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This publication in Atkan Aleut, commonly referred to as Western Aleut, is one of ten similar projects undertaken by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center.

By Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland

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Atkan spelling:
uchigil :
to swim


Atkan spelling:
Uchiitilam hlaa quyuu}an kamgaku{. :
The teacher's boy is praying before he goes to bed.


Atkan spelling:
Uchiitilam ulaa stuukal angalix̂.:
He knocked on the door of the teacher's house.

Atkan spelling:
Uchiitila{ achixal hiing aku{ uku{takuq.:
I see a teacher teaching there.


Atkan spelling:
uchiitilax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Uchiitilax̂ awakux̂. :
The teacher is working.

Atkan spelling:
Uchiitilax̂ awal angalizax̂.:
The teacher works all day.

Atkan spelling:
Uchinikas txidix achixal qanagzas.:
The students learn throughout the winter.


Atkan spelling:
uchinikax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Uchinikax̂ qayahlikux̂. :
The student is tall.

Atkan spelling:
uchixs :
to swim


Atkan spelling:
uchxis :
rafters (house)


Atkan spelling:
uchxix :


Atkan spelling:
Uchxix chux̂tazaqaliingan aĝikuq. :
I am going to start wearing glasses.

Atkan spelling:
uchx̂ul :
to dip

Atkan spelling:
uda :
this one (down)


Atkan spelling:
udaa}al :
to arrive here


Atkan spelling:
udaa}ii :
this side of


Atkan spelling:
udaanul :
to be on the way here


Atkan spelling:
udaax :
from here


Atkan spelling:
Udagakuq. :
I am going out to sea.


Atkan spelling:
udagal :
to go out to sea


Atkan spelling:
Udam qaatuu}ikix qayaku{. :
The sides of the bay are steep.


Atkan spelling:
udamas :
do like this


Atkan spelling:
udamatal :
be like this


Atkan spelling:
udamatil :
do like this


Atkan spelling:
udamatil isida :
cut like this


Atkan spelling:
udan Atx̂ax̂ :
here on Atka

Atkan spelling:
udang :
here (on the island, on the floor)


Atkan spelling:
udanguda}an :
in this direction; toward here


Atkan spelling:
Uda{ qakuutxaku{.:
The bay is deep.


Atkan spelling:
udax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Udax̂ qamdakux̂. :
The bay is deep.

Atkan spelling:
Udĝiting sugdanakux̂. :
My ring is fancy.

Atkan spelling:
udĝitix̂ :
ring (for a finger)

Atkan spelling:
Udĝitix̂ adx̂uun daĝan chux̂takux̂t. :
You are wearing a ring on your finger.

Atkan spelling:
Udĝitix̂ chux̂taatuzaĝulaq.:
I don't like to wear a ring.

Atkan spelling:
udixs :
to divide; distribute


Atkan spelling:
udix̂s :
to sting; burn

Atkan spelling:
udusal :
take down


Atkan spelling:
uĝaaĝux̂ :
fluke; flounder

Atkan spelling:
Uĝaaĝux̂ ix̂txilgazax̂. :
The flounder is eaten raw.

Atkan spelling:
Uĝaangikux̂. :
There is a squall.

Atkan spelling:
uĝaanĝix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
u}al :
to go out; be extinguished; to be worn out


Atkan spelling:
u}alul :
to spear


Atkan spelling:
U}aluun ngaan tugaasakuu. :
He struck him with his spear.


Atkan spelling:
uĝalux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
uĝax̂tal :
to be out (fire)

Atkan spelling:
uĝayaasix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
ugiĝiqadanax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
u}ii :


Atkan spelling:
ugimgix̂ :
rock wall

Atkan spelling:
u}ing :


Atkan spelling:
ugix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
uglaga :
another one


Atkan spelling:
uglagaan :
beside; in addition to


Atkan spelling:
Uĝlaĝukung haqanax̂.:
I beckoned him to come.

Atkan spelling:
u}la}ul :


Atkan spelling:
thaw; calm down; get sober


Atkan spelling:
ugluxs :
to shake


Atkan spelling:
Uguĝining nax̂takuq. :
My joints are aching.

Atkan spelling:
uguĝix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Ugunilakaq. :
I am disappointed.


Atkan spelling:
ugunul :
to forget


Atkan spelling:
Ugunuqatuzakuq. :
I am forgetful.


Atkan spelling:
uguruudax̂ :
vegetable garden

Atkan spelling:
Uguruudax̂ agukus.:
We are making a garden.

