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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Calcarius lapponicus

Chilu{ - Calcarius lapponicus

Chilu{, saaqudgim sakuchaa aza{. Uku}aqa}ulax aguun qanikinga masxal aguun udaa}al qayas ilan hawang aku{ uku}aqaliza{. Slum aslaan, chilum ali}ingis angaacha}il tutaatuna{ agu{tal haang azas.

Chilum ali}igan kamgii qaxchikda{ ama chumnugim qaxchikdaa ama quhma{ angali{taza{. Chilum ali}igan hiiyukaa chumnugiku{ ilidaa quhmaza{. Aqadaguun chilum ayagagan hakangis chumnugim qaxchikdaa ama quhma{ angali{tazas.

Slum aslaan udang al saahmla}il aqadagudix saaqudikinga masxal aguun, ilagaan hawaa}aqamdix hadan huyaa}utazas.

Alaska Longspur - Calcarius lapponicus

A longspur is strictly a summer bird. It is only seen in the summer. Longspurs are seen starting to arrive in the spring and they can be seen up in the hills. The drake longspur likes singing, and it has a very nice sounding song.

The drake longspur has a black, brown and whitish head, a white chest and a yellow bill. The hen, on the other hand, has kind of brownish and white colored feathers.

The longspur spends the summers here and they lay eggs, and they have their young. When fall comes, they head back to where they came from.

Synthliboramphus antiquus

Qizangi{ - Synthliboramphus antiquus

Qizangi{, salaayakucha{ aku{. Ala}um kugan slum aslaan hasinakuchal haang akus uku}azas. Sakucham quuhmliigii aku{ kamgii qaxchikdaku{, uyugan ilagaan atxulii akiita{ quhmaza{. Kitakix ama hiiyukaa ila{taa qaxchikdaza{.

Slum aslaan tan}is kugan tanam sinigan huna{ agu{tal ilan saahmala}izas, hagumatakus cha}il igulgazaqas a{tazakus. Wayaam haqaya}azalaka}is. Saahmlangis kuuricham saahmlaa as txidix aagiikal hiila{tazas.

Slum aslaan hasinanas agudix, qan'gim ngaan ixchil uku}aqadazas. Slum sangis akus mal, slum aslaan udang alanakuchaza}ulas. Agiichigaan kalu}talgal qalgazakus.

Ancient Murrelet - Synthliboramphus antiquus

The ancient murrelet is a very small duck. It is seen in great numbers during the summers. The murrelet is a small grayish bird with a black head. It has white feathers from its throat to its belly. The bill and feet on a murrelet is black in color.

During the summers, the ancient murrelets nest on islets in burrows they build for that purpose. In the past, the murrelets and eggs were gathered by hand just by grabbing them while they were nesting in their burrows. Today, this is not done like it was in the past.

The eggs of ancient murrelets are large. The egg is approximately the size of a chicken's egg. During the summers, the ancient murrelets are plentiful, and when fall comes, they head back to where they came from.

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