Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Resources for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing.

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The compact discs, made from digitized masters of the original recordings, and this index were produced by the Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Library and Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum and the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency, and by the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Library Association, and the Alaska State Library. For more information or to order any CD (available for check out, too), contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

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(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Aalik (Father-in-law's revenge for hurting his daughter). Subject: Stories, family, children.

Ref. cut: H9112208
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Aalik (Father-in-law's revenge for hurting his daughter). Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112209
(Galena) Notti, Madeline: Koyukon and English. Title: About family and prospecting; Medicine people; Woodsmen. Subject: Mining, traditional living, medicine people, family.

Ref. cut: H9112264
(Kaltag) Stanley, Missouri: Koyukon and English. Title: About the stick dance; Songs; Who is being dressed. Subject: Dances, songs, clothing.

Ref. cut: H9112235
(Kaltag) Alexie, Mary: Koyukon and English. Title: About the stick dance; Songs; Who is being dressed. Subject: Dances, songs, clothing.

Ref. cut: H9112235
(Kaltag) Alexie, Mary: Koyukon and English. Title: About womanhood, being secluded, and her first husband; About traditional beliefs; About the stick dance. Subject: Traditional living, traditional beliefs, dances, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112237
(Kaltag) Carlo, Poldine: Koyukon and English. Title: About womanhood, being secluded, and her first husband; About traditional beliefs; About the stick dance. Subject: Traditional living, traditional beliefs, dances, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112237
(Fort Yukon) Joseph, Peter: Kutchin. Title: Abraham; Wolverine. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H911229
(Politics and History) Upickson, Joe: English. Title: AFN speech, 12/71; Protection of subsistence living; North Slope pipeline permits; Tanana Chiefs; Alaska Federation of Natives; Birthrights for jobs; Share and share alike; Greed and Western culture; Wildlife Refuge land; Self-identity and respect. Subject: Politics, land claims, resources, sharing, education, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Alaska Federation of Natives, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78126
(Politics and History) Oldperson, Earl: English. Title: Alaska Native land claims bill; Alaska Federation of Natives; National Congress of American Indians; Native identity. Subject: Politics, Alaska Federation of Natives, land claims, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78133
(Fairbanks) Barnabas, Bessie: Tanana. Title: Animal story, part 2; War story; Songs; Ant story; Indian love song. Subject: Stories, war, songs, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112322
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Anniktlgiik (Man who was hard to hit with arrow but was finally killed). Subject: Stories, war.

Ref. cut: H9912206
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Aquppak; Life of Auuyuk, part 1. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112198
(Arctic Village) Tritt, Abel: Kutchin. Title: Arctic Village; Old John; Abel's father. Subject: Elders, family.

Ref. cut: H911234
(Saint Lawrence) : Inupiaq. Title: Asiatic Eskimo music; Walrus hunt song; Raven song; Raven and the fox. Subject: Songs, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H78147
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Attungowruk. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112194
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Tobuk, James: English. Title: Autobiography. Subject: Traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112181
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Tobuk, James: English. Title: Autobiography. Subject: Traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112180
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Athabascan. Title: Autobiography. Subject: Chiefs.

Ref. cut: H911251
(Politics and History) Kawagly, Oscar: English. Title: Autobiography and thoughts on education; BIA elementary school for Natives; School integration in Bethel, 1945; Linguistics program at UAF; Teaching programs for Native crafts, dance, songs and culture; Fish camps, subsistence fishing, smokehouse. Subject: Education, discrimination, politics, traditional living, fishing, hunting, sharing, Native languages, Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Ref. cut: H780104
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Autobiography, part 1. Subject: Traditional living, chiefs.

Ref. cut: H9112275
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Autobiography, part 2. Subject: Traditional living, chiefs.

Ref. cut: H9112274
(Minto) John, Peter: Central Tanana. Title: Autobiography; Child raised by a grandmother story; First Christmas tree. Subject: Traditional living, floods, resources, mining, alcohol, elders, chiefs, Christianity, family, children.
Listen to the interview (15.3 MB)

Ref. cut: H911266
(Rampart) McCarty, Bill: English. Title: Autobiography; Dog teams for transportation; Potlatches along the river; Reindeer herding; Stick dances; Trapping fox, mink and lynx; Ruby Street front fire in 1930's; NC Company. Subject: Traditional living; education; fishing; dogs, traveling; potlatches; herding; fires; dances; .

Ref. cut: H78186
(Ruby) Titus, Henry: English. Title: Autobiography; First airplane. Subject: Traditional living, airplanes.

Ref. cut: H78187b
(Rampart) Harwood, Katherine: English. Title: Autobiography; Fishing; Work at Doyon; Fish wheels. Subject: Traditional living; education; fishing; foods.

Ref. cut: H78185b
(Ruby) Honea, Johnny: English. Title: Autobiography; Herded reindeer; Cut wood for the steamboats and mining camps; Dog teams. Subject: Traditional living, fishing, hunting, trapping, herding, boats, dogs, mining.

Ref. cut: H78187a
(Rampart) Woods, Walter: English. Title: Autobiography; Ice jam flood; Fishing in Yukon; Sternwheelers; Dog mushing. Subject: Floods, fishing, boats, dogs, traditional living, alcohol.

Ref. cut: H78183a
(Point Hope) Rock, Howard: English. Title: Autobiography; Ivory carving; World War II; Tundra Times established. Subject: Carving, war, politics, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78113
(Ruby) Titus, Henry: English. Title: Autobiography; Mail delivered by airplane; Fishing, hunting and trapping; Names changed by teachers. Subject: Traditional living, airplanes, hunting, fishing, trapping, discrimination, dogs, stories, education.

Ref. cut: H78188
(Kotzebue) Green, Paul: English. Title: Autobiography; Missionaries; Dog team travel; Making oomiaks and kayaks; Eskimo dance demonstration in Washington, DC; Whale and seal hunting; Skin splitting and sewing; Blanket toss; Alaska Airlines. Subject: Dogs, traveling, traditional living, dances, hunting, whaling, sewing, snow shoes, houses, carving, games, Christianity.

Ref. cut: H78117
(Allakaket) Simon, Sarah: Koyukon and English. Title: Autobiography; Mouse song; Owl song; Caribou song 1; Caribou song 2; Lynx story; Sun and moon story. Subject: Songs, stories, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H911211
(Allakaket) Simon, Lee: Koyukon and English. Title: Autobiography; Mouse song; Owl song; Caribou song 1; Caribou song 2; Lynx story; Sun and moon story. Subject: Songs, stories, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H911211
(Kotzebue) Jensen, Charlie: Inupiaq and English. Title: Autobiography; Native songs; White fox story . Subject: Songs, stories, traditional living, animals.

Ref. cut: H78120
(Kotzebue) Jensen, Lucy: Inupiaq and English. Title: Autobiography; Native songs; White fox story. Subject: Songs, stories, traditional living, animals.

Ref. cut: H78120
(Barrow) Hopson, Eben: English. Title: Autobiography; Politics; High school; World War; Statehood. Subject: Hunting, dogs, traveling, Alaska Federation of Natives, education, politics, discrimination.

Ref. cut: H78123
(Tununak) Angiak, John: Yupik. Title: Autobiography; Shaman heals the people song; Romantic song for girl; Guitar music. Subject: Stories, songs, traditional living, shaman.

Ref. cut: H78149
(Koyukuk) Solomon, Madeline: Athabascan and English. Title: Autobiography; Stick dance and Nutsit; Wild woman from kateel. Subject: Traditional living, dances, stories, women.

Ref. cut: H9112325
(Unalaska) Shapsnikoff, Anfesia: Aleut and English. Title: Autobiography; Storytelling; Two cousins and their boats; Women's roles; Raising children; Role of Chief; Marriage customs. Subject: Storytelling, stories, traditional living, chiefs, marriage, women, family, boats.

Ref. cut: H9112159
(Saint Lawrence) Pennyah, Amos: Inupiaq. Title: Autobiography; Trip to Siberia. Subject: Traditional living, traveling.

Ref. cut: H78139
(Point Hope) Rock, Howard: English. Title: Autobiography; Whaling; Tundra Times. Subject: Boats, whaling, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78112
(Allakaket) Williams, Joe, Sr.: Koyukon and English. Title: Autobiography; Working at Allakaket store, 1919; Demography of South Fork, Allakaket, and Alatna; Learning stories and songs; Flood of 1935. Subject: Fishing, floods, traditional living, storytelling.

Ref. cut: H911206
(Nulato) Peter, Pauline: Koyukon and English. Title: Ave Marie; Rosary song; Catholic prayers; Ten Commandments. Subject: Christianity, songs, prayers.

Ref. cut: H9112101
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Ayuvina (About a good man whom jealous men try to kill). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112197


(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Barrow story dances. Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H78160
(Barrow) : Inupiaq and English. Title: Barrow youth center; Performance for the Indian Health Board, 6/2/72; Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78103
(Venetie) Robert, Myra: Kutchin. Title: Bear and crow; Little bird. Subject: Stories, animals, birds.
(Unalakleet) Brown, Emily: Inupiaq and English. Title: Bear's ears; Forgetful boy; How a husband solved his wife's jealousy; Why the cranes circle before they migrate southwards. Subject: Stories, animals, women, birds, children, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112339
(Teller) Milligrok, Queenie: Inupiaq and English. Title: Beautiful woman who married a man from the sky. Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H911255
(Nulato) Sommers, Dorothy: Koyukon. Title: Beginning of the stick dance; War; Medicine people. Subject: Dances, war, medicine people.

Ref. cut: H911217
(Nulato) Stickman, Fred: Koyukon. Title: Beginning of the stick dance; War; Medicine people. Subject: Dances, war, medicine people.

Ref. cut: H911217
(Teller) Milligrok, Queenie: Inupiaq and English. Title: Best ivory carver on Diomede; Two little snipes in Wales. Subject: Stories, carving, birds.

Ref. cut: H911256
(Tanana) Albert, Jimmy: Inner Koyukon. Title: Bohoto story. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911289
(Tanana) Albert, Jimmy: Koyukon and English. Title: Bohoto story, part 1. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112252
(Tanana) Albert, Jimmy: Koyukon and English. Title: Bohoto story, part 2. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112251
(Tanana) Albert, Jimmy: Inner Koyukon. Title: Bohoto story, part 2; How some Eskimos saw Russians for the first time; First moose at Tanana Old Mission. Subject: Stories, first contact, hunting, Russians, animals.

Ref. cut: H911291
(Tanana) Albert, Jimmy: Koyukon and English. Title: Bohoto story, part 3. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112250
(Tanana) Albert, Florence: Inner Koyukon and English. Title: Bowuyuulni story; Meeting between Indian chiefs and Judge Wickersham, 1915; Two boys who slept all winter. Subject: Stories, chiefs.

Ref. cut: H911287
(Bethel) Lind, Maggie: English. Title: Boy who wants to marry a beautiful girl; How the fox got red and white; Boy who drank up the ocean; Mr. and Mrs. Crane; How mole got short fur; Man eating fish and how he got scared by a mouse; How crow got black and how loon got speckles on his back. Subject: Stories, origins, birds, animals, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112163
(Nulato) Esmailka, Olivia: Koyukon. Title: Boy who was very particular about who he married; Grandma and her granddaughter. Subject: Stories, marriage, elders, women, family.

Ref. cut: H9112284
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and English. Title: Brown bear and polar bear, part 1. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112342
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and English. Title: Brown bear and polar bear, part 2. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112343
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and English. Title: Brown bear and polar bear, part 3; Hawk and raven. Subject: Stories, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112344
(Tanana) John, Joe: Koyukon and English. Title: Brown bear fighting with a rolling boulder. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112248
(Fort Yukon) Peter, Katherine: Kutchin. Title: Bushman; Fanny Carroll seeing the Bushman in 1930; Native clothes. Subject: Stories, clothing.

