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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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If I were a bear for the summer I would want to be a female cub. I'm two and a half years old. My mom is 16 years old. My mom teaches me how to hunt my own prey and how to survive on my own. My friends are the animals in the forest. My best friend is another baby cub.

One hot summer day my mom and I went down to the river to swim. We went on the other side of an island where we spotted a lot of humans. My mom and I tried to scare them. They all ran down to their boats. I had fun scaring them and hearing them yelling and screaming. Once again on a hot summer afternoon my mom and I went down to the beach and just before we started to swim we saw humans who also spotted us. They had guns and started shooting in our direction. So we ran towards the nearest trees. I was ahead of my mom when I heard a loud gunshot. When I looked back. I didn't see my mom anymore, so I ran back. down and saw the men dragging her down towards their boat. I waited inside the trees till they left. It took a tong time before I heard their motor starting. After I coutdn't hear their motor anymore I ran down to the beach where I only found my mom's meat at the beach. They only went for her fur.

The next year I was really sad. But as I grew older I got used to it without my mom. After a couple years I was fully grown. Mating season came and sooner or later I was pregnant. Months went by and I had a boy and a girl cub. I protected them fiercely from other animats and especially humans. I didn't want my cubs to grow up with out a mom like I did.

the end

By:Theresa George

If I were a bear I would.....


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