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This publication in Atkan Aleut, commonly referred to as Western Aleut, is one of ten similar projects undertaken by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center.

By Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland

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Atkan spelling:
taadaayux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Taadaayux̂ qam ichaaqidaa ax̂.:
The flounder is a thin fish.

Atkan spelling:
Taa}an' gim hitzaa}uu qaatunaza{. :
A newly emerged cow parsnip is good to eat.


Atkan spelling:
Taa}an'gim malaa}ingis kuu}akus. :
The tops of the wild parsnip are bloomed.


Atkan spelling:
Taa}an'gim si}lingis angunakus. :
The leaves on the wild parsnip are big.


Atkan spelling:
Taaĝan'gim tuutx̂ungis. :
They are some dried stalks of parsnip.

Atkan spelling:
taa}an'gis :
lateral stalk of the cow parsnip


Atkan spelling:
Taa}an'gis qalgazas. :
The cow parsnip is edible.


Atkan spelling:
taagax̂ :
rip tide

Atkan spelling:
taamaazagaan :
all the more; more and more


Atkan spelling:
taaman :
then only


Atkan spelling:
taamul :
to lick


Atkan spelling:
Taanasxaadakuq. :
I am camping.


Atkan spelling:
taanasxaadal :
to go camping; be camping


Atkan spelling:
Taangaan umchuda. :
Suck your drink (with a straw).


Atkan spelling:
Taangaatukuq. :
I am thirsty.


Atkan spelling:
taangaatul :
wanting to drink; wanting liquor


Atkan spelling:
taangachx̂il :
to water

Atkan spelling:
taangal :
to drink;, drip on


Atkan spelling:
Taangalix̂tax̂ uĝlakux̂. :
The drunk sobered up.

Atkan spelling:
taangam idigaa :


Atkan spelling:
Taangam idigaa maazazana}ulax. :
We never had any soda pop before.


Atkan spelling:
Taangam kraanaa haxsil a}iilal a{taku{. :
The faucet was left running.


Atkan spelling:
taangam vidraa :
water bucket


Atkan spelling:
Taangam vidraa higakux̂. :
The water bucket is frozen.

Atkan spelling:
taanganisal :
to wait for geese or fresh water ducks to drink (behind a duck blind)


Atkan spelling:
taanganuu}idal :
to taste flat (water)


Atkan spelling:
taangas, taangatil :
to fetch water


Atkan spelling:
taangatul :
to have much water


Atkan spelling:
Taanga{ chi}anam ilagaan aglal qila{sis.:
We hauled water from the river this morning.


Atkan spelling:
Taanga{ hidulaku{. :
The water is being taken out.


Atkan spelling:
Taanga{ hyuku{. :
The water is being poured.


Atkan spelling:
Taanga{ kuum hyutiku{.:
He spilled water on himself.


Atkan spelling:
taangax̂ :
fresh water

Atkan spelling:
Taangax̂ buchuunikam nagan slikuq. :
I empty some water in the barrel.

Atkan spelling:
Taangax̂ ichagikux̂.:
The water is dripping.

Atkan spelling:
Taangax̂ ngiin chimx̂aasakux̂t. :
You spilled water on us.

Atkan spelling:
Taangax̂ sul txin chimx̂al ii haman? :
Did he splash water on you?

Atkan spelling:
taangulal :
to be thirsty


Atkan spelling:
taangulasxal :
to get thirsty; wanting to drink


Atkan spelling:
Taankam nagan gazaliina{ aku{. :
The tank has gasoline in it.


Atkan spelling:
Taankam tagadaa chuhmlul angaliq. :
I put on a new tank today.


Atkan spelling:
taankax̂ :
tank (hot water)

Atkan spelling:
Taankax̂ akinakux̂.:
The tank is hot.

Atkan spelling:
Taankax̂ chx̂al ax̂takux̂.:
The tank is full.