Ref. cut: H911280


(Wales) Natanguk, Dora: Inupiaq and English. Title: Cape York version of the hunter who ate his children. Subject: Stories, children, family.

Ref. cut: H9112160
(Holy Cross) Newnan, Willie: English. Title: Carrying mail by dog team and working on steamboat, part 1. Subject: Dogs, boats, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112331
(Holy Cross) Newnan, Willie: English. Title: Carrying mail by dog team and working on steamboat, part 2. Subject: Dogs, boats, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112332
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: English. Title: Caterpillar; Big head; Stupid; Daniel. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112127
(Fort Yukon) Peter, Abraham: Kutchin. Title: Chgro part 2. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911278
(Tanana) Edwin, George: English. Title: Chief meetings; King salmon fishing; Camps and potlatches. Subject: Chiefs, fishing, potlatches, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78108
(Tanana) Starr, Edward: English. Title: Chief meetings; King salmon fishing; Camps and potlatches. Subject: Chiefs, fishing, potlatches, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78108
(Minto) Titus, Robert: Central Tanana and English. Title: Chiefs hire young people to carry supplies; Athabascan campout at 40 below; How to cure people when they get sick. Subject: Sharing, stars, foods, medicine, stories, traditional living, chiefs, storytelling, winter survival.

Ref. cut: H911201
(Koyukuk) Dayton, John, Sr.: English. Title: Choosing wood for a sled; Building and using a sled bender. Subject: Sleds.

Ref. cut: H9112323
(Barrow) Ahvakana, Floyd: Inupiaq and English. Title: Christmakack Mata Kukzick Kupkuugiak Enuzuklik-Zuaknat Tiganmuit (part 1). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112218
(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Christmas program, Presbyterian church: songs and play. Subject: Songs, Christianity.

Ref. cut: H9112185
(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Christmas program, Presbyterian church: songs and play. Subject: Songs, Christianity.

Ref. cut: H9112184
(Venetie) John, Enoch: Kutchin. Title: Christmas song; Chief Christian story; Crow and brown bear story. Subject: Stories, Christianity, chiefs, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911263
(Venetie) Christian, Abraham: Kutchin. Title: Christmas song; Chief Christian story; Crow and brown bear story. Subject: Stories, Christianity, chiefs, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911263
(Kotzebue) Green, Paul: Inupiaq and English. Title: Cliff climbing; Old time songs; When first white man came; Young man who didn't find game; Two wolves that turned into man and lady. Subject: Singing, first contact, sharing, traditional living, stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H78119
(Politics and History) Baldwin, Walt: English. Title: Cooperative fisheries; Alaska Federation of Natives; Subsistence fishing; Obstacles to commercial fishing. Subject: Fisheries, resources, Alaska Federation of Natives; politics, education.

Ref. cut: H78100
(Wainwright) Kayutak,Michael Jimmy: English. Title: Crab. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112121
(Minto) John, Peter: Unidentified. Title: Crow and whale story; Lesson. Subject: Stories, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H78152
(Chalkyitsik) Moses, Peter: Kutchin. Title: Crow married mallard girl; Inside snake; Crow's name. Subject: Stories, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112107
(Chalkyitsik) Moses, Peter: Kutchin. Title: Crow married mallard girl; Inside snake; Crow's name. Subject: Stories, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112107
(Fairbanks) Barnabas, Bessie: Tanana. Title: Crow story; Frog story; Animal story, part 1. Subject: Stories, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112321
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Athabascan. Title: Crow story; Story of two women who died. Subject: Stories, women, birds.

Ref. cut: H911248
(Venetie) Robert, Myra: Kutchin. Title: Crow that didn't know what to do, part 2; Vasagitsuk and animals, part 1. Subject: Stories, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112289
(Venetie) Robert, Myra: Kutchin. Title: Crow that turned black, part 2. Subject: Stories, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112288
(Kwethluk) Fisher, Adam: Yupik and English. Title: Crow who took a walk along the ocean. Subject: Stories, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112113
(Nenana) Peterson, Celia: English. Title: Customs of the Athabascans; Song about being poor; Beads and quills. Subject: Baskets, foods, hunting, traditional living, women, songs, carving.

Ref. cut: H7891


(Ruby) Pilot, Simon: Koyukon. Title: Dahjatti; Kohetan; Hudson Bay. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911226
(Ruby) Ross, Johnny: Koyukon. Title: Dahjatti; Kohetan; Hudson Bay. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911226
(Unalakleet) Brown, Emily: Inupiaq and English. Title: Deceitful hunter; Lesson for future wife; Legend of tree moss; Little mouse sees the sky for the first time; How raven was deceived by squirrel. Subject: Stories, hunting, women, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112336
(Unalakleet) Slaughter, Helga: Inupiaq and English. Title: Deceitful hunter; Lesson for future wife; Legend of tree moss; Little mouse sees the sky for the first time; How raven was deceived by squirrel. Subject: Stories, hunting, women, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112336
(Venetie) John, Sophie: Kutchin. Title: Description of fishing; Bear story; Crow story; Fish story; Big man story; First white man in 1844; Rabbit and bear. Subject: Stories, fishing, first contact, animals, birds, fish.

Ref. cut: H911262
(Venetie) John, Enoch: Kutchin. Title: Description of fishing; Bear story; Crow story; Fish story; Big man story; First white man in 1844; Rabbit and bear. Subject: Stories, fishing, first contact, animals, birds, fish.

Ref. cut: H911262
(Kwethluk) Fisher, Adam: Yupik and English. Title: Devil fish who went up the river and ate all the little pike. Subject: Stories, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112114
(Allakaket) Williams, Joe, Sr.: Koyukon and English. Title: Dog driving in old days; Trip to Tanana, 1938; Joe Williams' own song; Arthur Williams' song; Mink song; Koyukuk man song; Bear story; Lee Simon's father's song. Subject: Traditional living, dogs, songs, stories, traveling, animals, family.

Ref. cut: H9112261
(Allakaket) Simon, Lee: Koyukon and English. Title: Dog driving in old days; Trip to Tanana, 1938; Joe Williams' own song; Arthur Williams' song; Mink song; Koyukuk man song; Bear story; Lee Simon's father's song. Subject: Traditional living, dogs, songs, stories, traveling, animals, family.

Ref. cut: H9112261
(Allakaket) Williams, Henry: English. Title: Dog driving; Trapping; Furs. Subject: Dogs, sleds, trapping, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112301
(Allakaket) Williams, Mary: English. Title: Dog driving; Trapping; Furs. Subject: Dogs, sleds, trapping, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112301


(Anaktuvuk Pass) Tobuk, James: English. Title: Eagavisea story; About the avalanche that burried James' grandma; Arcticas attack sickrik at fish camp. Subject: Stories, fishing, avalanche.

Ref. cut: H9112179
(Huslia) Henry, Bessie: Koyukon. Title: Eagle story from Allakaket area; Eagle story from Huslia area. Subject: Stories, birds.

Ref. cut: H911244
(Huslia) Derendoff, Angeline: Koyukon. Title: Eagle story from Allakaket area; Eagle story from Huslia area. Subject: Stories, birds.

Ref. cut: H911244
(Allakaket) Koyukuk, Jimmy: Athapaskan. Title: Early Allakaket story. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911208
(Tanana) Edwin, George: English. Title: Early celebrations; Square dance; Springtime fun; Fourth of July; Water adventures. Subject: Games, dances.

Ref. cut: H78107
(Tanana) Starr, Edward: English. Title: Early celebrations; Square dance; Springtime fun; Fourth of July; Water adventures. Subject: Games, dances.

Ref. cut: H78107
(Hughes) Williams, Susi: Koyukon. Title: Early childhood; Four songs. Subject: Traditional living, songs, children.

Ref. cut: H9112222
(Hughes) Williams, Levine: Koyukon. Title: Early childhood; Four songs. Subject: Traditional living, songs, children.

Ref. cut: H9112222
(Huslia) Attla, Eliza: Koyukon. Title: Early marriage. Subject: Traditional living, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112225
(Saint George) Philamonoff, Illiadore: English. Title: Effect of Russians on Aleuts; Choices in land claims; Aleut League Regional Corporation; Economic stability; Cultivating Aleut arts. Subject: Russians, politics, education, land claims, discrimination.

Ref. cut: H7897
(Fort Yukon) Grinest, Lillian: Kutchin. Title: Eight songs. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H9112254
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq and English. Title: Elakpuk ahnoluk. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112134
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq and English. Title: Elakpuk suli umiaklik. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112130
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq and English. Title: Enunuktik. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112132
(Wales) Mayokok, Robert: English. Title: Eskimo artist, Some philosophy and insight. Subject: Art.

Ref. cut: H78102
(Barrow) Sikvayugak, Joe: Inupiaq. Title: Eskimo dance group Christmas performance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112189
(Barrow) Sikvayugak, Joe: Inupiaq. Title: Eskimo dance group Christmas performance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112188
(Barrow) Sikvayugak, Joe: Inupiaq. Title: Eskimo dance group Christmas performance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112187
(Barrow) Sikvayugak, Joe: Inupiaq. Title: Eskimo dance group Christmas performance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112186
(Tununak) : Yupik. Title: Eskimo music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78125
(Kotzebue) Green, Paul: Inupiaq. Title: Eskimo songs. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78116
(Barrow) Nageak, James: Inupiaq. Title: Eskimo stories. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H78137
(Barrow) Nageak, Roy: Inupiaq. Title: Eskimo stories. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H78137
(Various) : Unidentified. Title: Eskimo stories; Children's stories; Endings aren't always important; Little boy wants to go fishing story; How raven/crow got its blue eyes story; Magpie who swallows a sea lion story. Subject: Stories, storytelling, children, birds, origins, fishing.

Ref. cut: H78128
(Barrow) Nageak, Mr.: Inupiaq and English. Title: Eskimo stories; Traffic between St. Lawrence Islands and Siberia; Amos Pennyah. Subject: Stories, traveling.

Ref. cut: H78138
(Barrow) Nageak, Mrs.: Inupiaq and English. Title: Eskimo stories; Traffic between St. Lawrence Islands and Siberia; Amos Pennyah. Subject: Stories, traveling.

Ref. cut: H78138
(Nulato) Esmailka, Olivia: Koyukon. Title: Eskimos trying to attack Nulato, part 2; Long ago Indians and Eskimos. Subject: War, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112283


(Nulato) Saunders, Kentucky: Koyukon. Title: Fabian George; Indian songs; Song for Anna and Paul Stickman; Song for Andrew and Jennie Esmailka; Song for Eva Madros; Song for Wayne Saunders; Song for Ray Ambrose and Lea Niehali; Old Man Nahelia. Subject: Stories, songs, elders.

Ref. cut: H911213
(Nulato) Saunders, Tassie: Koyukon. Title: Fabian George; Indian songs; Song for Anna and Paul Stickman; Song for Andrew and Jennie Esmailka; Song for Eva Madros; Song for Wayne Saunders; Song for Ray Ambrose and Lea Niehali; Old Man Nahelia. Subject: Stories, songs, elders.

Ref. cut: H911213
(Fairbanks) Karsten, Heinie: English. Title: Fairbanks in 1923; President Harding; Alaska railroad; Tom Gilmore; Felix Pedro; Roads; Colonel Steese; Mining; Hotel fire; Flood; Caribou and moose hunting. Subject: Mining, floods, hunting, politics, fires, construction, railroads.

Ref. cut: H78180b
(Huslia) Williams, Susi: Koyukon. Title: Family hunting; Traditional beliefs. Subject: Hunting, traditional beliefs, family.

