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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Histrionicus histrionicus

Kaaxadgi{ - Histrionicus histrionicus

Kaaxadgi{ ala}um sakuchaa aku{, kaaxadgim ali}ii ayagaam ilagaan sas matazakungis mal hakangis sugdanaza{, hakangis chid}ina{ liidaku{ kay igasikix sitxan chumnugim qaxchikdaa aza{, ama hachigan ama alugan angakix quhma{ tu{ila{taasaza{.

Kaaxadgim ayagangis hawakus midimit{im ayagangis hizax Iiidakus, midimit{im ilagaan angunaa}utazas, ama igasigan agalan utmakix hakam quhmangis mataa}utaza}ulax.

Udang al slum huzuu agza{, udaan saagamagii aza{. Saaqudikinga ama qan'gim aslaan agacha kalulgazakus. Saaqudgim ama qanikinga angi}azalaka}is, aa}an hakangis txidix isxanal chuqidugikus, mal ana{ maalal hitimilgal hayasxaakalaka}is maalal hingaan aslaan haqaya}aza}ulas.

Kaaxadgis udaan ahmi}an alanalaka}is uku}azas, hagumatakus haang ala}um achidan agacha aaguzazas. Slum aslaan hakangis txidix isxanal agudix ana{ mal iga{taakalaka}is agiichigaan uku}azas. Hagumatal agudix ala}um hangadan xaadagnaa}ina{ liidazas. Slum aslaan saahmla}izas, aku}aan an}a}inam saahmlaa ilganaa as{aan ilgal hiila{taku{ tutazanaq.

Harlequin Duck - Histrionicus histrionicus

The harlequin duck is a saltwater duck, and the drake like other drakes have fancier feathers then the hen. The drake has bluish feathers and brownish underneath the wings with white spots on its back and its sides. The hen is very similar to the bufflehead hen, but it is larger in size. Unlike the bufflehead, the hen has white feathers in the middle of the back of its wings.

These ducks are present here all year round. They are shot during winter and fall. But they are avoided during the summer and spring because they are full of pin feathers and they make plucking difficult.

Lots of harlequin ducks can be seen quite often around here. They are also seen along the shore swimming. During the summer when their feathers are changing, they cannot fly. If you approach them when they are in this situation, they seem to run along the top of the water when they are fleeing.

The harlequin ducks lay egges during the summer. I used to hear that if someone looks for harlequin duck eggs, he is looking for his own death.

Fratercula corniculata

Qagida{ - Fratercula corniculata

Qagida{ sam uxchu{ liidaa aku{. Slum aslaan udang uku}azas, slum sagan itaanginaaguzaa al udaa}aza{ hiila{taku{ tutazaqang.

Sam liisna}ulangis al hiila{tazas mal matazas. Sam qaxchikdaa aku{ sagima}ii ama ilidaa huzuu quhmaza{. Qagidam hiiyukaa hanatuku{, qichi}ii}utaza{, hiiyukaa uluudana{ liidaku{ aku}aan kanuuyaa}utana{ liida{ angali{taza{. Hagumatakus tan}is kugan hunas agu{tal ilan slum aslaan saahmla}izas.

Slu{ inal saaqudikinga masxal aguun uqis ilagaan hawaa}aqamdix hadan huyaa}utazas. Uku}alakan qanagnas agudix qanikinga masxal aguun txidix udaa}atii}utazas.

Horned Puffin - Fratercula corniculata

The horned puffin is similar to the tufted puffin. They are seen during the summer. I heard that the horned puffin is the first summer bird to arrive here during the summer.

Horned puffins are seen in small numbers. They aren't abundant like other birds. The horned puffin is a black duck with a white face and belly. It also has a thick, sharp kind of reddish orange beak.

During the summers, horned puffins make burrows in the ground on islands where they nest and have eggs. When fall comes, they return to where they came from, to come back again the next spring.

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