Atkan spelling:
taataa :
his or her father


Atkan spelling:
Taatang ay{aasigan masinaa si{til a{taku{. :
My dad's outboard motor broke.


Atkan spelling:
Taatang ayx̂aasiin umnayakux̂. :
My father is caulking his boat.

Atkan spelling:
Taata{ hilaquli{ alanaan hi{taku{. :
Father said he needs something to read.


Atkan spelling:
taatax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Taatax̂ maamang ugii ax̂. :
Father is my mother's husband.

Atkan spelling:
taatunal :
to be poor; not wealthy


Atkan spelling:
taazax̂ :
wash pan

Atkan spelling:
Taazax̂ chux̂taqas itakux̂. :
The wash pan is filled with clothes.

Atkan spelling:
tachim (ulax) :
(not) yet


Atkan spelling:
Tachim ana{ atxazalakaq.:
I haven't caught anything yet.


Atkan spelling:
Tachim ayagax̂ igluqax̂ midalinaa ukux̂taĝulaq.:
I've never seen a woman clean a hide before.

Atkan spelling:
Tachim haqatalaka}ing. :
I don't know yet.


Atkan spelling:
Tachim ilgux̂ mataĝulaq.:
I don't have a grandchild yet.

Atkan spelling:
tadaalux̂ :
mat; step

Atkan spelling:
tadal :


Atkan spelling:
tadus :


Atkan spelling:
tadutil :


Atkan spelling:
tagaalux̂ :
airport; air field

Atkan spelling:
tagadal :
be new; be fresh


Atkan spelling:
Tagadaqadakux̂. :
It is no longer new.

Atkan spelling:
ta}al :
to try; check; learn; understand


Atkan spelling:
tagal :
to land


Atkan spelling:
Tagalu}ing hnukuq. :
I have reached my homestead.


Atkan spelling:
tagalux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
taganil :
to be snowing


Atkan spelling:
taganim qaklagingis :


Atkan spelling:
Taganix̂ malgakux̂. :
It is snowing.

Atkan spelling:
taĝayux̂ :
salt; salty

Atkan spelling:
tahlidax̂ :
knot in wood

Atkan spelling:
garters; arm bands


Atkan spelling:
Tahmladang hikitikuq. :
I lost my snuff box.


Atkan spelling:
tahmladax̂ :
tobacco pouch

Atkan spelling:
takal :
to come off; get loose


Atkan spelling:
takas :
to take off


Atkan spelling:
Takatikung. :
I took it off.


Atkan spelling:
takatil :
to take off


Atkan spelling:
takdax̂ :
bump on the head; a cod bladder stuffed with cod liver

Atkan spelling:
talĝix̂ :
branch; tentacle

Atkan spelling:
tali}il :
to dance


Atkan spelling:
Tamaaka{ si}li{ aku{ inu}aza{. :
Tobacco is a leaf but we chew it.


Atkan spelling:
tamaakax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tamaakax̂ imis iĝamanalakax̂.:
Tobacco is not good for you.

Atkan spelling:
Tamaakax̂ inux̂takux̂.:
He has tobbacco in his mouth.

Atkan spelling:
tamgaalux̂ :
white winged scoter

Atkan spelling:
Tamgaalux̂ tagakux̂. :
The scoter has landed.

Atkan spelling:
Tamsung izanalakax̂. :
My cheek groove is easy to see.

Atkan spelling:
tamsux̂ :
cheek groove

Atkan spelling:
to return (by land)


Atkan spelling:
to come ashore


Atkan spelling:
Tanaanul chalakuq. :
I came ashore (in a boat).


Atkan spelling:
tanadgusiigamax :
main town; city


Atkan spelling:
Tanadgusiigamax hnukuq. :
I came to a city.


Atkan spelling:
Tanadgusilĝum kugan ulax̂ alakuq. :
I need a house in the big city.