Atkan spelling:
ugutal: txin ugutal :
to be happy


Atkan spelling:
U}u{ quguulinaku{. :
The juice is sour.


Atkan spelling:
uĝux̂ :
juice; pus

Atkan spelling:
uhlii :
only; it only


Atkan spelling:
uhling :
only I


Atkan spelling:
Uhling wang akuq. :
I am the only one here.


Atkan spelling:
uhngii :
his sister


Atkan spelling:
uhngix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Uhngix̂ matazax̂. :
He has a sister.

Atkan spelling:
uka :
the (house) in here


Atkan spelling:
ukaa}al :
come in here


Atkan spelling:
Ukaa}al txin ungutida.:
Come in here and sit down.


Atkan spelling:
ukaa}ii: amgim ukaa}ii:
latest part of the night


Atkan spelling:
Ukaanuda! :
Go toward the stern!


Atkan spelling:
ukaanul :
to go back to stern (boat)


Atkan spelling:
ukaax :
from in here


Atkan spelling:
ukal}a :
village in here


Atkan spelling:
ukal}aax :
from here in the village


Atkan spelling:
ukal}an :
here in the village


Atkan spelling:
Ukal}an akuq. :
I am here in the city.


Atkan spelling:
ukang :
in here


Atkan spelling:
ukangax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
ukanguda}an :
toward here


Atkan spelling:
ukaxs :
to fall back


Atkan spelling:
ukaxtal :
to lie on the back


Atkan spelling:
ukaxtil :
to lay on back


Atkan spelling:
Ukinang qichi}ilaka{.:
My knife is dull.


Atkan spelling:
ukinax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Ukinax̂ alisatalagada.:
Don't keep the knife where it is going to be taken.

Atkan spelling:
Ukinax̂ qichiĝilakax̂. :
The knife is dull.

Atkan spelling:
Ukinax̂ susuĝikuq. :
I am filing the knife.

Atkan spelling:
Ukinax̂ sux̂tal isikuu.:
He cuts it with a knife.

Atkan spelling:
Uktaabrax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
ukuchx̂il :
to show

Atkan spelling:
ukudigal :
to be in good health


Atkan spelling:
ukudigal :
good luck


Atkan spelling:
Ukudigal manaa}inat mada.:
Good luck in what you're doing.


Atkan spelling:
Uku}aa sahnganaku{. :
He looks respectable.


Atkan spelling:
uku}al :
be seen; be gotten


Atkan spelling:
Uku}angis amilaayus liidakus. :
They look like Americans.


Atkan spelling:
ukul :
to get sight of; to find; to get


Atkan spelling:
ukumal :
to watch


Atkan spelling:
Ukunaa{sxaa qi}unaku{. :
It is very difficult to find.


Atkan spelling:
ukus :
to be for some time


Atkan spelling:
ukutil :
do for some time


Atkan spelling:
ukuu}ul :


Atkan spelling:
Ukuusxim raamaa i}duxtaku{. :
The window frame is rotten.


Atkan spelling:
Ukuusxim stiklaa chixitida.:
Put the glass on the window.


Atkan spelling:
Ukuusxi{ kimtiku{. :
He pulls down the window.


Atkan spelling:
ukuusxix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Ukuusxix̂ ngaan kam qayaagamaxsikux̂. :
The window is too high for>

Atkan spelling:
Ukuusxix̂ zanavisxix̂ tachim alalakax. :
The window doesn't need a curtain yet.

Atkan spelling:
ukux̂taazal :

Atkan spelling:
ukux̂tal :
to see; look at

Atkan spelling:
ukux̂tanaaxs :
to look for

Atkan spelling:
ula}il :
to have a house; to be home


Atkan spelling:
ulal :
to be turned inside out


Atkan spelling:
ulal}ital :
to keep in house


Atkan spelling:
Ulal}um nagan mikalgazagan ilan mikal angali{. :
He was playing in a big gymnasium.


Atkan spelling:
Ulam akangaa hakaatxakux̂.:
The ceiling in the house is high.

Atkan spelling:
Ulam akiix̂cha umnalakax̂.:
The border of the house is drafty.

Atkan spelling:
Ulam angada anqa{taku{. :
He is standing beside the house.


Atkan spelling:
Ulam chidaĝan akux̂.:
It is by the house.

Atkan spelling:
Ulam chida}an qaniigii lupaatxil inatida. :
Shovel all the snow by the house.


Atkan spelling:
Ulam chiripiichingis awaasakux̂. :
He is working on the house shingles.