Ref. cut: H9112244
(Unalakleet) Brown, Emily: English. Title: Famine story. Subject: Famine.

Ref. cut: H78114
(Wainwright) James, Oliver: Inupiaq and English. Title: Feet; Beluga hunter. Subject: Stories, whaling.

Ref. cut: H9112119
(Wainwright) Rock, Dorcas: Inupiaq and English. Title: Feet; Beluga hunter. Subject: Stories, whaling.

Ref. cut: H9112119
(Fairbanks) Avakoff, Harry: English. Title: Felix Pedro; Radio; First airplane in 1913; Roads; Railroads; Tourists; Soapy Smith; Statehood; Davidson Ditch. Subject: Mining, traveling, construction, politics, airplanes, railroads.

Ref. cut: H78181a
(Fort Yukon) Solomon, Paul, Sr.: Kutchin and English. Title: First airplane made by Indians; Indian heaven; Medicine man; Trapping with Fred Paul; Medicine songs. Subject: Stories, medicine people, trapping, songs, airplanes.

Ref. cut: H911282
(Fort Yukon) Wallis, Pete: Kutchin and English. Title: First airplane made by Indians; Indian heaven; Medicine man; Trapping with Fred Paul; Medicine songs. Subject: Stories, medicine people, trapping, songs, airplanes.

Ref. cut: H911282
(Barrow) Ahvakana, Floyd: Inupiaq and English. Title: First Christmas (1897); Reindeer; Ten legged polar bear, part 1; Little men. Subject: Christianity, herding, animals, stories.

Ref. cut: H9112220
(Nenana) Starr, Alfred: English. Title: First moose at Minchumina; Famine times. Subject: Hunting, famine, animals.

Ref. cut: H911299
(Tanana) Moses, Archie: Inner Koyukon. Title: First moose ever seen; Man with six arrows; War at Koyukuk; Love story. Subject: Stories, hunting, war, animals.

Ref. cut: H911288
(Point Hope) Kinneeveak, Herbert: Inupiaq. Title: First people of Point Hope; Poor boy; Person who was half starved; Person from Colville River. Subject: Stories, origins, famine.

Ref. cut: H9112195
(Gold Camp) Williams, Ambrose: Kutchin. Title: First white man - grass pants; Dream man - funny doctor; Old Henry; Old Johnny; Chief Christian; Old Henry's story of crow and big fish. Subject: First contact, clothing, stories, elders, chiefs, birds, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112293
(Various) Fate, Hugh: English. Title: Fish camps; Commercial and subsistence fishing; Fish eggs law; Killing a moose with a spear; Steamboats on the Yukon 1884; Being introduced to flour and crackers; Stories in Native language. Subject: Fishing, fisheries, hunting, stories, boats, foods, resources.

Ref. cut: H78185a
(Venetie) Robert, Myra: Kutchin. Title: Fish Ch'uk, part 2; Grasshopper; Black bear; Crow that didn't know what to do, part 1. Subject: Stories, animals, birds, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112290
(Nenana) Esau, David: English. Title: Fishing. Subject: Fishing.

Ref. cut: H911297
(Tanana) Kokrine, Andrew: English. Title: Fishing camps; Sled dogs. Subject: Fishing, dogs, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78183b
(Grayling) Deacon, Olga: Holikachuk. Title: Fox story, part 2; Wolverine and martin. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112348
(Unalakleet) Degnan, Frank: English. Title: Frank Degnan - humor; Oil and other resources; First Eskimo in House of Representatives. Subject: Resources, politics, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78132
(Unalakleet) Degnan, Frank: English. Title: Frank Degnan on old ways of life; Land claims history. Subject: Native languages, traditional living, boats, Christianity, land claims, discrimination, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H7895
(Fairbanks) Karsten, Heinie: English. Title: Frank Miller; Sam Godfrey; Nordale family; Captain Austin Lathrop; Mr. Nerland; Prospecting; Roads; Klondike famine in 1898; sled trails; Mounted police. Subject: Politics, mining, traveling, discrimination, construction, famine.

Ref. cut: H78180a2
(Fairbanks) Karsten, Heinie: English. Title: Frank Miller; Sam Godfrey; Nordale family; Captain Austin Lathrop; Mr. Nerland; Prospecting; Roads; Klondike famine in 1898; sled trails; Mounted police. Subject: Politics, mining, traveling, discrimination, construction, famine.

Ref. cut: H78180a
(Venetie) Henry, David: Kutchin. Title: Frog story; Wolverine story; War between Indian and Eskimo; Kohetan: war story; Kohoi: war hero; Sonetiz: first chief of Fort Yukon. Subject: Stories, war, chiefs, animals.

Ref. cut: H911260
(Venetie) Robert, Daniel: Kutchin. Title: Frog story; Wolverine story; War between Indian and Eskimo; Kohetan: war story; Kohoi: war hero; Sonetiz: first chief of Fort Yukon. Subject: Stories, war, chiefs, animals.

Ref. cut: H911260
(Point Hope) Rock, Howard: English. Title: Future of Tundra Times; Land claims; Native movement for Alaska; Boeing Company; Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; Old man storyteller at Point Hope; Chief's son story; Folktales, legends and songs. Subject: Politics, land claims, stories, songs, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78148


(Gold Camp) Frank, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: Gahoy, part 1. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112296
(Gold Camp) Frank, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: Gahoy, part 2; Tai tryi. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112297
(Nulato) Esmailka, Olivia: Koyukon. Title: Geemak, part 1; About two times she was hungry for store food, part 1. Subject: Stories, foods.

Ref. cut: H9112280
(Nulato) Esmailka, Olivia: Koyukon. Title: Geemak, part 2; Woman named Ba-ooz-kal-haan; Woman who didn't like her daughter-in-law. Subject: Stories, women, family.

Ref. cut: H9112281
(Nulato) Esmailka, Olivia: Koyukon. Title: Girl who was thrown through the ice by her brother-in-law. Subject: Stories, children, family.

Ref. cut: H9112285
(Politics and History) Senungetuk, Joe: English. Title: Give or take a century; Village art programs; Teaching art; Sculpture out of whalebone vertebrae. Subject: Education, carving, art.

Ref. cut: H78110
(Bethel) Mather, Elsie: Yupik. Title: Goldilocks; Songs. Subject: Stories, songs.

Ref. cut: H78124
(Galena) Huntington, Jennie: Koyukon. Title: Grandma and her grandson; Porcupine sitting along the river crying. Subject: Stories, elders, family, animals.

Ref. cut: H911238
(Nulato) Esmailka, Olivia: Koyukon. Title: Grandmother and granddaughter; Dog that turned into a human; Uncle who threw his niece through the ice. Subject: Stories, family, elders, women, children.

Ref. cut: H9112286
(Fort Yukon) Ross, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: Grass pants. Subject: Clothing.

Ref. cut: H911231
(Fort Yukon) Peters, Moses: Kutchin. Title: Grass pants; Dinzii Zhuu Gwandak. Subject: Clothing, stories.

Ref. cut: H911227
(Ruby) Brown, Altona: English. Title: Great great grandfather and famine on the Koyukuk River story. Subject: Famine, traditional living, elders, alcohol.

Ref. cut: H911273
(Grayling) Deacon, Olga: Holikachuk. Title: Grouse story, part 2; Fox story, part 1. Subject: Stories, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112347


(Huslia) Chief Henry: Athabascan. Title: He who goes around the world, part 1; Old man at Dulbi's (medicine man) song for brother who was killed; Old man Henzie from south fork's song for brother. Subject: Stories, songs, family, elders, medicine people.

Ref. cut: H911249
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Athabascan. Title: He who goes around the world, part 2. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911252
(Kaltag) Demoski, Lena: Koyukon. Title: Her birthplace; Singing; Koyukok. Subject: Traditional living; singing.

Ref. cut: H9112307
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: History of Nunamuit Eskimo, part 1. Subject: Origins.

Ref. cut: H9112174
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: History of Nunamuit Eskimo, part 2. Subject: Origins.

Ref. cut: H9112175
(Venetie) Christian, Jim: Kutchin. Title: History of the past; Hero of the war; How to start a fire when there's no matches; Discipline in the old days; Man fighting wife; Brown bear; Incident on a trip; Brooks Range. Subject: Traditional living, war, traveling, fires, winter survival, marriage, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112314
(Venetie) John, Sophie: Kutchin. Title: History of the past; Hero of the war; How to start a fire when there's no matches; Discipline in the old days; Man fighting wife; Brown bear; Incident on a trip; Brooks Range. Subject: Traditional living, war, traveling, fires, winter survival, marriage, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112314
(Venetie) Christian, Abraham: Kutchin. Title: History of the past; Hero of the war; How to start a fire when there's no matches; Discipline in the old days; Man fighting wife; Brown bear; Incident on a trip; Brooks Range. Subject: Traditional living, war, traveling, fires, winter survival, marriage, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112314
(Unalakleet) Brown, Emily: Inupiaq and English. Title: How a woman saved her people; Rolling fire; How little girls came to be. Subject: Stories, women, origins, fires.

Ref. cut: H9112338
(Tanana) John, Joe: Inner Koyukon. Title: How an eagle carried off a bear cub; Woman and a wolf story. Subject: Stories, birds, animals, women.

Ref. cut: H911293
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Athabascan. Title: How crow got back the sun from brown bear; Old south fork Henzie's story; Shaman; Song from person from Allakaket. Subject: Stories, shaman, songs, origins, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911247
(Huslia) Derendoff, Angeline: English. Title: How fairy godmother helped man kill eagle. Subject: Stories, hunting, birds.

Ref. cut: H911245
(Gold Camp) Frank, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: How he traveled and lived. Subject: Traditional living, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112300
(Barrow) Numnik, Ida: Inupiaq. Title: How it was in the old days. Subject: Traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112183
(Bethel) Lind, Maggie: English. Title: How the crow got his blue eyes; How Mr. crow got married to the mink; How needle fish scared two old ladies down river; Porcupine and beaver; Why porcupine doesn't have quills on his belly and beaver don't have fat on their backs; Pussy willow song; White. Subject: Stories, animals, birds, fish, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112162
(Tanana) Carlo, Poldine: English. Title: How the crow got the marten's arm back; Why the crow, loon and swan got their color; How the crow got married; Bear story; Bear takes the sun; Crow and willow grouse; 1927 epidemic story; How men invented the birch bark canoe. Subject: Stories, epidemics, boats, birds, animals, origins.

Ref. cut: H911290
(Tanana) Edwin, Lee, Sr.: Inner Koyukon. Title: How the crow got the marten's arm back; Why the crow, loon and swan got their color; How the crow got married; Bear story; Bear takes the sun; Crow and willow grouse; 1927 epidemic story; How men invented the birch bark canoe. Subject: Stories, epidemics, boats, birds, animals, origins.

Ref. cut: H911286
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Athabascan. Title: How the crow started the stick dance; Giant men; Expert man - Shaman. Subject: Stories, dances, shaman, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H911246
(Unalakleet) Brown, Emily: Inupiaq and English. Title: How the grizzly came to be; How two ptarmigan were mistreated; Great flood. Subject: Stories, floods, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112337
(Unalakleet) Slaughter, Helga: Inupiaq and English. Title: How the grizzly came to be; How two ptarmigan were mistreated; Great flood. Subject: Stories, floods, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112337
(Unalakleet) Brown, Emily: Inupiaq and English. Title: How the sun and moon came to be Dwarf People (Yukhatchizzagat) Unipkaaq Pizasunik Apiyagunik. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112335
(Unalakleet) Slaughter, Helga: Inupiaq and English. Title: How the sun and moon came to be Dwarf People (Yukhatchizzagat) Unipkaaq Pizasunik Apiyagunik. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112335
(Minto) Titus, Robert: Central Tanana and English. Title: How they use bow and arrows; Birch bark baskets; Camping out at 40 below; How to cook when camping out. Subject: Hunting, fishing, cooking, baskets, boats, foods, traditional living, traveling, elders, winter survival.