Atkan spelling:
tanadgusilĝux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tanadgusilĝux̂ hnulgal aguun ulas qayal hasinazas. :
When we come to a big city there are many tall houses.

Atkan spelling:
Tanadgusim hadan huyal hnuna{. :
He reached the village.


Atkan spelling:
Tanadgusim sadan tanĝix̂ akux̂. :
There is an island out there in front of the village.

Atkan spelling:
Tanadgusim tuyuunaa akux̂.:
He is the chief of the village.

Atkan spelling:
Tanadgusing angunakucha}ulax. :
My village is very small.


Atkan spelling:
tanadgusix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
tana}il :
to have village on it; to have home on; to stay home; have room


Atkan spelling:
tanahmax̂ :
warp; longitudinal threads in basket

Atkan spelling:
to bury


Atkan spelling:
tanam aal}aa:
bare ground


Atkan spelling:
Tanam aguu}uu:
czar (god of the earth)


Atkan spelling:
Tanam chix̂taa amayaknakux̂. :
The wet ground is dirty.

Atkan spelling:
Tanam kugan higitikux̂. :
He jumps on the ground.

Atkan spelling:
tanam qawaa :


Atkan spelling:
Tanam qawaa kitakucham hasinangis matazax̂. :
A caterpillar has lots of little legs.

Atkan spelling:
Tanam qigangaa sla}uku{. :
The eastern side of the island is stormy.


Atkan spelling:
Tanam qudga aygagiku{.:
He is walking on the top side.


Atkan spelling:
tanam sadaa axs:
passing the island seaside


Atkan spelling:
tanam slaqatuu :
stormy island


Atkan spelling:
tanam ulaa :
sod house


Atkan spelling:
summer camp


Atkan spelling:
Tanasxaadaatuna{ malgal? :
Is it good to be camping?


Atkan spelling:
tanasxaadal :
to go camping


Atkan spelling:
Tanasxaadal aguun txin hnux̂tazaangan a}naq. :
I'll visit you when you are camping.

Atkan spelling:
Tanasxa}ikuq mal uku}alakan ukutikuq. :
The reason I wasn't around was that I was camping.


Atkan spelling:
tanasxa}il :
to stay at camp


Atkan spelling:
Tanasxan al sluzas.:
We camp out all summer.


Atkan spelling:
Tanasxan sa}al hulakuq.:
I slept at camp last night.


Atkan spelling:
Tanasxan slugan sa}aamis ii? :
Are you going to sleep at the camp?


Atkan spelling:
tanasxan ulaa :


Atkan spelling:
Tanasxan ulaa usxis ilagaan aguĝikux̂. :
The camp house is made of logs.

Atkan spelling:
tanatul :
to be roomy; spacy


Atkan spelling:
Tana{ axsxal umaanulgaza{.:
One has to pass over the land to get across to the other side.


Atkan spelling:
tanax̂ :
land; island; ground; earth; place

Atkan spelling:
Tanax̂ yaagikux̂. :
There is an earthquake.

Atkan spelling:
to live at

Atkan spelling:
Tanĝaaĝim algam kayutuu ax̂.:
A bear is a strong animal.

Atkan spelling:
tan}aa}im chumnugii :
brown bear


Atkan spelling:
Tanĝaaĝim chumnugii angunakux̂. :
The brown bear is big.

Atkan spelling:
tan}aa}im qaxchikdaa :
black bear


Atkan spelling:
Tan}aa}im qaxchikdangis udang malgaza}ulax. :
We don't have black bears here.


Atkan spelling:
Tan}aa}is udugaa}im ilan chiida}izas. :
Bears have their babies in dens.


Atkan spelling:
tanĝaaĝix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
tan}im saduu}ii :
outside of islet


Atkan spelling:
tan}im udaa}ii :
this side of the island


Atkan spelling:
tanĝix̂ :
island; islet

Atkan spelling:
Tanĝix̂ iĝamanakux̂ akux̂ aaliisizigalakax̂. :
The island is good but has no good land.

