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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Melanitta nigra

Qugaangi{ - Melanitta nigra

Qugaangi{, ala}um sangis akus, udang hasinal iga{tazanas akus, wayaam liisnazalaka}is. Qugaangim ali}ingis hakangis qaxchikdazas. Hagumataku{ hiiyukagan kangaa chumnugim angalidigaa angali{taza{. Hawakus qugaangim ayagangis chumnugim qaxchikdaa angali{tazas.

Qugaangi{ tunul aguun hmigala}na{ liidal tunuza{, agiichigaan uku}aIakan a{tagaliku{ umang tununaa tutalgaza{. Qugaangis, tamgaalus ilagaan sam chuqudanaa{tangis azas. Hagumatakus i}atuu}utakus, mayaa{talganaa{s agungis tamgaalus ilagaan ana{ maasaatunaza}ulas. Ala}um sangis malganangis ilagaan qalgangis qaatunazas.

Qugaangis saaqudikinga udaa}anas agudix, qan'gim huzuu udang ahligudix qanikinga masxal aguun chugaanul hamang ilan angiqamdix hadan huyal, aqadagudix taaman saahmla}izas, udang saahmla}iza}ulas. Atuung aaka{ saahmla{tazas.

Black Scoter - Melanitta nigra

The common scoter is a saltwater duck. At one time, they were very numerous in this area. Nowadays, they are fewer in number. The drake has black feathers and a yellowish knob on top of its bill. The hen, on the other hand, is all brown.

The common scoters make a whistling sound. They are sometimes heard even if they are not visible. They are smaller in size compared to the white-winged scoter. They are harder to hunt than the white-winged scoter because they spook very easily. They are among the better eating ducks of the saltwater birds.

They spend the winters here in the Aleutians. They arrive in the fall and return to where they came from in the spring. They go north to their nesting grounds. They do not nest around this area.

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