Ref. cut: H911202
(Koyukuk) Dayton, John, Sr.: Athabascan and English. Title: How to build sleds; Pointers on building cabins; John Dayton's marriage; Life in the old days. Subject: Sleds, houses, marriage, traditional life.

Ref. cut: H9112324
(Koyukuk) Solomon, Madeline: Athabascan and English. Title: How to build sleds; Pointers on building cabins; John Dayton's marriage; Life in the old days. Subject: Sleds, houses, marriage, traditional life.

Ref. cut: H9112324
(Kaltag) Esmailka, Clement: English. Title: How to make a sled; Trapping behavior. Subject: Sleds, trapping.

Ref. cut: H9112306
(Unalakleet) Degnan, Frank: English. Title: Humor of Frank Degnan; Eskimos, Indians, and Aleuts; Titles to the claims; Oil, coal, platinum, gold; Shared and shared alike; Faith, hope, charity and love. Subject: Alaska Federation of Natives, land claims, resources, sharing, traditional living, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78130
(Tanana) Joseph, Edgar: Inner Koyukon and English. Title: Hunter, part 1. Subject: Hunting.

Ref. cut: H911295
(Tanana) Joseph, Edgar: Inner Koyukon and English. Title: Hunter, part 2. Subject: Hunting.

Ref. cut: H911294
(Nenana) George, Paul: English. Title: Hunting and fishing camps; Potlatches; Changes in Nenana. Subject: Hunging, fishing, traveling, potlatches, trapping, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H7892
(Saint Lawrence) Turner, Agnes: English. Title: Hunting and fishing; Bering Sea fur shop; Skin sewing; Crafts. Subject: Sewing, hunting, fishing, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78150
(Minto) Titus, Dorothy: English. Title: Hunting and old ways; Traditional beliefs of young girls. Subject: Hunting, traditional living, traditional beliefs, women.

Ref. cut: H911269
(Minto) Titus, Robert: English. Title: Hunting and old ways; Traditional beliefs of young girls. Subject: Hunting, traditional living, traditional beliefs, women.

Ref. cut: H911269
(Unalaska) Shapsnikoff, Anfesia: Aleut and English. Title: Hunting and uses of sea mammals, especially sea lion; Barabaras; Chief Alexei Yechinoff; Aleut basket making. Subject: Hunting, baskets, stories, chiefs, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112158
(Minto) Titus, Matthew: Central Tanana. Title: Hunting song; Neil Charlie song; Dorothy M. Titus song; Tanacross song; Tanacross song 2; Tanacross song 3; Have mercy upon that old man; Old Nenena song; Christmas song; New Year song; Two Tanacross songs. Subject: Songs, elders, hunting, origins, Christianity.

Ref. cut: H911265


(Unalakleet) Brown, Emily: English. Title: I want to buy tea joke; Miners stampede to Nome; Eskimo good man; Teaching on the North Slope; Eskimo man with two wives story; Eskimo snow igloo dream story; More Native songs. Subject: Mining, stories, education, songs, marriage.

Ref. cut: H78115
(Venetie) Robert, Myra: Kutchin. Title: Indian man who made a canoe; Eagle-man who ignores people; Wolverine, frog and otter; Man with no sense; Fish ch'uk, part 1. Subject: Stories, boats, animals, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112291
(Politics and History) Oldperson, Earl: English. Title: Indian movement; Self-determination without termination; Indian opportunity and leadership; Natural and human resources; Land treaties; College education. Subject: Politics, education, resources, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78131
(Eagle) Juneby, Willie: Han Athabascan. Title: Indian war. Subject: War.

Ref. cut: H9112318
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: English. Title: Indian war story, part 1. Subject: War.

Ref. cut: H9112104
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: English. Title: Indian war story, part 2. Subject: War.

Ref. cut: H9112105
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Indian wars (Inupiat, Kobuk, Chandalar, etc.), part 1. Subject: War.

Ref. cut: H9112176
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Indian wars (Inupiat, Kobuk, Chandalar, etc.), part 2; Itkillik song; Two Eskimo songs by Indians; Eskimo song from Noatak; Pete Sovalik's Mother's song; English background on the Indian wars. Subject: War, songs, family.

Ref. cut: H9112177


(Politics and History) Huntington, Jimmy: English. Title: Jim Huntington potlatch song; Autobiography; On the edge of nowhere; Dogsled races; Education; Politics and Native government; Tanana Chiefs land claims struggles; BIA school. Subject: Education, politics, traditional living, dogs, land claims, songs, potlatches, self-determination, Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Ref. cut: H78109


(Wainwright) Tagarook, Peter: Inupiaq and English. Title: Kailailoak nukapiaruk (Boy who don't cry). Subject: Stories, children.

Ref. cut: H9112118
(Wainwright) Rock, Dorcas: Inupiaq and English. Title: Kailailoak nukapiaruk (Boy who don't cry). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112118
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Kaktovik, part 1. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112210
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Kaktovik, part 2. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112211
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Kaktovlk, part 3. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112212
(Kaltag) : Koyukon. Title: Kaltag singing and dancing. Subject: This CD contains sacred songs and may not be distributed. For more information, contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF..

Ref. cut: H9112232
(Kaltag) Stanley, Anastasia: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112233
(Kaltag) Demoski, Lena: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112233
(Kaltag) Demoski, Robert: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112233
(Kaltag) Demoski, Robert: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance songs. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112226
(Kaltag) Madros, Franklin: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance songs. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112227
(Kaltag) Esmailka, Clement: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance songs. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112227
(Kaltag) Demoski, Robert: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance songs. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112227
(Kaltag) Demoski, Lena: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance songs. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112227
(Kaltag) Stanley, Missouri: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance songs. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112231
(Kaltag) Madros, Franklin: Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance songs. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112227
(Kaltag) : Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance songs. Subject: This CD contains sacred songs and may not be distributed. For more information, contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF..

Ref. cut: H9112230
(Kaltag) : Koyukon and English. Title: Kaltag stick dance songs and speeches. Subject: Dances.

Ref. cut: H9112241
(Kaltag) : Koyukon and English. Title: Kaltag stick dance speeches. Subject: Dances.

Ref. cut: H9112240
(Kaltag) : Koyukon. Title: Kaltag stick dance speeches, songs, interviews. Subject: This CD contains sacred songs and may not be distributed. For more information, contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

Ref. cut: H9112234
(Koyukuk) Solomon, Madeline: Athabascan. Title: Kamak story; Medicine woman. Subject: Stories, medicine people.

Ref. cut: H9112267
(Koyukuk) Ahgook, Jacob: English. Title: Kids at school; Rock music. Subject: Education, children.

Ref. cut: H9112328
(Koyukuk) Vent, Herbie: English. Title: Kids at school; Rock music. Subject: Education, children.

Ref. cut: H9112328
(Koyukuk) Demoski, Louis: English. Title: Kids at school; Rock music. Subject: Education, children.

Re. cut: H9112328
(Minto) Alexander, Evelyn: Minto Athabascan and English. Title: Kinship terms in Minto Athabascan; Marriage rules. Subject: Native languages, marriage, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78144
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Kisuachiak; Ahvgaalukruaq; About a man from Barrow and a man from Point Hope. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112200
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Kobuk story, part 2; First moose caught; Love song; Potlatch at Dolby. Subject: Hunting, potlatch, songs, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112271
(Arctic Village) Tritt, Isaac: Kutchin. Title: Kohai, very smart man; Klevtyi (Tl'eevi'ti). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112262
(Fort Yukon) Ross, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: Kohwaii. Subject: Stories, medicine.

Ref. cut: H911232
(Kaltag) Demoski, Lena: Koyukon. Title: Koyukuk; Unknown. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H9112308
(Unalakleet) Brown, Emily: Brown, Emily. Title: Kuriagruut; Walrus and the ptarmigan; Legends of the flood, part 1. Subject: Stories, floods, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112333
(Unalakleet) Slaughter, Helga: Slaughter, Helga. Title: Kuriagruut; Walrus and the ptarmigan; Legends of the flood, part 1. Subject: Stories, floods, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112333
(Venetie) Robert, Myra: Kutchin. Title: Kutchin [Gwich'in] Language; Myra Robert; Vasagitsuk and animals; Crow and Brown Bear living together; Crow that turned black. Subject: Stories, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112287
(Arctic Village) Tritt, Abel: Kutchin. Title: Kyehti; Vasagitzik. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911233


(Kaltag) Andrea, Michael: Koyukon. Title: Lady who lost her arm; Koyukon language. Subject: Stories, Native languages.

Ref. cut: H9112316
(Minto) Charlie, Moses: English. Title: Lake story; Big pike; Camps; Caribou and bear skin; Wives and families; Mink, martin and fox blankets. Subject: Native languages, stories, hunting, trapping, women, fish, animals, family.

Ref. cut: H78142
(Minto) Charlie, Bessie: English. Title: Lake story; Big pike; Camps; Caribou and bear skin; Wives and families; Mink, martin and fox blankets. Subject: Native languages, stories, hunting, trapping, women, fish, animals, family.

Ref. cut: H78142
(Minto) Titus, Matthew: Central Tanana and English. Title: Land claims 1936-73; Old man and woman getting shells at the shore; Snow-go song; Dance song; What they did in the old days. Subject: Stories, songs, land claims, dances, traditional living, education, hunting, traveling, elders.

Ref. cut: H911264
(Minto) David, Johnny: Central Tanana and English. Title: Land claims 1936-73; Old man and woman getting shells at the shore; Snow-go song; Dance song; What they did in the old days. Subject: Stories, songs, land claims, dances, traditional living, education, hunting, traveling, elders.

Ref. cut: H911264
(Minto) Charlie, Jimmy: Unidentified. Title: Language learning: pronunciations for several words. Subject: Native languages.

Ref. cut: H78145
(Minto) Charlie, Teddy: English. Title: Language learning: pronunciations for several words. Subject: Native languages, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78146
(Nenana) Starr, Alfred: English. Title: Last Indian war in Tanana. Subject: War.

Ref. cut: H9112100
(Allakaket) Williams, Joe, Sr.: Koyukon and English. Title: Learning stories; His father hunting; Footraces with Johnny Simon; Two brothers who heard a raven; Man and a woman up Alatna River; Big William's song, 1905; Big Beetus' song, 1923. Subject: Hunting, games, stories, songs, storytelling, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H911210
(Allakaket) Williams, Kathleen: Koyukon and English. Title: Learning stories; His father hunting; Footraces with Johnny Simon; Two brothers who heard a raven; Man and a woman up alatna River; Big William's song, 1905; Big Beetus' song, 1923. Subject: Hunting, games, stories, songs, storytelling, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H911210
(Allakaket) Simon, Lee: Koyukon and English. Title: Lee Simon's father's song; Caribou song; Porcupine songs; Eagle story. Subject: Songs, stories, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112260
(Allakaket) Simon, Sarah: Koyukon and English. Title: Lee Simon's father's song; Caribou song; Porcupine songs; Eagle story. Subject: Songs, stories, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112260
(Unalakleet) Brown, Emily: Inupiaq and English. Title: Legends of the flood, part 2. Subject: Stories, floods.

Ref. cut: H9112334
(Unalakleet) Slaughter, Helga: Inupiaq and English. Title: Legends of the flood, part 2. Subject: Stories, floods.