Atkan spelling:
Tangix̂ sisugikuq. :
I crossed over to the other side of the islet.

Atkan spelling:

Atkan spelling:
Taniisix̂ ngus aĝada.:
Give me a flashlight.

Atkan spelling:
tanil :
to lighten


Atkan spelling:
Taning tasx̂idakux̂.:
My forehead is shiny.

Atkan spelling:
tanix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
taqil :
to turn around (boat)


Atkan spelling:
taqimixs :
to go zig zag


Atkan spelling:
taqul :
to put arms around


Atkan spelling:
taqux̂tal :
to hold in arms; to hug

Atkan spelling:
tas :
to burst; erupt;


Atkan spelling:
tasul :
to shuffle playing cards


Atkan spelling:
tasx̂idal :
to be shiny

Atkan spelling:
tasx̂idayal :
to polish

Atkan spelling:
tataam :


Atkan spelling:
tatahlii}utaam :
still another time


Atkan spelling:
tatahliim :
once again


Atkan spelling:
to have burst; to have a hole in it


Atkan spelling:
tatil :
to burst


Atkan spelling:
tatux̂ :
lagoon; pond

Atkan spelling:
Tatux̂ tasx̂idakux̂. :
The pond is shiny (calm).

Atkan spelling:
tatxil :
to make burst


Atkan spelling:
taxsal :
to put away; to collect; to gather


Atkan spelling:
Taxsa{taqang txin quugaqaadatil a{taku{.:
The thing I had stored got moldy.


Atkan spelling:
Ta{tiku{ txin as{anil quyuna{. :
When it got dark she got tired and went to bed.


Atkan spelling:
taxul :
to tie; wrap


Atkan spelling:
tax̂ :
now; well; enough

Atkan spelling:
Tax̂ ii? :

Atkan spelling:
Tax̂ sanakux̂. :
That's enough.

Atkan spelling:
Tax̂! :

Atkan spelling:
tax̂s :
to get dark

Atkan spelling:
Tax̂tikux̂ taaman ixchil saĝanax̂.:
He went home when it was getting late yesterday.

Atkan spelling:
Tax̂tikux̂. :
It is getting dark.

Atkan spelling:
tax̂til :
to get dark

Atkan spelling:
Taya}um imlii qaxchikdaku{.:
The man's hair is black.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}um inglaakungis txidix adutikus.:
The man's beard is getting long.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}um kamgii uku{takuq. :
I see a man's head.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}um kayungis kayutuku{. :
The man is strong.


Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝum ngaan tunux̂takung aaluhlix̂ manax̂.:
When I talked to the man he just laughed.

Atkan spelling:
taya}um tuku}ulaa :
poor man


Atkan spelling:
taya}um tukuu :
rich man


Atkan spelling:
Taya}us ay{aasi{ sayul hikuu}atikus. :
The men pulled the boat up to its place.


Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝus chugaanux̂tal qaqamiiĝukus. :
The men are hunting on the northside.

Atkan spelling:
Taya}us kaartakus. :
The men are playing cards.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}us mayaa{s qanagzakus. :
The men trap during the winter.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}us nam hadan ayuxtakus. :
The men are going hunting on the south side (of the island).


Atkan spelling:
Taya}us rubaaxas chu{tazas. :
The men wear tee shirts.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ aganguda}an huyaku{.:
The man is going towards the other side.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ agisam kangan aku{.:
There is a man on the lookout hill.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ ahnga{tal aku{ taaman hlas ayuginas. :
The man acknowledged the boys before they left in their boats.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ atim hadan huyaku{.:
The man is going downward.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ hawanguda}an huyaku{. :
The man went over that way.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ ha{tal hulaku{.:
The man stayed awake all night.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ isu}i{ qasanisaku{. :
The man is waiting for a seal to come up.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ kimlatukux. :
The man has a big stomach.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ kuris tayaku{.:
The man buys cigarettes.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ qach{ilugiku{. :
The man has sores.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ qangliim kugan hyaaga{ ha}u{taku{.:
The man is packing wood on his shoulder


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ qaqamii}uku{.:
The man is hunting (for food).


