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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Plectrophenax nivalis

Maadugaa{ - Plectrophenax nivalis

Maadugaa{, madugaa}is sakucham qayas kangan tana{tangis azas. Hakangis quhma{ ama qaxchikda{ angali{tazas.

Qan'gim aslaan agiichigaan utal ala}um achidan hnu{tal qakus uku}azas, qaniixtu{ ama qingana{ malgal aguun taaman ala}um achidan uku}azas.

Slum aslaan kii}uusis kungin aygaxsxal aguun aku}azas. Kii}uusis agatingis ilan saahmla}izas. Atuung aaka{ saahmla{tazas. Maadugaa}is slum huzuu udan tana{tazas.

Snow Bunting - Plectrophenax nivalis

Snow buntings are small birds that can be seen usually on the mountains. Buntings are black and white in color.

During the winter when it is very snowy and cold, buntings can be seen feeding along the beaches near the shore.

During the summer, they can be seen on the mountains when you go hiking.

Snow buntings nest around here, and they lay approximately six eggs. They are present around here all year round.

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