Atkan spelling:
Ulam hadan huyaku{.:
He/she is going to the house.


Atkan spelling:
Ulam huzuu chital ax̂takux̂.:
The house is all intact.

Atkan spelling:
Ulam ilagaan hitil angaliq.:
I went out from the house today.


Atkan spelling:
Ulam ilan qiqutalgaku{. :
She is kept isolated in the house.


Atkan spelling:
Ulam iquĝii umnalakax̂.:
The corner of the house is drafty.

Atkan spelling:
Ulam kadan anqa{taku{.:
It stands in front of the house


Atkan spelling:
ulam kangaa :
upper part of house


Atkan spelling:
Ulam kangaa chitikux̂.:
The top of the house is finished.

Atkan spelling:
Ulam kangaa qach{ukus. :
They are covering the roof.


Atkan spelling:
ulam naga tumsal :
to put the house in order


Atkan spelling:
Ulam nagagaan hitiku{.:
He went out from inside of the house.


Atkan spelling:
Ulam nagan tanatukux̂.:
The house has lots of room.

Atkan spelling:
Ulam sadan aku{. :
It is out in front of the house.


Atkan spelling:
Ulam sitxuuĝii iĝduxtakux̂.:
The bottom part of the house is rotting.

Atkan spelling:
Ulam uchxingis tunga}ikus. :
The rafters in the house are strong.


Atkan spelling:
Ulang hagyayakuq. :
I am cleaning my house.


Atkan spelling:
Ulang ilan stuuluĝim kamuudaĝii ax̂. :
There is a table with drawers in my house.

Atkan spelling:
Ulang kraasxil aguung kam chumnuxtikuq. :
If I painted my house I would paint it yellow.


Atkan spelling:
Ulang sadan qankus traapas ax̂sxaqax̂. :
They put these steps outside my house.

Atkan spelling:
Ulang tayasakuq. :
I sold my house.


Atkan spelling:
Ulang tunga}ayakuq. :
I am repairing my house.


Atkan spelling:
Ulas quchxingis qaniixtukus. :
There is lots of snow between the houses.


Atkan spelling:
to turn inside out


Atkan spelling:
Ula{ angunaku{. :
The house is big.


Atkan spelling:
Ula{ hiiduku{.:
The house is drafty.


Atkan spelling:
Ula{ hu}naazaku{. :
The house is warm.


Atkan spelling:
Ula{ matakuq. :
I have a house.


Atkan spelling:
ulax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Ulax̂ chiikikux̂. :
The house is messy.

Atkan spelling:
Ulax̂ hamang ahlikux̂.:
The house is still there.

Atkan spelling:
Ulax̂ tanaĝilakan.:
The house has no space.

Atkan spelling:
Ulax̂ tanam kugan tigikux̂.:
The house has settled down on the ground.

Atkan spelling:
be turned inside out

Atkan spelling:
ulax̂tal :
to have as home; to live in

Atkan spelling:
ul}il :
to go inside (by sea or tube like object)


Atkan spelling:
ul}ital :
to come inside


Atkan spelling:
uliga}il :
to be wrinkled


Atkan spelling:
uliigis :


Atkan spelling:
Uli{ ayul aku{ aqlana{. :
Uli{ got angry when he fell.


Atkan spelling:
ulixs :
to rub


Atkan spelling:
Ulugaa humtakux̂. :
His cheek is swollen.

Atkan spelling:
ulugax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Ulum da}an qanasi{ aku{.:
There is a holder in the meat.


Atkan spelling:
Ulum tungaĝii chaqugikux̂.:
He's chewing on tough meat.

Atkan spelling:
ulungtx̂ax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Ulungtx̂ax̂ sax̂ ax̂. :
A murre is a bird.

Atkan spelling:
uluudal :
to be red


Atkan spelling:
uluung :


Atkan spelling:
uluungidim :
seven times


Atkan spelling:
uluungidim hatix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Ulu{ hidusaku{. :
He takes out the meat.


Atkan spelling:
Ulu{ qangaku{.:
The meat is cooked.


Atkan spelling:
Ulu{ unaalu}im qusan adagiku{.:
Meat is roasting over the fire.


Atkan spelling:
ulux̂ :
meat; corpse

Atkan spelling:
Ulux̂ isil ting achxukux̂.:
He cut up some meat then gave me some.

Atkan spelling:
Ulux̂ txin chaknatikux̂.:
The meat gets spoiled.