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ qatxa}iku{.:
The man caught a fish.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ qayaataku{.:
He is as tall as the man.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}ux quchxingin unguchiku{. :
He is sitting in between two men.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ quy{iku{. :
The man is coughing.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ tana{ aygaxs haqaku{. :
The man is walking across land and is coming here.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ ting an'gaagasalaka{. :
The man doesn't mind me.


Atkan spelling:
Taya}u{ umaanuI aku{ hIax aslixs as tanaa}ana{. :
When a man went hiking he met a boy so they returned together.


Atkan spelling:
tayaĝux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ akil angaliq.:
I paid the man today.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ ama ayagax̂ chixtakux.:
The couples are married.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ chang amdugil natnax̂.:
The man hurt my hand by squeezing it.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ iĝaĝakux̂.:
The man is feared.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ iĝiĝidal qayakux̂.:
The man is tall and slender.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ inglaakut chaamiidal akux̂ txin isinax̂. :
A man was shaving and cut himself.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ ixs tanaaĝakux̂.:
The man returned.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ kalul aaĝal akux̂ kaluqadanax̂.:
The man shot and missed so he quit shooting.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ saĝakux̂. :
The man is sleeping.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ taanganisakux̂. :
The man is waiting for game by the creek.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ tataam ayuxtakux̂. :
The man goes out once again.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ tunuzukux̂. :
The man is a good talker.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ uliigis chux̂takux̂. :
The man is wearing mukluks.

Atkan spelling:
Tayaĝux̂ wan akiitis hamang awazax̂.:
The man still works there at that place today.

Atkan spelling:
tayal :
to buy


Atkan spelling:
tayanax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
tayasal :
to sell


Atkan spelling:
Tdugix̂ agux̂taqadaax̂t. :
Quit making that knocking noise.

Atkan spelling:
tduxs :
to knock on door; stamp on floor


Atkan spelling:
tidgimaxs :


Atkan spelling:
tidgis :
sound of footsteps


Atkan spelling:
Tidgis tutax̂t? :
Do you hear the sound of footsteps?

Atkan spelling:
ti}laagamax :
mature eagle


Atkan spelling:
Ti}la{ hikung aku{.:
The eagle is up there.


Atkan spelling:
>tiĝlax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tiĝlax̂ hakaatxax̂ igax̂takux̂. :
The eagle is flying high in the air.

Atkan spelling:
tiĝlux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
tigmixs :
to press down several times


Atkan spelling:
ti}yul :
to pull off wild rye


Atkan spelling:
tiĝyux̂ :
wild rye

Atkan spelling:
tihmaqux̂ :
short tail of seal, reindeer

Atkan spelling:
tihnil :
to pitch (tent)


Atkan spelling:
tiigilgaadax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tiigilgaadax̂ qax̂ qakux̂.:
The kittiwake is eating fish.

Atkan spelling:
tiihnax̂ :
mound; knoll

Atkan spelling:
tiisichax̂ :
one thousand

Atkan spelling:
Tiisichax̂ tayaĝus ukux̂takuq. :
I saw one thousand men.

Atkan spelling:
tiklaadax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
timas, tingis :
we; us


Atkan spelling:
ting :
I; me


Atkan spelling:
Ting adukuq.:
I am buying on credit.


Atkan spelling:
Ting as tiklaadada. :
Do the finger-pull with me.


Atkan spelling:
Ting as txin aagikux̂.:
He is of the same age or size as me.

Atkan spelling:
Ting asxuunulax txin satxa{ ta}aa}an a{s. :
Who is going to check the gillnet, you or I?


