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This publication in Atkan Aleut, commonly referred to as Western Aleut, is one of ten similar projects undertaken by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center.

By Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland

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Atkan spelling:
Maadugaa}is qayas kangangim azas. :
The snow buntings are up in the hills.


Atkan spelling:
maadugaa{ :
snow bunting


Atkan spelling:
Maa}an matiku{. :
He agrees to do it.


Atkan spelling:
Maaguzaa}an a{taku{. :
It is the real truth.


Atkan spelling:
maaguza{ :
real truth


Atkan spelling:
maakal :
be able to do


Atkan spelling:
Maakal agumis mada. :
If you think you are able, do it.


Atkan spelling:
Maalaku{. :
We did it.


Atkan spelling:
maalal :
be done; we do


Atkan spelling:
Maamang as aangsutil angaliq.:
I went berry picking with my mother.


Atkan spelling:
Maamang uyulix̂ ngus aĝaazax̂takux̂. :
My mother presented me with a head scarf.

Atkan spelling:
Maamas aniqdu{ matazas. :
Mothers have babies.


Atkan spelling:
maama{ :


Atkan spelling:
Maama{ taatang ayagaa a{. :
Mother is my father's wife.


Atkan spelling:
Maamax̂ aniqduun yaxtal kumsix̂takux̂. :
The mother is carrying her baby and giving him love.

Atkan spelling:
Maarta{ :


Atkan spelling:
Maarta{ qan'gim tugidaa a{. :
March is a winter month.


Atkan spelling:
Maarya skuuvuruudax̂ mulil hagyayada. :
Mary scours the frying pay and cleans it.

Atkan spelling:
Maasakung. :
I did it.


Atkan spelling:
maasal :
doing it


Atkan spelling:
maasla{ :


Atkan spelling:
Maasla{ wayaam akituku{.:
Butter is costly now.


Atkan spelling:
Maasla{ xliibam kugan agis qalgaza{.:
We spread butter on bread then eat it.


Atkan spelling:
Maasla{ xliibam kugan aku{.:
There is butter on the bread.


Atkan spelling:
maasta{ :


Atkan spelling:
maazal :
get something; not exist


Atkan spelling:
maazalaka{ :
gone; not there


Atkan spelling:
Maazaqadana{. :
It disappeared.


Atkan spelling:
machaalki{ :


Atkan spelling:
mach{il :
let do


Atkan spelling:
madigal :
be lucky


Atkan spelling:
Madigas matiku{. :
He was fortunate.


Atkan spelling:
ma}il :


Atkan spelling:
makaaka{ :


Atkan spelling:
Makaaka{ alga{ aku{. :
A monkey is an animal.


Atkan spelling:
Makung alaka{. :
I have nothing to do.


Atkan spelling:
mal :


Atkan spelling:
malaa}is :
inflorescence of wild parsnip


Atkan spelling:
Malaaniyaa alqus qidaasal hamama{? :
What is Molly crying about?


Atkan spelling:
Malgaa alĝinakux̂.:
It is hard to do.

Atkan spelling:
malgal :
to be done; it is


Atkan spelling:
manital :


Atkan spelling:
maqa}ilakan :
it is all right


Atkan spelling:
Maqa}iqadaku{. :
It is all right now.


Atkan spelling:
maqa{tal :
habit of doing something


Atkan spelling:
maqdal :
to suck


Atkan spelling:
maqda{ :
mammary glands


Atkan spelling:
Mariina chx̂uuĝil txin asx̂anix̂takux̂.:
Marina is washing clothes and she is tired.

Atkan spelling:
Mariiyam sistraa aalux̂takux̂. :
Mary's sister is smiling.

Atkan spelling:
Mariiya{ hmiichi{ hata{ch{il mikaasakux. :
Mary is bouncing the ball.


Atkan spelling:
mas :
to do


Atkan spelling:
Masinam anaĝingis chugal ax̂takus. :
The motor's parts are all complete.

Atkan spelling:
masinas :


Atkan spelling:
Masinas ay{aasim kugan chitakus. :
The outboard motor is attached to the stern.


Atkan spelling:
Masinas staaratikus. :
The motor is getting old.


Atkan spelling:
Masinas sulugikux̂.:
The motor is making noise.

Atkan spelling:
Masinas txidix atxikus.:
The motor stopped.


Atkan spelling:
Masinas txidix haa}anikus. :
The motor has stopped running.


Atkan spelling:
Masinat atxa{s aku{ txin ay{atna{.:
When he fixed his motor he started out.


Atkan spelling:
masxal :
become; it is time to


Atkan spelling:
matal :
to have; to be


Atkan spelling:
Matal aguung kum imis a}ikung. :
If I had it I would give it to you.


Atkan spelling:
matil :
to do


Atkan spelling:
maxaayal :
to wave


Atkan spelling:
ma{sil :
cleaning; working on


Atkan spelling:
mayaa{s :
to hunt; trap animals


Atkan spelling:
Mayaa{s qanagnaq. :
I trapped during the winter.


Atkan spelling:
mazal :
usually does it


Atkan spelling:
midalil :
to clean a hide


Atkan spelling:
Midimit{is iga{takus. :
The buffleheads are flying.


Atkan spelling:
midimit{i{ :
bufflehead; butterball


Atkan spelling:
migal :
to hatch


Atkan spelling:
miila{ :


Atkan spelling:
mikaasi{ :


Atkan spelling:
mikal :
to play


Atkan spelling:
Mikam ilan mikal aku{ sayuqa}il angali{. :
He won by playing in a game.


Atkan spelling:
mikayngul :
to be playful


Atkan spelling:
Minuutas aginangis haqatada. :
Keep track of the minutes.


Atkan spelling:
minuuta{ :


Atkan spelling:
Miqudaan ugunuu}ana{t. :
Don't forget your pocket knife.


Atkan spelling:
miquda{ :
pocket knife


Atkan spelling:
misaayal :


Atkan spelling:
misal :


Atkan spelling:
misuuka{ :


Atkan spelling:
Misuuka{ imdada! :
Fill the sack.


Atkan spelling:
Misuuka{ taxul qyatiku{.:
She tied the sack tightly.


Atkan spelling:
mitiisi{ :


Atkan spelling:
Mitiisi{ su}al mitilgaza{.:
A broom is used for sweeping.


Atkan spelling:
mitil :
to sweep


Atkan spelling:
MuIutuuka{ su}al asxus aqisxaza{. :
We use a hammer to take off nails.


Atkan spelling:
muka{ :


Atkan spelling:
Muka{ su}al xliiba{ agulgaza{. :
We use flour to bake bread.


Atkan spelling:
Mukax̂ stuuluĝim hangadan chisikux̂. :
She scattered some flour on the table.

Atkan spelling:
muluka{ :


Atkan spelling:
mulutuukal :
to hammer


Atkan spelling:
Mulutuukal hingamaku{. :
He is using a hammer.


Atkan spelling:
mulutuukax :


Atkan spelling:
muuli{ :


Atkan spelling:
Muuli{ ataqadim hnuuqaaya{ ana{. :
A butterfly was once a cocoon.


Atkan spelling:
muustas :


Atkan spelling:
Muustas chi}anam qusan aku{.:
The bridge is over the creek.


Atkan spelling:
Muustas i}a{takuq.:
I am afraid of the bridge.


Atkan spelling:
Muuyusii ha}u}iilu{ matal At{a{ hnu{tana{.:
Moses had a pack when he came to Atka.


Atkan spelling:
Muyusii asa{takuq. :
My name is Moses.

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