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This publication in Atkan Aleut, commonly referred to as Western Aleut, is one of ten similar projects undertaken by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center.

By Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland

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Atkan spelling:
Duurang sux̂tal chiimdal angaliq. :
I was rolling with the surf in my boat today.

Atkan spelling:
Fiidur Praanikas suuĝan chiyal akux̂ ukul angaling. :
I found Ted reaching for the cookies.

Atkan spelling:
Hax̂satis chisal ax̂takus. :
All the gun shells are scattered.

Atkan spelling:
Hlakuchax̂ chdaxtikux̂. :
The little boy has diarrhea.

Atkan spelling:
Hlalĝux̂ chidigiim kugan chaduĝil haqakux̂. :
A big boy is crawling over here on his knees.

Atkan spelling:
Hlang ngaan chimgux̂ matakuq. :
I have a parcel for my son.

Atkan spelling:
Hlax̂ chuqakux̂. :
The boy is hollering.

Atkan spelling:
Hlax̂ liiziĝil chatakux̂.:
A boy is skiing.

Atkan spelling:
Hyaagam ilagaan chulaanux̂ agulgaakax̂. :
We can make a chest from wood.

Atkan spelling:
Igluqas chaglil ilagaan chux̂taqax̂ agukux̂. :
He/she is cutting hide to make clothing.

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