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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Corvus corax

QangIaa}i{ - Corvus corax

Qanglaa}i{, sam huzuu qaxchikdaa aku{, tanam saa aza{. Kitangis qaxchikdakus qagal}ingis aduu}utazas. Wan sa{ alaaza{silgaa haqataza}ula{, huzugaan tununa{ Iiidaza{.

Qanglaa}i{ iga{tal aguun ila{taa ilagaan ida}aza}ula{, hakang inkam ilagaan itmigna{ liida{ agu{tal agiichigaan iga{taza{. Sam qaagus ilan aatuu aza{, qaagus hyusxaqas agungis ilan al qaatuza{.

Sas malganangis ilagaan itaangil saahmla}izas, iganas ilan isxa}izas, isxangis ala}um achidagaan qahngum qakangis ama iiklaygis ama qiigas ilagaan agu}izas. Qanikinga malgal agiichigaan qaniix malgal aa}aku{ saahmla}izas. Qanglaa}i{. Siching asxuunulax uluung aaka{ saahmlas mataza{. Saahmlangis chid}aayuna{ liidakus tu{ila}izas.

QangIaa}is udang al slum huzuu agzas.

Common Raven - Corvus corax

The raven is a black land bird with feet that have sharp claws. This bird does not know what being quiet means. It seems to be always cawing.

When a raven is flying, it is easily identifiable by the dives it makes. It sometimes looks as though it is going to fall to the ground, but it never does.

A ravens likes being around garbage and waste. Whenever garbage is dumped, they feed on it.

Among all the birds, the raven is the first to lay eggs. The raven's nest consists of dried seaweed, sticks and grass. The nest is usually situated on a cliff. Sometimes in the fall, even if it is snowing, the raven lays eggs. It lays four to seven spotted eggs.

Ravens are present all year around.

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