Atkan spelling:
Ting hayaku{. :
He/she asks me for a favor.


Atkan spelling:
Ting idax̂taĝulax̂t?:
Do you know me?

Atkan spelling:
Ting inaayux̂tat?:
Don't you want me around?

Atkan spelling:
Ting kagnikuq.:
I got angry.


Atkan spelling:
Ting katalagada! :
Dont touch me!


Atkan spelling:
Ting qiimayaagikuq. :
I am scratching myself.


Atkan spelling:
Ting tadutikux̂t. :
You surprised me.

Atkan spelling:
Ting tununax̂takux̂. :
I am his interpreter.

Atkan spelling:
Ting tunuugaasakux̂. :
He is swearing at me.

Atkan spelling:
Ting tuuhyuniimis aĝikux̂t.:
You will make me lonesome. (I'll miss you.)

Atkan spelling:
tingin :
we; us


Atkan spelling:
Tingin hix̂takux̂. :
He/she is calling us.

Atkan spelling:
Tingin misaayaku{. :
He/she is disturbing us.


Atkan spelling:
Tingin taxsakus. :
We are assembling.


Atkan spelling:
tixs, tigil :
to press down; settle


Atkan spelling:
tixtal :
to lean against


Atkan spelling:
tix̂il :

Atkan spelling:
tix̂mixs :
to jerk several times

Atkan spelling:
Tmachx̂ikung. :
It slipped out of my hand.

Atkan spelling:
tmadgix̂ :
Atkan mackerel

Atkan spelling:
Tmadgix̂ qunaliĝizax̂. :
The Atkan mackerel is striped.

Atkan spelling:
Tmagis ala}um kugan hasinakus. :
There are lots of kinds of seaweed in the sea.


Atkan spelling:
tmagix̂ :
nereocystis (seaweed)

Atkan spelling:
tmal :
to slip


Atkan spelling:
tmuusix̂ (ayax̂ux̂) :
stick; cane

Atkan spelling:
Traapas qayakus. :
The staircase is high.


Atkan spelling:
traapax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
traavkix̂ :
dish towel

Atkan spelling:
Truba{ saaza{ itaku{.:
The chimney has soot in it.


Atkan spelling:
trubax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Trubax̂ qayakux̂. :
The chimney is high.

Atkan spelling:
Truuvkaan imdaqadagumis truuvkada. :
Fill your pipe and smoke your pipe.


Atkan spelling:
truuvkax̂ :
smoking pipe

Atkan spelling:
tudangalgix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tudangalgix̂ ukux̂takuq. :
I see a rainbow.

Atkan spelling:
tugaadil :
to urinate


Atkan spelling:
tugaadix̂ :
urine; bladder

Atkan spelling:
tugal :
to strike; pound


Atkan spelling:
tugamixtal :
to strike several times


Atkan spelling:
tugax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tugidaagamax :


Atkan spelling:
Tugida{ kumsaku{. :
The moon is rising.


Atkan spelling:
tugidax̂ :
moon; month

Atkan spelling:
Tugidax̂ chx̂akux̂. :
The moon is full.

Atkan spelling:
Tugidax̂ tachim chx̂alakax̂. :
The moon isn't full yet.

Atkan spelling:
tugiidax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
tugil :
to be sloping


Atkan spelling:
Tugima}im ilan aygagikuq. :
I am walking on the long beach.


Atkan spelling:
tugimaĝix̂ :
long sandy beach

Atkan spelling:
tugitil :
to stretch hung up


Atkan spelling:
tugix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
tuglal :
to feel; to touch


Atkan spelling:
Tuglax̂takung. :
I felt it.

Atkan spelling:
bog; swampy area

Atkan spelling:
Tuhlutulux̂ tanam umduu ax̂. :
A bog is a swampy area.

