Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Resources for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing.

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The compact discs, made from digitized masters of the original recordings, and this index were produced by the Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Library and Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum and the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency, and by the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Library Association, and the Alaska State Library. For more information or to order any CD (available for check out, too), contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

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(Barrow) Ahvakana, Floyd: Inupiaq and English. Title: First Christmas (1897); Reindeer; Ten legged polar bear, part 1; Little men. Subject: Christianity, herding, animals, stories.

Ref. cut: H9112220
(Nenana) Starr, Alfred: English. Title: First moose at Minchumina; Famine times. Subject: Hunting, famine, animals.

Ref. cut: H911299
(Tanana) Moses, Archie: Inner Koyukon. Title: First moose ever seen; Man with six arrows; War at Koyukuk; Love story. Subject: Stories, hunting, war, animals.

Ref. cut: H911288
(Point Hope) Kinneeveak, Herbert: Inupiaq. Title: First people of Point Hope; Poor boy; Person who was half starved; Person from Colville River. Subject: Stories, origins, famine.

Ref. cut: H9112195
(Gold Camp) Williams, Ambrose: Kutchin. Title: First white man - grass pants; Dream man - funny doctor; Old Henry; Old Johnny; Chief Christian; Old Henry's story of crow and big fish. Subject: First contact, clothing, stories, elders, chiefs, birds, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112293
(Various) Fate, Hugh: English. Title: Fish camps; Commercial and subsistence fishing; Fish eggs law; Killing a moose with a spear; Steamboats on the Yukon 1884; Being introduced to flour and crackers; Stories in Native language. Subject: Fishing, fisheries, hunting, stories, boats, foods, resources.

Ref. cut: H78185a
(Venetie) Robert, Myra: Kutchin. Title: Fish Ch'uk, part 2; Grasshopper; Black bear; Crow that didn't know what to do, part 1. Subject: Stories, animals, birds, fish.

Ref. cut: H9112290
(Nenana) Esau, David: English. Title: Fishing. Subject: Fishing.

Ref. cut: H911297
(Tanana) Kokrine, Andrew: English. Title: Fishing camps; Sled dogs. Subject: Fishing, dogs, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78183b
(Grayling) Deacon, Olga: Holikachuk. Title: Fox story, part 2; Wolverine and martin. Subject: Stories, animals.

Ref. cut: H9112348

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