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The compact discs, made from digitized masters of the original recordings, and this index were produced by the Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Library and Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum and the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency, and by the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Library Association, and the Alaska State Library. For more information or to order any CD (available for check out, too), contact the Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.

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(Politics and History) Peratrovich, Roy: English. Title: Some recent history; Sheldon Jackson school; Regional corporations; Alaska Native Brotherhood; Alaska Federation of Natives; Drawing on the experiences of elders; Land claims fight and Native leadership; Importance of raven in stories; Clan marriages and . Subject: Politics, education, discrimination, Alaska Federation of Natives, elders, land claims, stories, marriage, traditional living, self-determination, Alaska Native Brotherhood, Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Ref. cut: H78101
(Politics and History) Soboleff, Walter, Dr.: English. Title: Tlinkit [Tlingit] legend of Strong Man; Oral tradition has many variations; Training for physical endurance. Subject: Stories, story telling, traditional living.

Ref. cut: H78136


(Rampart) McCarty, Bill: English. Title: Autobiography; Dog teams for transportation; Potlatches along the river; Reindeer herding; Stick dances; Trapping fox, mink and lynx; Ruby Street front fire in 1930's; NC Company. Subject: Traditional living; education; fishing; dogs, traveling; potlatches; herding; fires; dances; .

Ref. cut: H78186
(Rampart) Harwood, Katherine: English. Title: Autobiography; Fishing; Work at Doyon; Fish wheels. Subject: Traditional living; education; fishing; foods.

Ref. cut: H78185b
(Rampart) Woods, Walter: English. Title: Autobiography; Ice jam flood; Fishing in Yukon; Sternwheelers; Dog mushing. Subject: Floods, fishing, boats, dogs, traditional living, alcohol.

Ref. cut: H78183a


(Ruby) Titus, Henry: English. Title: Autobiography; First airplane. Subject: Traditional living, airplanes.

Ref. cut: H78187b
(Ruby) Honea, Johnny: English. Title: Autobiography; Herded reindeer; Cut wood for the steamboats and mining camps; Dog teams. Subject: Traditional living, fishing, hunting, trapping, herding, boats, dogs, mining.

Ref. cut: H78187a
(Ruby) Titus, Henry: English. Title: Autobiography; Mail delivered by airplane; Fishing, hunting and trapping; Names changed by teachers. Subject: Traditional living, airplanes, hunting, fishing, trapping, discrimination, dogs, stories, education.

Ref. cut: H78188
(Ruby) Ross, Johnny: Koyukon. Title: Dahjatti; Kohetan; Hudson Bay. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911226
(Ruby) Pilot, Simon: Koyukon. Title: Dahjatti; Kohetan; Hudson Bay. Subject: Stories.

Ref. cut: H911226

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