Ref. cut: H9112334
(Nenana) George, Paul: English. Title: Life and customs of Athabascan Indians in Nenana. Subject: Trapping, foods, baskets, boats, traditional living, clothing.

Ref. cut: H7893
(Tanana) Edwin, George: Athabascan and English. Title: Life and religion, 1900's; St. Matthew's mission; Growth of Tanana, 1890's; Lord's prayer; Prayers and songs; Canoes; Gunpowder and tobacco. Subject: Traditional living, hunting, boats, fishing, Christianity, prayers, songs.

Ref. cut: H78105
(Tanana) Edwin, Lee, Sr.: English. Title: Life in Tanana in the 1930's and 1940's; Hunting beaver and caribou; Trapping martin and beaver; Depression and WWII; Mail by dogsled and then by airplane; Riverboats; Village potlatches. Subject: Traditional living, hunting, trapping, fishing, dogs, sleds, airplanes, potlatches, boats, war, traveling.

Ref. cut: H78184a
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Life of Auuyuk, part 2; Aalwiilaq song and story; Life story of Abakeena; Family from Cape Prince of Wales. Subject: Stories, family, elders.

Ref. cut: H9112196
(Huslia) Attla, Eliza: Koyukon. Title: Life of Old Man Attla; Sun and crow story. Subject: Elders, stories, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112242
(Teller) Milligrok, Queenie: Inupiaq and English. Title: Little dwarfs in Diomede. Subject: Stories, magic.
Listen to the story (26 MB)

Ref. cut: H911254
(Barrow) Ahvakana, Floyd: English. Title: Little men. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112182
(Teller) Milligrok, Queenie: Inupiaq and English. Title: Little saltwater fish; Little Siberian soldier. Subject: Stories, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112161
(Teller) Kunayak, Roger: Inupiaq and English. Title: Little saltwater fish; Little Siberian soldier. Subject: Stories, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112161
(Minto) Titus, Walter: Tanana and English. Title: Loon and blind man. Subject: Stories, traditional living, birds.

Refe. cut: H911268
(Nulato) Sommers, Dorothy: Koyukon. Title: Lord's prayer; Coming of Christ song; Hail Mary; Christ was born song; Sacred heart of Christ song; Ave Maria song; Mysteries; Mary Mother of Jesus song; Song for Adle Becker; Indian songs; Nulato war; Numbers 1-20. Subject: Christianity, prayers, songs, war, numbers, Native languages.

Ref. cut: H911219
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon and English. Title: Love song for his wife Bessie; Song from old man Nikoli of Tanana; Love song; Love song from down Yukon; Uncle's song; Tanana love song; Eskimo love song; Old Nulato love song; Kateel - old man's love song; Old man Grant's song; songs for Mary Vent's dad. Subject: Songs, stories, women, elders, family.

Ref. cut: H911242
(Huslia) Attla, Eliza: Koyukon. Title: Love songs; Methods of healing; Indian names of villages, rivers, people, birds. Subject: Songs, medicine, names, Native languages.

Ref. cut: H9112245
(Huslia) Williams, Levine: Koyukon. Title: Love songs; Methods of healing; Indian names of villages, rivers, people, birds. Subject: Songs, medicine, names, Native languages.

Ref. cut: H9112245
(Nulato) Johnson, Andrew: Lower Koyukon and English. Title: Lynx family origin story; Woman and fish eggs; Man on river; Crow story. Subject: Stories, animals, birds, women, origins.

Ref. cut: H911296


(Huslia) Derendoff, Angeline: English. Title: Magic ring. Subject: Stories, magic.

Ref. cut: H911250
(Ruby) Pilot, Simon: Koyukon. Title: Making snow shoes; Making birch bark canoes; Making fish traps. Subject: Snow shoes, boats, fish traps, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H911222
(Minto) John, Peter: Tanana and English. Title: Making snow shoes; Making canoes; Making sleds; Making bow and arrows; What to do when no bow and arrow or gun. Subject: Snow shoes, boats, sleds, hunting.

Ref. cut: H9112256
(Point Hope) Kineeveak, Herbert: Inupiaq. Title: Makwaga, part 1. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112193
(Point Hope) Kineeveak, Herbert: Inupiaq. Title: Makwaga, part 2; Kikuvrak; Girl who didn't want to get married. Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112192
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Mammoth story, part 2; Raven; Flood at Umiat and light, part 1. Subject: Stories, floods, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112164
(Chalkyitsik) Salmon, Rev. David: Kutchin and English. Title: Man in the moon. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112102
(Chalkyitsik) Moses, Peter: Kutchin and English. Title: Man in the moon. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112103
(Point Hope) Frankson, David: Inupiaq. Title: Man rescued who was drowned, part 1. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112202
(Point Hope) Frankson, David: Inupiaq. Title: Man rescued who was drowned, part 1; About the northern lights. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112203
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and English. Title: Man that came down from above the second layer of this world, part 1. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112355
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and English. Title: Man that came down from above the second layer of this world, part 2. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112356
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and English. Title: Man that came down from above the second layer of this world, part 3; Old woman and crowman, part 1. Subject: Stories, origins, elders, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112357
(Huslia) Sam, Big Sophie: Koyukon. Title: Man that traveled a lot. Subject: Stories, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112276
(Nulato) Esmailka, Olivia: Koyukon. Title: Man that was killed over a woman; Eskimos trying to attack Nulato, part1. Subject: Stories, war, women.

Ref. cut: H9112282
(Holy Cross) Paul, John, Sr.: English. Title: Man that went around the world three times; Old times; Masked dance; Steamboat trade. Subject: Stories, traditional living, dances, boats.

Ref. cut: H9112329
(Kwethluk) Fisher, Adam: Yupik. Title: Man who floated out to sea. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112116
(Kwethluk) Fisher, Adam: English. Title: Man who floated out to sea. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112117
(Grayling) Deacon, Olga: Holikachuk. Title: Man who married two women, part 1. Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112345
(Grayling) Deacon, Olga: Holikachuk. Title: Man who married two women, part 2; Grouse story, part 1. Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112346
(Nome) Abloogalook, Mark: English. Title: Man who was a good hunter; Superstition story. Subject: Stories, traditional beliefs, hunting.

Ref. cut: H9112246
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Man with gray hat, part 2. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112168
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Man with gray hat, part 2. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112167
(Grayling) Alexander, Jimmy: Ingalik and English. Title: Masked dance, part 2. Subject: Dances.

Ref. cut: H9112354
(Grayling) Nicholes, Wilbert: Ingalik and English. Title: Masked dance, part 2. Subject: Dances.

Ref. cut: H9112354
(Tanana) Osteen, Jack: Inner Koyukon and English. Title: Massacre at Nulato; Old-time bear story. Subject: War, stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H911292
(Arctic Village) Gilbert, Maggie: Kutchin. Title: Medicine and poison. Subject: Medicine.

Ref. cut: H911235
(Arctic Village) Gilbert, Maggie: Kutchin. Title: Medicine and poison. Subject: Medicine.

Ref. cut: H911237
(Nulato) Brush, Charlie: Koyukon. Title: Medicine man, continued. Subject: Medicine people.

Ref. cut: H911216
(Nulato) Saunders, Tassie: Koyukon. Title: Medicine man, continued. Subject: Medicine people.

Ref. cut: H911216
(Koyukuk) Solomon, Madeline: Athabascan. Title: Medicine man; Man that starved to death; What the Indians did with the first flour; Man with two or three wives; traditional beliefs. Subject: Medicine people, foods, traditional beliefs, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112266
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Medicine people; First job on the steamboat; Man who stole things. Subject: Medicine people, stories, boats.

Ref. cut: H9112270
(Gold Camp) Frank, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: Medicine story, part 2; Medicine song; Man that was like Jesus. Subject: Stories, songs, medicine.

Ref. cut: H9112299
(Nulato) Brush, Charlie: Koyukon. Title: Messenger boys; Traditional beliefs; War; Medicine people. Subject: Stories, war, medicine people, traditional beliefs, messages.

Ref. cut: H911215
(Nulato) Saunders, Kentucky: Koyukon. Title: Messenger boys; Traditional beliefs; War; Medicine people. Subject: Stories, war, medicine people, traditional beliefs, messages.

Ref. cut: H911215
(Nulato) Saunders, Tassie: Koyukon. Title: Messenger boys; Traditional beliefs; War; Medicine people. Subject: Stories, war, medicine people, traditional beliefs, messages.

Ref. cut: H911215
(Hughes) Williams, Levine: Koyukon. Title: Mining camp; Early days; Lord's prayer; Tribes of Indians; Songs. Subject: Traditional living, Christianity, songs, mining, prayers.

Ref. cut: H9112224
(Hughes) Beetus, Little: Koyukon. Title: Mining camp; Early days; Lord's prayer; Tribes of Indians; Songs. Subject: Traditional living, Christianity, songs, mining, prayers.

Ref. cut: H9112224
(Tanana) Luke, Teddy: English. Title: Missions; Boarding school; Rapids fish camp; Cutting fish for dogs; Trapping along the Kuskokwim River; Cutting wood for the steamboats. Subject: Fishing, trapping, dogs, education, boats, traditional living, Christianity.

Ref. cut: H78184b
(Huslia) Attla, Catherine: English. Title: Months of the year in Indian and English; Life around the year before white man. Subject: Months, traditional living, Native languages.

Ref. cut: H911253
(Kwethluk) Fisher, Adam: Yupik and English. Title: Mouse who scared all the bad weather away, Bird who revenged the loon. Subject: Stories, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112115
(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78170a
(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78168a
(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78163
(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78161
(Nelson Island) : Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78170f
(Nelson Island) : Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78170c
(Nelson Island) : Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78168b
(Nelson Island) : Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78167
(Nelson Island) : Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78166
(Nelson Island) : Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78165
(Nelson Island) : Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78159a
(Nelson Island) : Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78155a
(Nelson Island) : Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78154
(Tununak) Osulook, Peter: Yupik. Title: Music. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78170d
(Tununak) : Yupik. Title: Music from Tununak. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78158
(Tununak) : Yupik. Title: Music from Tununak. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78156
(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Music; Dances. Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H78170e
(Barrow) : Inupiaq and English. Title: Music; Folk singer. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78151
(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Music; Potlatch song. Subject: Songs, potlatch.

Ref. cut: H78153b
(Nenana) : . Title: Music; Potlatch song. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H78153-a
(Barrow) : Inupiaq. Title: Music; Story dances. Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H78162a


(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq. Title: Nakuaknguak (Big head); Kinak (Stupid); Ahyagial (Daniel). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112128
(Tununak) : Yupik. Title: Native music selections. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78179
(Tununak) : Yupik. Title: Native music selections. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H78172
() : . Title: Native Music Selections. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H78178
() : . Title: Native Music Selections. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H78176
() : . Title: Native Music Selections. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H78175
() : . Title: Native Music Selections. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H78177
() : . Title: Native Music Selections. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H78174
() : . Title: Native Music Selections. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H78173
() : . Title: Native Music Selections. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H78171
(Minto) Charley, Jimmy: Unidentified. Title: Native terms and pronunciations; Tools; Birds. Subject: Native languages, birds.

Ref. cut: H78129
(Galena) Demoski, Aloysius: Koyukon and English. Title: Nulato massacre; Russians going back to Russia; Serum to Nome; Mail carrying; Wolverine celebration. Subject: War, Russians, serum run, epidemics, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112263


(Barrow) Matumeak, Warren, Sr.: Inupiaq. Title: Okomailuk. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112190
(Barrow) Matumeak, Mrs. Warren, Sr.: Inupiaq. Title: Okomailuk. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112190
(Barrow) Matumeak, Warren, Sr.: Inupiaq. Title: Okomailuk. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112191
(Barrow) Matumeak, Mrs. Warren, Sr.: Inupiaq. Title: Okomailuk. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112191
(Eagle) Juneby, Willie: Han Athabascan. Title: Old days and ways; Counting; Months of the year; Indian New Year's celebration. Subject: Native languages, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112317
(Minto) Frank, Lucy: Tanana and English. Title: Old days; Fishing. Subject: Traditional living, fishing.