Atkan spelling:
Ulux̂ txin ilgaĝil ax̂takux̂.:
The meat has spoiled.

Atkan spelling:
Ulux̂ unal qakus. :
We cooked the meat and ate it.

Atkan spelling:
Ulux̂ yagnax̂takuq. :
I am craving meat.

Atkan spelling:
umaa}al :
to come in here (invisible)


Atkan spelling:
uman :
this one (invisible)


Atkan spelling:
Umayangis. :
I hear them coming.


Atkan spelling:
umchul :


Atkan spelling:
umdaagiilal :
to drift away from land


Atkan spelling:
umdaagil :
current or wind away from land


Atkan spelling:
umdul :
to be swampy or soft


Atkan spelling:
um}il :
to bait


Atkan spelling:
umĝix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
um}uulus :
hard roe of Japanese perch


Atkan spelling:
umil :
to get the scent of


Atkan spelling:
umlal :
to wake up


Atkan spelling:
umlas, umlatil :
to wake up


Atkan spelling:
umlax̂tal :
to be awake

Atkan spelling:
Umnagim an}a}inangis qawalangis hiila{tazas.:
The people of Umnak are called Qawalangis.


Atkan spelling:
It is tight.

Atkan spelling:
umnal :
to bind


Atkan spelling:
umnal :
be tight (not leaking)


Atkan spelling:
umnax̂ :
rope; string

Atkan spelling:
umnax̂ agukux̂ :
to make tight

Atkan spelling:
to tighten (the boat)


Atkan spelling:
ums :
to get the scent of


Atkan spelling:
umsiixs :
to sniff around


Atkan spelling:
umsux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Umtaatunakux̂t. :
You smell nice.

Atkan spelling:
umtaatunal :
to smell good


Atkan spelling:
umtal :
to smell


Atkan spelling:
un'ginax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Un'gitakung. :
I rely on it.


Atkan spelling:
un'gital :
to rely on


Atkan spelling:
Unaalu}i{ anida. :
Light the bonfire.


Atkan spelling:
unaalux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Unaalux̂ anida. :
Light the bonfire.

Atkan spelling:
Unaalux̂ uĝakux̂. :
The fire went out.

Atkan spelling:
unal :
to bake; cook


Atkan spelling:
unangaa :
side below; passage between


Atkan spelling:
Unangam chix̂taliisii chigdax̂ hiilax̂tadax̂. :
A Native raincoat is called a chigdax̂.

Atkan spelling:
unangam tali}ii :
Native dance


Atkan spelling:
unangam uliigii :


Atkan spelling:
Unangam uliigii igluqam ilagaan aguĝix̂. :
Native shoes are made from skin.

Atkan spelling:
Unanga{ achixaasal angaliq.:
I taught Aleut today.


Atkan spelling:
Unangax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Unangax̂ aadazaq. :
I speak Aleut.

Atkan spelling:
Unangax̂ igdagusix̂ agux̂tal igdagusazanax̂.:
Natives made drills and drilled with them.

Atkan spelling:
un}a :


Atkan spelling:
Unĝiin qanang ax̂? :
Where is your armpit?

Atkan spelling:
unĝix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Unglas alanalaka}is. :
There are lots of herring.


Atkan spelling:
unglax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
unglax̂ unangam tunuu ax̂ :
herring (Aleut term)

Atkan spelling:
unglux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Unguchiilu}im kugan unguchil ting hachi}ida. :
Sit down in the chair and wait for me.


Atkan spelling:
unguchiilux̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Unguchiilux̂ hingang akux̂. :
The chair is there.

Atkan spelling:
ungus, unguchil: txin ungus :
to take a seat


Atkan spelling:
ungux̂s :
pull up (line)

Atkan spelling:
Uniikakuq. :
I am telling a story.


Atkan spelling:
uniikal :
to tell a story


Atkan spelling:
uniikax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
unisal :
to wait for game to come


Atkan spelling:
unuuchxix̂ :
heavy socks

Atkan spelling:
Unuuchxix̂ kitas huĝnatazax̂. :
The stockings keep the feet warm.

Atkan spelling:
uqidusal :
to bring back


Atkan spelling:
uqimuda}an :


Atkan spelling:
uqis. uqiitil :
to return


Atkan spelling:
uqitmixs :
to go back and forth


Atkan spelling:
uqla}il :
to bathe


Atkan spelling:
us :
go down


Atkan spelling:
usal :
come off (hair); shed fur


Atkan spelling:
usatil :
take hair off; skin


Atkan spelling:
Uskaanam tutusikix adukux. :
The rabbit's ears are long.


