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This publication in Atkan Aleut, commonly referred to as Western Aleut, is one of ten similar projects undertaken by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center.

By Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland

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Atkan spelling:
Chuuyung chul angaliq.:
I put on my jacket.


Atkan spelling:
Chuuyuun atxa{s puugachil taaman hitada. :
Button up your coat well before you go out.


Atkan spelling:
chuuyux̂ :
jacket or sweater

Atkan spelling:
Chuuyux̂ asxinung ngaan triivanaq. :
I ordered a jacket for my daughter.

Atkan spelling:
Chuuyux̂ matax̂t. :
Do you have a sweater?

Atkan spelling:
chuxcham uliigii :
Eskimo boot


Atkan spelling:
Chuxcham uliigingis wan akiitas chu}alizas. :
Eskimo shoes are still worn today.


Atkan spelling:
Chuxchas kda{ tatxil chalizas. :
Eskimos make a hole in the ice and fish.


Atkan spelling:
Chuxchas qas u}alul lazas. :
Eskimos catch fish with spears.


Atkan spelling:
Chuxchas sabaakam naartangis su{tazas. :
Eskimos use dog sleds.

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