Atkan spelling:
tuhmux̂ :
lymphatic gland

Atkan spelling:
tuklumigdal :
to scratch several times


Atkan spelling:
tukluxs :
to scratch


Atkan spelling:
tukuulkix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tukuulkix̂ ukul hixtuqas qilam ngaan aguda. :
Find the ax and make kindling for morning.

Atkan spelling:
tukux̂ :
sea bass

Atkan spelling:
tukux̂ :
rich; chief; boss

Atkan spelling:
Tukux̂ axitikuq. :
I caught a bass.

Atkan spelling:
Tulaa adukux̂. :
His upper arm is long.

Atkan spelling:
tulax̂ :
upper arm

Atkan spelling:
tulkil :
to grind; mash


Atkan spelling:
Tulkusix̂ aangsus ilagaan agulgazax̂.:
We use berries to make tulkusix̂.

Atkan spelling:
tumbuuyax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tumbuuyax̂ alaĝum ilan changamigikux̂.:
The buoy is going up and down in the water.

Atkan spelling:
Tumbuuyax̂ alaĝum kugan hanikakux̂. :
The float is floating out in the water.

Atkan spelling:
tumgax̂ :
ivory tusk

Atkan spelling:
tumsal :
to put in order; store


Atkan spelling:
tumtatul :
thick (round object)


Atkan spelling:
tunga}ayal :
to repair


Atkan spelling:
Tungaĝikux̂. :
It's hard.

Atkan spelling:
tungax̂s :
hard; tough; strong; firm

Atkan spelling:
Tungax̂tikung. :
I made it strong.

Atkan spelling:
tunu}ilakan :
to be hoarse


Atkan spelling:
tunul :
to make a sound; talk


Atkan spelling:
Tunumkaazal. :
Tell a story.


Atkan spelling:
tunumkal :
to talk; say something


Atkan spelling:
tununax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tunungin agiitingis haqatalaka}ing. :
I don't know some of his words.


Atkan spelling:
Tunungis txidix kinguunuqalinas. :
Their voices became weaker.


Atkan spelling:
Tunuu tutaqang. :
I heard the sound of it.


Atkan spelling:
tunuugal :
to swear


Atkan spelling:
Tunuuluun tutax̂t? :
Do you feel your windpipe?

Atkan spelling:
tunuulux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
tunux̂ :
sound; voice; word; language

Atkan spelling:
tunux̂taaĝul :
to sin

Atkan spelling:
Tunux̂taaĝulagada! :
Don't sin.

Atkan spelling:
tunux̂taaĝux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
tunux̂taasal :
to talk about; speak (language)

Atkan spelling:
tunux̂tal :
to talk

Atkan spelling:
tunuzachxizas :


Atkan spelling:
Tunuzachxizas hilalgakus. :
The gospel is being read.


Atkan spelling:
tunuzul :
to talk cleverly; flatter


Atkan spelling:
tus :
to get to hear


Atkan spelling:
tutaatunal :
nice to hear


Atkan spelling:
tutal :
to hear; to listen; to understand; to feel


Atkan spelling:
tutaqa}il :
to obey; behave


Atkan spelling:
tutil :
to get to hear


Atkan spelling:
Tutusing chutal anax̂ tutaakalakaq. :
I cannot hear anything because my ears are plugged.

Atkan spelling:
tutusix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tutusix̂ tutaalazax̂. :
We use our ear to listen.

Atkan spelling:
tutuunus :
hard roe (of fish)


Atkan spelling:
tutuutux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Tutuutux̂ amgim saa ax̂.:
An owl is a night bird.

Atkan spelling:
Tutuutux̂ tunul aguun ting inunachx̂izax̂. :
When an owl hoots it gives me the chills.

Atkan spelling:
tutxaqatul :
to have keen hearing


Atkan spelling:
Tutxaqulakuq. :
I am hard of hearing.