Ref. cut: H911271
(Galena) Malemute, Gladys: Koyukon. Title: Old maids they had a little boy. Subject: Stories, women, children.

Ref. cut: H911240
(Nulato) Esmailka, Tom: Koyukon. Title: Old Man Nebalin; Mrs. John Seraski; Little Johnny; Anna Stickman; Mary Cecelia Stickman; Black Joe; Lilly Esmailka; For Sommers children 1; For Sommers children 2; Harry Jones; Peter Demoski; Alfred Dahlquist (Dikidon). Subject: Elders, children.

Ref. cut: H911212
(Nulato) Esmailka, Emily: Koyukon. Title: Old Man Nebalin; Mrs. John Seraski; Little Johnny; Anna Stickman; Mary Cecelia Stickman; Black Joe; Lilly Esmailka; For Sommers children 1; For Sommers children 2; Harry Jones; Peter Demoski; Alfred Dahlquist (Dikidon). Subject: Elders, children.

Ref. cut: H911212
(Nulato) Brush, Charlie: Koyukon. Title: Old Man Nebalin; Mrs. John Seraski; Little Johnny; Anna Stickman; Mary Cecelia Stickman; Black Joe; Lilly Esmailka; For Sommers children 1; For Sommers children 2; Harry Jones; Peter Demoski; Alfred Dahlquist (Dikidon). Subject: Elders, children.

Ref. cut: H911212
(Nulato) Saunders, Kentucky: Koyukon. Title: Old Man Nebalin; Mrs. John Seraski; Little Johnny; Anna Stickman; Mary Cecelia Stickman; Black Joe; Lilly Esmailka; For Sommers children 1; For Sommers children 2; Harry Jones; Peter Demoski; Alfred Dahlquist (Dikidon). Subject: Elders, children.

Ref. cut: H911212
(Nulato) Patsy, Jack: Koyukon. Title: Old Man Nebalin; Mrs. John Seraski; Little Johnny; Anna Stickman; Mary Cecelia Stickman; Black Joe; Lilly Esmailka; For Sommers children 1; For Sommers children 2; Harry Jones; Peter Demoski; Alfred Dahlquist (Dikidon). Subject: Elders, children.

Ref. cut: H911212
(Nulato) Old Toby: Koyukon. Title: Old Man Nebalin; Mrs. John Seraski; Little Johnny; Anna Stickman; Mary Cecelia Stickman; Black Joe; Lilly Esmailka; For Sommers children 1; For Sommers children 2; Harry Jones; Peter Demoski; Alfred Dahlquist (Dikidon). Subject: Elders, children.

Ref. cut: H911212
(Nulato) Young Toby: Koyukon. Title: Old Man Nebalin; Mrs. John Seraski; Little Johnny; Anna Stickman; Mary Cecelia Stickman; Black Joe; Lilly Esmailka; For Sommers children 1; For Sommers children 2; Harry Jones; Peter Demoski; Alfred Dahlquist (Dikidon). Subject: Elders, children.

Ref. cut: H911212
(Nulato) Oxden, Joe: Koyukon. Title: Old Man Nebalin; Mrs. John Seraski; Little Johnny; Anna Stickman; Mary Cecelia Stickman; Black Joe; Lilly Esmailka; For Sommers children 1; For Sommers children 2; Harry Jones; Peter Demoski; Alfred Dahlquist (Dikidon). Subject: Elders, children.

Ref. cut: H911212
(Venetie) John, Silas: Kutchin. Title: Old medicine man song; Song of first steamboat to Fort Yukon; Eagle song; Caribou song; First white man sighted; Crow and big fish. Subject: Stories, medicine people, songs, boats, first contact, birds, animals, fish.

Ref. cut: H911261
(Minto) John, Peter: Central Tanana and English. Title: Old Minto history; Land claims. Subject: Fisheries, resources, Tanana Chiefs Conference, land claims, first contact, origins.

Ref. cut: H911203
(Minto) John, Peter: Central Tanana and English. Title: Old Minto history; Land claims. Subject: Stories, boats, medicine people, Russians, birds.

Ref. cut: H911205
(Fort Yukon) Peter, Abraham: Kutchin. Title: Old timer; Vatsakyetsik; Na'in; Chgro part 1. Subject: Stories, elders.

Ref. cut: H911277
(Eagle) Juneby, Willie: Han Athabascan. Title: Old tribes and chiefs. Subject: Chiefs, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112319
(Nenana) Esau, David: English. Title: Old ways. Subject: Traditional living, women, foods.

Ref. cut: H911298
(Nenana) Willis, Mary: English. Title: Old ways. Subject: Traditional living, women, foods.

Ref. cut: H911298
(Nenana) Evan, Hester: English. Title: Old ways. Subject: Traditional living, women, foods.

Ref. cut: H911298
(Politics and History) Big Jim, Fred: English. Title: Old ways and new; Cultural patterns; Thinking patterns; Differnce between Native and white children's ways of learning; Methods of teaching; Natural resources. Subject: Education, resources, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78122
(Politics and History) Big Jim, Fred: English. Title: Old ways and new; Migration from Bering Strait; Comparisons and discussion of different Native groups in Alaska; Development of Native groups based on natural resources. Subject: Resources, traditional living, politics, fishing, hunting, baskets, carving.

Ref. cut: H78121
(Minto) Edwin, Isaac: Central Tanana and English. Title: Old ways to travel. Subject: Hunting, fishing, cooking, tanning, sewing, trapping, potlatch, traditional living, traveling.

Ref. cut: H911204
(Wales) Sereadlook, Alfred: Inupiaq. Title: Old ways; Johnathan Onalik. Subject: Traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112359
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and English. Title: Old woman and crowman, part 2. Subject: Stories, elders, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112358
(Fort Yukon) Joseph, Peter: Kutchin. Title: Olti. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911228
(Point Hope) Frankson, David: Inupiaq. Title: Origin of the sun and moon; Ayugina; Man as good as five; Killed by jealous people. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112201
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq and English. Title: Oukuik. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112129


(Wainwright) Kayutak,Michael Jimmy: Inupiaq. Title: Paulaslugaurak (Someone who looks for soot). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112122
(Wainwright) Kayutak,Michael Jimmy: Inupiaq. Title: Payugea'k (Crab). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112120
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq and English. Title: Person who is a magician. Subject: Stories, magic.

Ref. cut: H9112133
(Barrow) Ahvakana, Floyd: Inupiaq and English. Title: Point Hope people, part 2; Two grandfathers, part 1. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112216
(Nenana) Peterson, Celia: English. Title: Poor boy - rich girl story (Native language and English). Subject: Stories, children.

Ref. cut: H78155b
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq and English. Title: Poor person. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112135
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq and English. Title: Poor person and also a person. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112131
(Nulato) Esmailka, Mary: Koyukon. Title: Porcupine story; Raven and the sun. Subject: Animals, birds, stories.

Ref. cut: H911218
(Hughes) Beatus, Joe: Koyukon. Title: Potlatch 1917; Song; Native songs. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112223
(Hughes) Williams, Levine: Koyukon. Title: Potlatch 1917; Song; Native songs. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112223
(Kaltag) Demoski, Lena: Koyukon. Title: Potlatch at Kokrines; Song for Bernard Alexie. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112309
(Kaltag) Demoski, Robert: Koyukon. Title: Potlatch at Kokrines; Song for Bernard Alexie. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112309
(Minto) Charley, Jimmy: English. Title: Potlatches; Singing and dancing; Instruments; Crying baby story; Bear story; Caribou and moose; Moses and Bessie Charlie of Minto. Subject: Potlatches, songs, dances, stories, games, children, animals, elders.

Ref. cut: H78134
(Tanana) Edwin, George: Athabascan. Title: Prayers. Subject: Prayers.

Ref. cut: H78106
(Politics and History) Soboleff, Walter, Dr.: English. Title: Pupil, teacher and family circles; Native Alaskan educational structure; Native Alaskans balanced in nature; Alaskan Native Brotherhood. Subject: Education, traditional living, resources, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78135


(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Qayaqtuguuniqtuuq (Man who likes to travel), part 1. Subject: Stories, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112170
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Qayaqtuguuniqtuuq (Man who likes to travel), part 2. Subject: Stories, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112171
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Qayaqtuguuniqtuuq (Man who likes to travel), part 3. Subject: Stories, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112172
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Qayaqtuguuniqtuuq (Man who likes to travel), part 4. Subject: Stories, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112173
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Qiiluniuq (Man from Barrow killed by a man from Point Hope). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112199


(Ruby) Johnson, Jim: Koyukon. Title: Raven and sun and moon. Subject: Stories, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H911276
(Ruby) Chappelle, Pauline: Koyukon. Title: Raven and sun and moon. Subject: Stories, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H911276
(Minto) Titus, Matthew: English. Title: Raven falls in love with goose; Porcupine story 1; Porcupine story 2. Subject: Stories, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911267
(Minto) Dean, Mary: English. Title: Raven falls in love with goose; Porcupine story 1; Porcupine story 2. Subject: Stories, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911267
(Minto) Johnson, Jim: English. Title: Raven falls in love with goose; Porcupine story 1; Porcupine story 2. Subject: Stories, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911267
(Ruby) Johnson, Jim: English. Title: Raven gives colors to birds; Fish seen in the fall. Subject: Stories, birds, fish, origins.

Ref. cut: H911275
(Chalkyitsik) David Salmon: Kutchin. Title: Raven Kills monster; History of Chalkyitsik. Subject: Stories, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112108
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Kakinya, Elijah: Inupiaq and English. Title: Raven story; Caribou and wolf story; Northern lights story. Subject: Stories, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112178
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Raven; Flood at Umiat and light, part 2. Subject: Stories, floods, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112165
(Anaktuvuk Pass) Paneak, Simon: Inupiaq. Title: Raven; Flood at Umiat and light, part 3; Man with gray hat, part 1. Subject: Stories, floods, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112166
(Bethel) : Yupik. Title: Readings. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H78127
(Unalakleet) Paniptchuk, Reuben: Inupiaq and English. Title: Reindeer herding in the early days. Subject: Herding, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112156
(Koyukuk) Solomon, Madeline: Athabascan and English. Title: Ring the Russians always waved. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112327
(Tanana) Albert, Jimmy: English. Title: Riverboat experiences; Autobiography. Subject: Boats, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112257
(Unalaska) Shapsnikoff, Anfesia: Aleut and English. Title: Russian Christmas; Old time customs; Sparrow story. Subject: Christianity, traditional living, stories, birds.
Listen to the story (12.8 MB)

Ref. cut: H9112157
(Fairbanks) Avakoff, Harry: English. Title: Russians in Alaska; Early political parties; Eagles and Elks clubs; Mining; Captain Barnett; Police; James Wickersham; First newspaper. Subject: Russians, politics, mining, construction.

Ref. cut: H78181b
(Nulato) George, Fabian: Koyukon. Title: Russians; First steamboat; Raven coming down the river; More about medicine people; Wolverine; Man that came to Koyukuk from the Koyukuk River; Medicine man. Subject: Stories, boats, medicine people, Russians, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911214
(Nulato) Brush, Charlie: Koyukon. Title: Russians; First steamboat; Raven coming down the river; More about medicine people; Wolverine; Man that came to Koyukuk from the Koyukuk River; Medicine man. Subject: Stories, boats, medicine people, Russians, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911214
(Nulato) Saunders, Tassie: Koyukon. Title: Russians; First steamboat; Raven coming down the river; More about medicine people; Wolverine; Man that came to Koyukuk from the Koyukuk River; Medicine man. Subject: Stories, boats, medicine people, Russians, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911214


(Tanana) Albert, Jimmy: Koyukon and English. Title: Sarah Albert's father's song; Hunting song; Jimmy's song for Sarah; Sarah's song for Jimmy; Love song; Nuchalawoyya song; Alice John's song for Jimmy; Caribou running; Potlatch song; Nuchalawoyya information. Subject: Songs, potlatch, family, animals, hunting.

