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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Larus glaucescens

Sluka{ - Larus glaucescens

Sluka{ sa{ aku{ quhmal ama quuhmliigim angalidigaa angali{taza{. Slukas udaan ahmi}an al slum huzuu agzas. Slum aslaan qakungis alanaIak}is mal tanadgusim ahmi}an uku}aza}ulas, aadahliikakus tan}is kugan saahmIa}ikus mal liisnaza}ulas. Aqadaguun qan'gi{ masxal, aslaan qakungis liisnaqadagungis tanadgusim ahmi}a agacha tana{taaguzazas. Qaagus ala}um achidan hyusxanangis akus qazakus mal tanadgusi{ agacha ahmi}a}izas.

Slukas slum aslaan tan}im uuquchiinga}i}ulangis kugan saahmla}izas. Hagumatal agungis, ayuxtanas al saahmlangis qalgaa{ lalgazakus, saahmlal}uchxizas matazas. Saahmlangis chid}aayum angalidiganaa{taa akus qaxchikdakuchas tu{ila{taasazas. Slukam isxangis qiigas ilagaan agu}ikus, agiitingis

qayas kangan akus, agiitingis quganas kugan azas. Qankus saahmla{tazas, saahmla}iiguzaqalil agungis lalgal agungis, saahmlam hagyangis atxazalgaza{, agalikul lalganaa{s agungis chiidatul i}amanaza}ulas.

Slukas agatingis ana{ qanaa{s aa}aza}ulas, ulu{ asxuunulax hamaax atxazaakanadix atxazal qazas.

Slukam chiida{taqangis akus chyaalis hiila{tazas, quuhmliigim qaxchikdaa angali{takus. Slukas quhmadigakus uku}angis hagyaachxuzana{ liidazas.

Glaucous-wing Gull - Larus glaucescens

The gulls are white and gray birds. They are present all year round. During the summer, the gulls are not seen in great numbers near the village because they have lots to eat. They also nest on the islands. When winter comes, however, they stick around the village because they do not have much to eat. They wait for scraps of food whenever someone empties his garbage.

The gulls nest on islands without foxes during the summer. Their eggs are gathered for food at certain times of the year. They are good-sized eggs. They are olive with black spots all over them.

The gull nest is made from grass and moss. They usually have three eggs. It is best to gather the eggs after the first few days of being laid, or else they will be incubated.

The gulls are not choosy eaters. They eat meat and whatever they can find to eat. The young gull is called chyaali{. It is gray in color. The mature gull, on the other hand, is whitish and looks like it has been washed clean.

Leucosticte tephrocotis

Chaanu{ - Leucosticte tephrocotis

Chaanu{, sakucha{ amaku{, aku{ qalgaza}ula{ agacha. Chaanum hakangis chumnugim qaxchikdaa aku{ ama uluudam angalidigaa ila{taa angali{taza{. Chaanum kamgii ila{taa quuhmliix angali{taza{ ama hiiyukaa chumnugiza{.

Slum huzuu chaanus udang akus uku{azas. Slum aslaan saahmla}izas, iganas asxuunulax ulaaklus a}iilaqangis ilan saahmla}izas. Isxangis qiigas ilaan agu}izas. Hawakus chaanum chiidangis hagil iga{taqalil agudix anadix liidakus akus, kamgingis agatingis quuhmliigiza}ulas. Hawayangis akus kamalus ngaan asa{tanas azangis.

Chaanus iga{tal agudix inkam ilan higich{ina{ liida{ agu{tal aga{tazas.

Gray-crowned Rosy Finch
Leucosticte tephrocotis

The finch is a small bird which is not eaten. The feathers on a gray-crowned rosy finch are brownish, and also pinkish in color. The head is gray and the bill is yellow.

The finches are present here all year around. The finches nest during the summer on cliffs or old abandoned buildings. The finch nest is made of grass. As the young finches grow up they look like their mothers except that they do not have gray crowns. Aleuts call the young finches kamalus.

When the rosy finch flies it looks as though it is jumping up and down in the air.

Anas crecca

Qii{chiida{ - Anas crecca

Qii{chiida{ hanim sakuchaa amaku{. Hanim sangis malganangis ilagaan chuqudaza{. Qii{chiidam ali}ingis ayagamdix ilagaan hakam sugdanangis matazas. Kamgii chumnugim qaxchikdaa aku{, dagan chida}an chid}aayuza{, aasal huzuu quuhmliigina{ liidaku{ quhmaa}utaza{. Qii{chiidam ayagangis huzuu hizax chumnugim qaxchikdaa angali{tazas, akus hingakus igasigan agalangis utmaa aaka{ akiita{ amasuku{, hakam chid}ingis matazas.

Qii{chiidas udaan ahmi}an al slum huzuu agizas. Qan'gim aslaan hanis kda}il agungis, chi}anas asxuunulax ala}um achidan tatungis ilan al qanagzas. Aqadaguun slum aslaan hanis ilan haang akus uku}azas. Slum aslaan udahligan saahmla}izas, hanis chida}an asxuunulax tan}ikuchas kungin ila{tangis saahmla}ii}utazas. Isxangis chungus ama qiigas ilagaan agu}izas. Qii{chiida{ hati{ aaka{ saahmla{taza{.

Slum agaIuu}ii chi}anas ilan al qas tutuunudix itxiqangis qal hagumahligudix, qanu{ txidix hitzas, mal qalganaa{sxal agungis qanuzas.

Green-winged Teal - Anas crecca

The green-winged teal is also a freshwater duck. It is smaller in size than most of the freshwater ducks. The drake has fancier feather coloring than the hen teal. The drake has a brown head and it also has green near the eye region on the sides. Its body is grayish in color, and it has green feathers on the middle back of its wings. The bottom side is white. The hen is brownish in color, and it has blue feathers on the middle back of its wings.

The green-winged teals are present here all year round. During the winter when the lakes are iced up, the teals can be found in the creeks, or the tide pools near the beach. During the summer, they are seen around the lakes.

The teals nest here on Atka. They either have nests around the lake area, or on small islets. Their nests are made of down and grass. They lay approximately ten eggs a year.

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