Atkan spelling:
uskaanax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
usxim ilaa :


Atkan spelling:
Usxim ilaa ukukung maasal tmuusix̂tal angaliq. :
I found a stick so I used it for a cane.

Atkan spelling:
Usxis atakus. :
The brush is on fire.


Atkan spelling:
usxix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
usx̂iixs :
to blow in

Atkan spelling:
utal :
have gone down


Atkan spelling:
Utal alaĝum achidan hnux̂takuq. :
I went down to the beach.

Atkan spelling:
utfiirkax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Utfiirkax̂ angunakux̂. :
The screwdriver is big.

Atkan spelling:
util :
go down


Atkan spelling:
utma :
center of


Atkan spelling:
utux̂ :
sea anemone

Atkan spelling:
Utux̂ quganam kugan chitakux̂. :
The sea anemone is stuck to the rock.

Atkan spelling:
utxidgusix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Utxidgusix̂ hyutihux̂. :
She spills the ashtray.

Atkan spelling:
utxix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
utx̂ul :

Atkan spelling:
uubrizax̂ :
holy icon

Atkan spelling:
Uubrizax̂ inkakux̂. :
The holy icon is hanging.

Atkan spelling:
uudugaaĝix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
uu}liisal :
to forbid


Atkan spelling:
uu}lil :
to scold; call to peace


Atkan spelling:
Uuglim kukmii qaxchikdaku{.:
The chunk of coal is black.


Atkan spelling:
uuglix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Uuglix̂ qaxchikdakux̂. :
The coal is black.

Atkan spelling:
Uuguchiingi{ chixtiim ilagaan hitxaliku{. :
The fox is starting to come out of its den.


Atkan spelling:
uulix̂ :
shallow cove

Atkan spelling:
Uuquchiingim sirivraa qayax̂ hangakux̂. :
A silver fox is climbing the hill.

Atkan spelling:
Uuquchiingis kavkaanalgaza{. :
We trap foxes.


Atkan spelling:
Uuquchiingi{ hwaadaku{.:
The fox is howling.


Atkan spelling:
uuquchiingix̂ :
blue fox

Atkan spelling:
Uuquchiingix̂ aygagil amaanukux̂. :
The fox walks away.

Atkan spelling:
Uuquchiingix̂ chiidachxizaĝulax. :
A fox is not a good pet.

Atkan spelling:
Uuquchiingix̂ quganas quchigingis txin aĝus angalix̂.:
The fox hid among the rocks today.

Atkan spelling:
Uuquchiingix̂ uxikuq. :
I am skinning a fox.

Atkan spelling:
Uuyux̂chiikax̂ tutakuq. :
I feel like vomiting.

Atkan spelling:
uuznal :
to have supper


Atkan spelling:
uuznax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Uviidakuq. :
I am having lunch.


Atkan spelling:
uviidal :
to have lunch


Atkan spelling:
uviidax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Uvtuurnikax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
Uvtuurnikax̂ malgakux̂. :
It is Tuesday today.

Atkan spelling:
Uxchum hiiyukaa uluudazax̂. :
The puffin's bill is orange.

Atkan spelling:
uxchuudax̂ :

Atkan spelling:
uxchux̂ :
tufted puffin

Atkan spelling:
uxil :
to skin (fox, puffin)


Atkan spelling:
uxil :
to put out (fire)


Atkan spelling:
uxtil :
to prick; let out blood


Atkan spelling:
ux̂aasil :
to row

Atkan spelling:
ux̂aasix̂ :

Atkan spelling:
ux̂al :
to be extinguished

Atkan spelling:
ux̂ayal :

Atkan spelling:
ux̂tal :

Atkan spelling:
Uyaa}ukuq. :
I am waiting for a share of the catch.


Atkan spelling:
uya}ii :
opening; mouth; neck (of bottle); muzzle of gun


Atkan spelling:
uyal :
to get; fetch; invite


Atkan spelling:
uy}u}il :
to shiver


Atkan spelling:
uyminal :
to be healthy


Atkan spelling:
Uyminalakaq. :
I am not healthy.


Atkan spelling:
Uyuliin chux̂tada. :
Wear your scarf.

Atkan spelling:
uyulix̂ :
head scarf

Atkan spelling:
Uyung nanakux̂. :
My neck hurts.

Atkan spelling:
uyus :
to vomit


Atkan spelling:
uyutil :
to vomit


Atkan spelling:
uyux̂ :

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