Ref. cut: H9112253
(Tanana) Albert, Sarah: Koyukon and English. Title: Sarah Albert's father's song; Hunting song; Jimmy's song for Sarah; Sarah's song for Jimmy; Love song; Nuchalawoyya song; Alice John's song for Jimmy; Caribou running; Potlatch song; Nuchalawoyya information. Subject: Songs, potlatch, family, animals, hunting.

Ref. cut: H9112253
(Minto) Peter, Lena: Tanana and English. Title: Seagull story, part 1. Subject: Stories, birds.

Ref. cut: H911270
(Minto) Peter, Lena: Tanana. Title: Seagull story, part 2. Subject: Stories, birds.

Ref. cut: H911272
(Yakutat) Harry, Anna Nelson: Eyak and English. Title: Seagull story; Eyak history; Hunting birds with bow and arrow. Subject: Stories, hunting, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112305
(Ruby) Pilot, Simon: Koyukon. Title: Sending messages to another village by stick. Subject: Messages, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H911223
(Kaltag) : Koyukon. Title: Singing and dancing around the pole (Kaltag stick dance). Subject: This CD contains sacred songs and may not be distributed. For more information, contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

Ref. cut: H9112228
(Ruby) Pilot, Simon: Koyukon. Title: Skull story, part 1. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911220
(Ruby) Pilot, Simon: Koyukon. Title: Skull story, part 2; Autobiography. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911221
(Chalkyitsik) Williams, Henry: Kutchin. Title: Smartest man in the world and Wolverine story, part 1. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112110
(Chalkyitsik) Williams, Henry: Kutchin. Title: Smartest man in the world and Wolverine story, part 2. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112109
(Chalkyitsik) Williams, Henry: Kutchin. Title: Smartest man in the world and Wolverine story, part 3. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112111
(Chalkyitsik) Williams, Henry: Kutchin. Title: Smartest man in the world and Wolverine story, part 4. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112112
(Kotzebue) Green, Paul: Inupiaq and English. Title: Snow houses; Giving birth; Eskimo dances; Traditional foods; Nice good-looking lady and suitor's story. Subject: Houses, women, foods, dances, alcohol, traditional living, women.

Ref. cut: H78118
(Allakaket) Henzie, Moses: English. Title: Snow shoe making; Sled making; Building a home; Trapping in cold weather, 1952. Subject: Snow shoes, sleds, trapping, houses, traditional living, winter survival.

Ref. cut: H911207
(Allakaket) Henzie, Marie: English. Title: Snow shoe making; Sled making; Building a home; Trapping in cold weather, 1952. Subject: Snow shoes, sleds, trapping, houses, traditional living, winter survival.

Ref. cut: H911207
(Politics and History) Peratrovich, Roy: English. Title: Some recent history; Sheldon Jackson school; Regional corporations; Alaska Native Brotherhood; Alaska Federation of Natives; Drawing on the experiences of elders; Land claims fight and Native leadership; Importance of raven in stories; Clan marriages and . Subject: Politics, education, discrimination, Alaska Federation of Natives, elders, land claims, stories, marriage, traditional living, self-determination, Alaska Native Brotherhood, Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Ref. cut: H78101
(Wainwright) Rock, Dorcas: English. Title: Someone who looks for soot. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112123
(Wainwright) Kayutak,Michael Jimmy: English. Title: Someone who looks for soot. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112123
(Tanana) Albert, Florence: Koyukon and English. Title: Song about a sleigh accident; Mourning song for a drowning victim; Song by Minto people when they visited the 1968 Nuchalawoyya; Old song for fun and dancing; Dick Eizer's song for Nuchalawoyya; David Henry's Nuchalawoyya dance song; Mou Ming song for Luk. Subject: Songs, elders, family, sleds.

Ref. cut: H9112249
(Tanana) Peters, Helen: Koyukon and English. Title: Song about a sleigh accident; Mourning song for a drowning victim; Song by Minto people when they visited the 1968 Nuchalawoyya; Old song for fun and dancing; Dick Eizer's song for Nuchalawoyya; David Henry's Nuchalawoyya dance song; Mou Ming song for Luk. Subject: Songs, elders, family, sleds.

Ref. cut: H9112249
(Tanana) Albert, Sarah: Koyukon and English. Title: Song about a sleigh accident; Mourning song for a drowning victim; Song by Minto people when they visited the 1968 Nuchalawoyya; Old song for fun and dancing; Dick Eizer's song for Nuchalawoyya; David Henry's Nuchalawoyya dance song; Mou Ming song for Luk. Subject: Songs, elders, family, sleds.

Ref. cut: H9112249
(Tanana) Folger, Lillian: Koyukon and English. Title: Song about a sleigh accident; Mourning song for a drowning victim; Song by Minto people when they visited the 1968 Nuchalawoyya; Old song for fun and dancing; Dick Eizer's song for Nuchalawoyya; David Henry's Nuchalawoyya dance song; Mou Ming song for Luk. Subject: Songs, elders, family, sleds.

Ref. cut: H9112249
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Song for Peter Mark; Steamboating; Getting tobacco from the Yukon from Alatna; Kobuk story, part 1. Subject: Songs, boats, tobacco.

Ref. cut: H9112272
(Yakutat) Harry, Anna Nelson: Eyak and English. Title: Song from Alexandra Krauss; Way between Aleuts and Eyaks; Brown bear attacks Eyaks; Raven and wife quarrel; Two women who went fishing. Subject: Songs, stories, animals, birds, marriage, women, fishing.

Ref. cut: H9112304
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Song made for Luddie Isaac telling about a family that all died; Hunting sheep by Bettles. Subject: Songs, boats, hunting, animals, family.

Ref. cut: H9112273
(Kaltag) Madros, Franklin: Koyukon. Title: Songs. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H9112310
(Kaltag) Jimmy, Agnes: Koyukon. Title: Songs. Subject: Songs.

Ref. cut: H9112310
(Kaltag) Alexie, Albert: Koyukon. Title: Songs and speeches (Kaltag stick dance). Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H9112312
(Kaltag) Stanley, Missouri: Koyukon. Title: Songs and speeches (Kaltag stick dance). Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H9112312
(Kaltag) : Koyukon. Title: Songs and speeches (Kaltag stick dance). Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H9112313
(Kaltag) Alexie, Albert: Koyukon. Title: Songs and speeches (Kaltag stick dance). Subject: This CD contains sacred songs and may not be distributed. For more information, contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

Ref. cut: H9112311
(Kaltag) Demoski, Robert: Koyukon. Title: Songs and speeches (Kaltag stick dance). Subject: This CD contains sacred songs and may not be distributed. For more information, contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

Ref. cut: H9112311
(Kaltag) Demoski, Lena: Koyukon. Title: Songs and speeches (Kaltag stick dance). Subject: This CD contains sacred songs and may not be distributed. For more information, contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

Ref. cut: H9112311
(Kaltag) Jimmy, Agnes: Koyukon and English. Title: Songs and speeches; When she got married. Subject: Songs, traditional living, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112239
(Minto) Charlie, Moses: Unidentified. Title: Songs by Moses Charlie; Stories. Subject: Songs, stories.

Ref. cut: H78141
(Kaltag) Semaken, Ottie: Koyukon and English. Title: Songs; About the stick dance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112236
(Kaltag) Semaken, Mae: Koyukon and English. Title: Songs; About the stick dance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112236
(Kaltag) Alexie, Mary: Koyukon and English. Title: Songs; About the stick dance. Subject: Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112236
(Kaltag) Peter, Vivian: English. Title: Songs; Dressing people; Traditional beliefs; How to trap wolverine. Subject: Songs, clothes, traditional beliefs, trapping, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112238
(Holy Cross) Savage, Miska: English. Title: Songs; Masked dance. Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H9112330
(Holy Cross) Demientieff, Frances: English. Title: Songs; Masked dance. Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H9112330
(Grayling) Nicholas, Nick: Ingalik, Holikachuk and English. Title: Songs; Olga autobiography; Mbuse story; Bell autobiography; Anvik song; Beautiful boy. Subject: Songs, traditional living, stories, children.

Ref. cut: H9112341
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik, Holikachuk and English. Title: Songs; Olga autobiography; Mbuse story; Bell autobiography; Anvik song; Beautiful boy. Subject: Songs, traditional living, stories, children.

Ref. cut: H9112341
(Grayling) Deacon, Olga: Ingalik, Holikachuk and English. Title: Songs; Olga autobiography; Mbuse story; Bell autobiography; Anvik song; Beautiful boy. Subject: Songs, traditional living, stories, children.

Ref. cut: H9112341
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Songs; Woman who killed another woman over her husband; Woman who went berry picking. Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112268
(Huslia) Henry, Bessie: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Songs; Woman who killed another woman over her husband; Woman who went berry picking. Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112268
(Nulato) Joe, Martha: Koyukon. Title: Speeches during potlatch; Singing. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112277
(Nulato) Stickman, Edna: Koyukon. Title: Speeches during potlatch; Singing. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112277
(Nulato) Saunders, Tassie: Koyukon. Title: Speeches during potlatch; Singing. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112277
(Nulato) Saunders, Lawrence: Koyukon. Title: Speeches during potlatch; Singing. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112277
(Nulato) Stickman, Wally: Koyukon. Title: Speeches during potlatch; Singing. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112277
(Minto) Charlie, Moses: English. Title: Springtime story; White shells and beads; Words. Subject: Native languages, stories, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78143
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and Holikachuk. Title: Stick dance song; Love song; Information on stick dance; Stick dance in Holikachuk and Anvik. Subject: Ingalik and Holikachuk Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112340
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and Holikachuk. Title: Stick dance song; Love song; Information on stick dance; Stick dance in Holikachuk and Anvik. Subject: Ingalik and Holikachuk Dances, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112340
(Grayling) Deacon, Olga: Holikachuk and English. Title: Stick dance; Masked dance; Moose story. Subject: Stories, dances, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112349
(Fort Yukon) Ross, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: Stories. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911283
(Fort Yukon) Joseph, Peter: Kutchin. Title: Stories. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911285
(Arctic Village) Gilbert, Maggie: Kutchin. Title:StoriesĀ  . Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911236
(Barrow) Ahvakana, Floyd: Inupiaq and English. Title:StoriesĀ  . Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112214
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq and English. Title: Story (unspecified). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112136
(Galena) Cleaver, Evelyn: Koyukon. Title: Story about a husband and a wife; Dumb boy; Woman who lost her husband. Subject: Stories, women, family.

Ref. cut: H911239
(Galena) Malemute, Gladys: Koyukon. Title: Story about a husband and a wife; Dumb boy; Woman who lost her husband. Subject: Stories, women, family, children.

Ref. cut: H911239
(Nulato) Peter, Vivian: Koyukon. Title: Story about catholic missions. Subject: Christianity, medicine, women.

Ref. cut: H9112279
(Fort Yukon) Ross, Fred: Kutchin. Title: Story from Black River. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911284
(Unalakleet) Katchatag, Thora: Inupiaq and English. Title: Story in Oonalick; Old traditional beliefs; About care of babies; Dancing song; About Thora's grandparents. Subject: Stories, songs, dances, traditional beliefs; traditional living, elders, children, family.