Atkan spelling:
tutxaqulal :
to be deaf; hard of hearing


Atkan spelling:
tuuflis :
dress shoes


Atkan spelling:
Tuuflit chuda. :
Put on your dress shoes.


Atkan spelling:
tuuhyul :
to be lonesome


Atkan spelling:
tuutx̂ux̂ :
dry stalk of wild parsnip or cow parsnip

Atkan spelling:
Tux̂ikuq. :
I am target practicing.

Atkan spelling:
tux̂il :
to target practice

Atkan spelling:
tuyuunax̂ :
village chief

Atkan spelling:
txidix :
you two; themselves


Atkan spelling:
Txidix kanxul angalis.:
They collided with each other.


Atkan spelling:
txidix sul :
to gather


Atkan spelling:
txin :
you; himself; herself; itself


Atkan spelling:
Txin aadida.:
Hurry up.


Atkan spelling:
Txin adaluusakuq.:
I'm fooling you.


Atkan spelling:
Txin a}iisal.:
He left.


Atkan spelling:
Txin ali{til sigutu{ txin hitiku{.:
He is getting old and wrinkled.


Atkan spelling:
Txin anglilakan aa}aku{t maakaan. :
You don't have to strain yourself to do it.


Atkan spelling:
Txin chiglil taaman quyuda. :
Undress before you go to bed.


Atkan spelling:
txin haa}anil :
stop; cease; remain


Atkan spelling:
Txin haa}atal an}iqadagumis taaman txin ayga{tida. :
Stop and rest for awhile before you start walking again.


Atkan spelling:
Txin ichx̂ul taaman anqada.:
Wipe your posterior before getting up.

Atkan spelling:
txin kaangutiku{ :
gets well


Atkan spelling:
Txin kahnulugnina{.:
He caught a cold.


Atkan spelling:
Txin kay hi}aku{.:
You were called also.


Atkan spelling:
Txin kiniku{. :
He bows down.


Atkan spelling:
Txin kinital aangsutiku{. :
He is picking berries in a bowed position.


Atkan spelling:
Txin ludaa}itiku{. :
He becomes the greatest.


Atkan spelling:
Txin nananiku{. :
It started hurting.


Atkan spelling:
Txin nas aax̂dagalikux̂ anax̂ anuxtanaĝulax.:
Even though he hurt himself he didn't care.

Atkan spelling:
Txin natiku{. :
He/she hurt himself herself.


Atkan spelling:
Txin qa}al hitil angali{.:
He thanked him and left.


Atkan spelling:
Txin qa}anilakan hitiku{.:
He got angry and left.


Atkan spelling:
Txin qinganatiku{. :
It is getting cold.


Atkan spelling:
Txin saakunatiku{. :
He became skinny.


Atkan spelling:
Txin sadaxtiku{. :
He becomes fat.


Atkan spelling:
Txin sa}anil.:
He falls asleep.


Atkan spelling:
txin sakaa}atalaka{ :
upset; not relaxed


Atkan spelling:
Txin sakaa}atiku{. :
He sits down to rest.


Atkan spelling:
Txin saxtanil ii agil hingama{t?:
Why are you yawning, are you lazy?


Atkan spelling:
Txin siknutikux̂. :
It starts decaying.

Atkan spelling:
txin sul :
to shrink


Atkan spelling:
Txin sulax̂tada. :
Refrain yourself.

Atkan spelling:
Txin susida! :
Hurry up.


Atkan spelling:
txin susital :
to be in a hurry


Atkan spelling:
Txin taqitikux̂. :
He turns around.

Atkan spelling:
Txin tungax̂tikux̂. :
It becomes strong. (He gets established.)

Atkan spelling:
txin tuuhyunil :
to become lonesome


Atkan spelling:
Txin tuuhyutal. :
He looks lonesome.


Atkan spelling:
Txin utx̂utikux̂. :
It is becoming turbid (overcast).

Atkan spelling:
Txin waaĝatikux̂. :
It arrived.

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