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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Gavia immer

Qigu{ - Gavia immer

Qigu{ saI}u{ aku{, aIa}um ilan al aguun hamang kiduxtana{ liidaza{. Qan'gim aslaan qigu{ chuqagan ilagaan ilidaa akiita{ quhmaza{, aku{ kangayuu qaxchikdaza{, hingamataku{ hiiyukam chutxidigaa mataza{. Slum aslaan hakangis txidix isxanal aguun, angalingis txidix isxanazas. Kamgingis txidix chid}aayutil ama hachigan hangadan huzuugizaa quhma{ tu{ila{taasaqalizas.

Sas malganangis ilagaan sam chlaqatuu aza{. Chla{tal amaatxa{ hnuza{. Sam chlaqatungis akus hakangis amnil hiila}aza{, mal qigu{ mataza{. Hakangis hitmilgangis amnizas. Hingamaku{ mal qigu{ uxilgalakan aguun, taangam akinagan ilan a}aI aqadaguun taaman hitmilgal aguun hakaa amniza}ulax.

Qigu{ qalgal aguun isu}im ilagaan txin hikitaza}ulax, huzugaan qakuchas qazaku{ mal, qanuna{ liidaza{.

Slum aslaan hanis tan}i}ingis ilan agach saahmla}izas. Slum huzuu udaan ahmi}a tana{tazas. Qan'gim aslaan ala}um kugan haang uku}azas, aqadaguun slu{ masxal aguun saahmla}ikus mal uku}ayaxsxaza}ulas.

Common Loon - Gavia immer

The common loon is a large bird. When it is seen on the water, it looks as though it is lying in it pretty low. During the winter, the loon is white from beneath its throat down to its abdomen. Its back is black, and it has a very sharp bill. During the summer, the loon changes its color. The head turns green and the back gets full of white spots.

It is often said that birds that dive have very tight feathers, and they are hard to pluck. The loon is this kind of a bird, and it is hard to pluck. If the skin of these birds is not stripped off them, the loon is kept in hot water to make the feather plucking chore easier to do.

When the loon is eaten, its flesh tastes very similar to a seal. This is because it feeds on fish, and it has a fishy taste to it.

During the summer, the loons make nests on small islets in the lakes. The loans stay around here all year round. During the winter, the loons can be seen often in the water. In the summer, however, they are hardly seen because they are usually nesting at that time.

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