Ref. cut: H9112155
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon and English. Title: Story of the magic ring; Crow story; Stick dance. Subject: Stories, dances, magic, birds.

Ref. cut: H911243
(Ruby) Pilot, Simon: Koyukon. Title: Story; Song. Subject: Stories, songs.

Ref. cut: H911224
(Barrow) Sovalik, Pete: Inupiaq. Title: String story of devil. Subject: String story.

Ref. cut: H9112221
(Hughes) Williams, Levine: Koyukon. Title: Survival; Tanning of Moose, Wolf, Wolverine, and other furs; Old Indian Songs. Subject: Songs, tanning, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H9112243


(Gold Camp) Frank, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: T'I'eriti; Caribou; Eagle; Moose hide song; Sun song; Hunting song; Vatsakyetsik and ducks, part 1. Subject: Stories, songsanimals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112295
(Venetie) Robert, Myra: Kutchin. Title: Telling about old people. Subject: Elders.

Ref. cut: H9112292
(Barrow) Ahvakana, Floyd: Inupiaq and English. Title: Ten legged polar bear, part 2; Point Hope people, part 1. Subject: Stories, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112215
(Tanana) Henry, David: English. Title: Tenting and trapping; Potlatch and Christmas; Travel by dog team and horse team; Changes from subsistence living; Problems with young people; Tribal relations and lands. Subject: Traditional living, traveling, fishing, hunting, dogs, elders, education, land claims, trapping, potlatches, dances, alcohol.

Ref. cut: H78183b
(King Island) Tuilana, Paul: Inupiaq. Title: Three stories. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H7899
(Barrow) Ahvakana, Floyd: Inupiaq and English. Title: Tiganamuit, part 2; Ahtaatazik; Ahnalouzik (incomplete). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112219
(Wainwright) Agnasagga, Samuel: Inupiaq and English. Title: Tigarakmuit (from Point Hope). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112124
(Wainwright) Rock, Dorcas: Inupiaq and English. Title: Tigarakmuit (from Point Hope). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112124
(Politics and History) Soboleff, Walter, Dr.: English. Title: Tlinkit [Tlingit] legend of Strong Man; Oral tradition has many variations; Training for physical endurance. Subject: Stories, story telling, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78136
(Minto) John, Peter: English. Title: Trading on Yukon and Tanana rivers; Stick log traps; Before white men came; When the Russians came; Tanana Chiefs meeting, 1913; Judge Wickersham; Land claims; Rights of Native People; American Indian Association. Subject: Trapping, first contact, Russians, chiefs, land claims, traveling, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H7896
(Shishmaref) Olanna, Melvin: English. Title: Trading with Siberian people; Trade beads; Hunting; Art education in Santa Fe and University of Alaska. Subject: Traditional living, hunting, sharing, elders, education, art.

Ref. cut: H78111
(Nulato) Peter, Vivian: Koyukon. Title: Traveling in winter and spring; Trips to Unalakleet in winter; Grandpa Stickman putting in fish traps. Subject: Traveling, fish traps, traditional living, winter survival.

Ref. cut: H9112278
(Alatna) Nictune, Oscar, Sr.: English. Title: Trip to Caro, 1909; How Kobuk people came to Bettles; Family background; Trapping on Alatna River; Information about dogs. Subject: Traditional living, trapping, dogs, traveling, origins, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112259
(Allakaket) Williams, Joe, Sr.: Koyukon and English. Title: Trip to Huslia; Hunting beaver, 1938 and 1940; Games; New and old potlatches; Founding of Allakaket; Song for Steven Bergman, 1929; Hunting in the dark; Black bear story; Old time hunting; Song for South Fork Henry, 1921. Subject: Hunting, potlatch, games, songs, stories, traditional living, traveling, women, animals.

Ref. cut: H911209
(Ruby) Pilot, Simon: Koyukon. Title: Trip to south of Ruby. Subject: Traveling.

Ref. cut: H911225
(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Tulugigraq (Man who found light for earth); Tiktauruak (Man who revenges his brother's death). Subject: Stories, origins, family.

Ref. cut: H9112207
(Teller) Milligrok, Queenie: Inupiaq and English. Title: Two Auklets; Diomede whaling. Subject: Stories, whaling, birds.

Ref. cut: H911257
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik. Title: Two cousins. Subject: Stories, family.

Ref. cut: H9112350
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik. Title: Two girls and the crow man. Subject: Stories, women.

Ref. cut: H9112351
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik and English. Title: Two girls and the crow man (English); Old lady and the fox; How the white fox became red. Subject: Stories, women, elders, animals, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112352
(Barrow) Ahvakana, Floyd: Inupiaq and English. Title: Two grandfathers, part 2; Grandchild and grandmother. Subject: Stories elders, family.

Ref. cut: H9112217
(Chalkyitsik) Thomas, Dill: Kutchin and English. Title: Two little ladies across from each other. Subject: Stories, women.

Ref. cut: H9112106
(Wainwright) James, Oliver: English. Title: Two rich people. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112126
(Wainwright) Rock, Dorcas: English. Title: Two rich people. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112126


(Point Hope) Killigvuk, Jimmie: Inupiaq. Title: Ukuzziq (Baby who ate all the equipment his parents use for casting spells so they can't do it any more). Subject: Stories, magic.

Ref. cut: H9112213
(Huslia) Unidentified Woman: . Title: . Subject: .

Ref. cut: H911243
(Saint Lawrence) Pennyah, Amos: Inupiaq. Title: Unknown. Subject: .

Ref. cut: H78140
(Wainwright) James, Oliver: Inupiaq. Title: Uumiaknik maknguk (Two rich people). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112125
(Wainwright) Rock, Dorcas: Inupiaq. Title: Uumiaknik maknguk (Two rich people). Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112125


(Arctic Village) Tritt, Isaac: Kutchin. Title: Vasagitizk story; Vasagitzik and brother. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112255
(Fort Yukon) Alexander, Sam: Kutchin. Title: Vasagitsik. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911279
(Fort Yukon) Peter, Abraham: Kutchin. Title: Vasagitsik. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112303
(Fort Yukon) Peters, Moses: Kutchin. Title: Vasagitzak. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911230
(Fort Yukon) Peter, Katherine: Kutchin and English. Title: Vasagitzik and eagle; Vasagitzik and mouse; Crow and duck; Wolverine and lady lynx; Brown bear and crow; Vasagitzik's life; Vasagitzik finds out woman is going to have a baby; Chief Kohetan; Indian women. Subject: Stories, animals, birds, women, chiefs, origins.

Ref. cut: H911281
(Venetie) Henry, Neil: Kutchin and English. Title: Vasakitzik and bird and fox; Vasakitzik and moose; Venetie village. Subject: Stories, birds, animals.

Ref. cut: H911258
(Gold Camp) Frank, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: Vatsakyetsak and ducks, part 2; Vatsakyetsak and nago; Vatsakyetsak and diniik; Vatsakyetsak and birds; Vatsakyetsak and zzoo; Vatasakyetsak and king; Medicine story, part 1. Subject: Stories, birds, animals, medicine.

Ref. cut: H9112298
(Fort Yukon) Peter, Abraham: Kutchin. Title: Vatsakyetsik; Wolf and caribou; Crow and fish. Subject: Stories, animals, birds, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112302


(Tanana) John, Joe: Koyukon and English. Title: War at Morelock (Creek); Woman who was taken with the army. Subject: War, women.

Ref. cut: H9112247
(Venetie) Henry, Elijah: Kutchin. Title: War hero and generation; Sucker fish; Crow; Early womanhood; Young men; Hunting guide; Ko'oiishaa; Man named strong head; Kias as a child; Story and song. Subject: War, women, hunting, stories, songs, fish, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112315
(Venetie) Robert, Myra: Kutchin. Title: War hero and generation; Sucker fish; Crow; Early womanhood; Young men; Hunting guide; Ko'oiishaa; Man named strong head; Kias as a child; Story and song. Subject: War, women, hunting, stories, songs, fish, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112315
(Venetie) Peter, Kias: Kutchin. Title: War hero and generation; Sucker fish; Crow; Early womanhood; Young men; Hunting guide; Ko'oiishaa; Man named strong head; Kias as a child; Story and song. Subject: War, women, hunting, stories, songs, fish, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112315
(Venetie) Frank, Johnny: Kutchin. Title: War hero and generation; Sucker fish; Crow; Early womanhood; Young men; Hunting guide; Ko'oiishaa; Man named strong head; Kias as a child; Story and song. Subject: War, women, hunting, stories, songs, fish, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112315
(Venetie) Peter, Susan: Kutchin. Title: War hero and generation; Sucker fish; Crow; Early womanhood; Young men; Hunting guide; Ko'oiishaa; Man named strong head; Kias as a child; Story and song. Subject: War, women, hunting, stories, songs, fish, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112315
(Fairbanks) Barnabas, Bessie: Tanana. Title: War story; Big chief; Old Salchaket; Fairbanks. Subject: War, chiefs, traditional living, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112320
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: When a girl becomes a young woman; Her marriage to Chief Henry; Sled and snow shoe making; Man that stole a woman; Lynx. Subject: Stories, sleds, snow shoe, women, marriage, animals, chiefs.

Ref. cut: H9112269
(Huslia) Henry, Bessie: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: When a girl becomes a young woman; Her marriage to Chief Henry; Sled and snow shoe making; Man that stole a woman; Lynx. Subject: Stories, sleds, snow shoes, women, marriage, animals, chiefs.

Ref. cut: H9112269
(Koyukuk) Solomon, Madeline: Athabascan. Title: Winter traveling by dog team. Subject: Dogs, sleds, traveling.

Ref. cut: H9112265
(Grayling) Alexander, Jimmy: Ingalik and English. Title: Wolf and otter; Little hawk; Grayling, past, present and future; Masked dance, part 1. Subject: Stories, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112353
(Grayling) Nicholes, Wilbert: Ingalik and English. Title: Wolf and otter; Little hawk; Grayling, past, present and future; Masked dance, part 1. Subject: Stories, dances, animals, birds, origins.

Ref. cut: H9112353
(Galena) Nicholi, Gladys: Koyukon. Title: Wolf story; Old woman; Wolf and otter; Camp robber; Song made for Joe Wright. Subject: Stories, songs, women, elders, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H911241
(Galena) Huntington, Jennie: Koyukon. Title: Wolf story; Old woman; Wolf and otter; Camp robber; Song made for Joe Wright. Subject: Stories, songs, women, elders, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H911241
(Koyukuk) Solomon, Madeline: Athabascan and English. Title: Wolverine and the eagle. Subject: Stories, animals, birds.

Ref. cut: H9112326
(Allakaket) Simon, Lee: Koyukon and English. Title: Wolverine story with songs. Subject: Stories, songs, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112258
(Allakaket) Simon, Lee: Koyukon and English. Title: Wolverine story with songs. Subject: Stories, songs, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112259b
(Gold Camp) Williams, Ambrose: Kutchin. Title: Wolverine story; Datshalt'I; Winner. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112294
(Ruby) Johnson, Jim: English. Title: Woods people; Medicine men. Subject: Traditional living, medicine people.

Ref. cut: H911274
(Ruby) Chappelle, Pauline: English. Title: Woods people; Medicine men. Subject: Traditional living, medicine people.

Ref. cut: H911274
(Fairbanks) Keller, Mary: English. Title: World Eskimo Indian Olympics; Queen competition; Indian and Eskimo dances. Subject: Games, dances.

Ref. cut: H7894


(Point Hope) Frankson, David: Inupiaq. Title: Young man who was lost, part 1. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112204
(Point Hope) Frankson, David: Inupiaq. Title: Young man who was lost, part 2. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H9112205

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