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H911211
(Allakaket) Simon, Lee: Koyukon and English. Title: Autobiography; Mouse song; Owl song; Caribou song 1; Caribou song 2; Lynx story; Sun and moon story. Subject: Songs, stories, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H911211
(Kotzebue) Jensen, Charlie: Inupiaq and English. Title: Autobiography; Native songs; White fox story . Subject: Songs, stories, traditional living, animals.

Ref. cut: H78120
(Kotzebue) Jensen, Lucy: Inupiaq and English. Title: Autobiography; Native songs; White fox story. Subject: Songs, stories, traditional living, animals.

Ref. cut: H78120
(Barrow) Hopson, Eben: English. Title: Autobiography; Politics; High school; World War; Statehood. Subject: Hunting, dogs, traveling, Alaska Federation of Natives, education, politics, discrimination.

Ref. cut: H78123
(Tununak) Angiak, John: Yupik. Title: Autobiography; Shaman heals the people song; Romantic song for girl; Guitar music. Subject: Stories, songs, traditional living, shaman.

Ref. cut: H78149
(Koyukuk) Solomon, Madeline: Athabascan and English. Title: Autobiography; Stick dance and Nutsit; Wild woman from kateel. Subject: Traditional living, dances, stories, women.

Ref. cut: H9112325
(Unalaska) Shapsnikoff, Anfesia: Aleut and English. Title: Autobiography; Storytelling; Two cousins and their boats; Women's roles; Raising children; Role of Chief; Marriage customs. Subject: Storytelling, stories, traditional living, chiefs, marriage, women, family, boats.

Ref. cut: H9112159
(Saint Lawrence) Pennyah, Amos: Inupiaq. Title: Autobiography; Trip to Siberia. Subject: Traditional living, traveling.

Ref. cut: H78139
(Point Hope) Rock, Howard: English. Title: Autobiography; Whaling; Tundra Times. Subject: Boats, whaling, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78112
(Allakaket) Williams, Joe, Sr.: Koyukon and English. Title: Autobiography; Working at Allakaket store, 1919; Demography of South Fork, Allakaket, and Alatna; Learning stories and songs; Flood of 1935. Subject: Fishing, floods, traditional living, storytelling.

Ref. cut: H911206
(Nulato) Peter, Pauline: Koyukon and English. Title: Ave Marie; Rosary song; Catholic prayers; Ten Commandments. Subject: Christianity, songs, prayers.

Ref. cut: H9112101
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Ayuvina (About a good man whom jealous men try to kill). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112197

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