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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Uria aalge

Ulungt{a{ - Uria aalge

Ulungt{a{ (Sakita{), ala}um saa aku{ hachii ama kamgigan huzuu qaxchikdaku{, chuqagan ilaan ilidaa akiita{ quhmaza{. Ulungt{am hiiyukaa chutxidigal ama qaxchikdaza{. Slum aslaan iganas ama ala}um achidan adungis ilan saahmla}izas. ala}um kugan al agungis agiichigaan txidix as hasinal haang akus uku}azas. Sam ala}um qamdagan ilan aatungis azas, chlaqatuu}utazas. Qagaan unangangis agatingis qa{takan hiila{tazas. Wang At{am kugan qalgazaIaka}is, slum aslaan imya{sxal aguun, um}i}ilgalakan aguun, agiichigaan uIungt{a{ kalu}al um}i{talgazaku{.

Slum aslaan saahmla}il aguun, ataqan uhlii saahmla{taza{. Hagumatakus kalulgazalaka}is mal, slum aslaan hasinal haang iga{takus uku}azas.

Common Murre - Uria aalge

A murre is a saltwater duck. It has a black back and head, and white feathers from the throat to the belly. The murre's bill is sharp and black.

During the summers, the murres nest on the cliff sides and inside the caves along the shores. When they are seen on the water, they are usually in big flocks. A murre is a duck that likes being in deep water, it is also a diving bird, and it is told that the Eastern Aleuts eat them. Here on Atka, murres are not eaten. During the summer, if someone goes out deep sea fishing and does not have bait, the murres are shot and used for bait.

During the summers, the murres lay only one egg. Since they are not shot for food during the summer, they can be seen flying around in great numbers.

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