Alaska Native Knowledge Network
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The compact discs, made from digitized masters of the original recordings, and this index were produced by the Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Library and Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum and the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency, and by the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Library Association, and the Alaska State Library. For more information or to order any CD (available for check out, too), contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

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(Politics and History) Upickson, Joe: English. Title: AFN speech, 12/71; Protection of subsistence living; North Slope pipeline permits; Tanana Chiefs; Alaska Federation of Natives; Birthrights for jobs; Share and share alike; Greed and Western culture; Wildlife Refuge land; Self-identity and respect. Subject: Politics, land claims, resources, sharing, education, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Alaska Federation of Natives, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78126
(Politics and History) Oldperson, Earl: English. Title: Alaska Native land claims bill; Alaska Federation of Natives; National Congress of American Indians; Native identity. Subject: Politics, Alaska Federation of Natives, land claims, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78133
(Politics and History) Kawagly, Oscar: English. Title: Autobiography and thoughts on education; BIA elementary school for Natives; School integration in Bethel, 1945; Linguistics program at UAF; Teaching programs for Native crafts, dance, songs and culture; Fish camps, subsistence fishing, smokehouse. Subject: Education, discrimination, politics, traditional living, fishing, hunting, sharing, Native languages, Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Ref. cut: H780104
(Politics and History) Baldwin, Walt: English. Title: Cooperative fisheries; Alaska Federation of Natives; Subsistence fishing; Obstacles to commercial fishing. Subject: Fisheries, resources, Alaska Federation of Natives; politics, education.

Ref. cut: H78100
(Politics and History) Senungetuk, Joe: English. Title: Give or take a century; Village art programs; Teaching art; Sculpture out of whalebone vertebrae. Subject: Education, carving, art.

Ref. cut: H78110
(Politics and History) Oldperson, Earl: English. Title: Indian movement; Self-determination without termination; Indian opportunity and leadership; Natural and human resources; Land treaties; College education. Subject: Politics, education, resources, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78131
(Politics and History) Huntington, Jimmy: English. Title: Jim Huntington potlatch song; Autobiography; On the edge of nowhere; Dogsled races; Education; Politics and Native government; Tanana Chiefs land claims struggles; BIA school. Subject: Education, politics, traditional living, dogs, land claims, songs, potlatches, self-determination, Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Ref. cut: H78109
(Politics and History) Big Jim, Fred: English. Title: Old ways and new; Cultural patterns; Thinking patterns; Differnce between Native and white children's ways of learning; Methods of teaching; Natural resources. Subject: Education, resources, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78122
(Politics and History) Big Jim, Fred: English. Title: Old ways and new; Migration from Bering Strait; Comparisons and discussion of different Native groups in Alaska; Development of Native groups based on natural resources. Subject: Resources, traditional living, politics, fishing, hunting, baskets, carving.

Ref. cut: H78121
(Politics and History) Soboleff, Walter, Dr.: English. Title: Pupil, teacher and family circles; Native Alaskan educational structure; Native Alaskans balanced in nature; Alaskan Native Brotherhood. Subject: Education, traditional living, resources, self-determination.

Ref. cut: H78135

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