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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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If I Were A Bear If I Were A Bear

If I were to be a Grizzly for the summer, I would want to be a female cub. I wouldn't want to, go near any one of the towns. The only place I would want to stay is in a very safe area. I would want to go out to look for food, then come back to the place where I was before. When I find food I would want to go to to another safe place. The reason why I wouldn't want to go any closer to any one of the towns is because the men like to kill bears even if they didn't do any harm to anybody. I would only stay one and a half miles away from the town. I would look for food, but if there is hardly any food around I would go to another place to look for food. I would want to eat fish, berries and trash. After that I would go and take a rest. After taking a rest I would keep on going and looking for food. When it got dark I would stop and get comfortable and go to sleep. The next day I would go out looking for more food to eat. When I'm looking for food I would do something interesting like chase other animals I saw for the fun of it. After that I would want to go and find a quiet place to stay for the winter. When winter was over I would want to look around for more food. When I saw Frank Keim in the tundra I'd want to chase him. Later on I would go and explore . When I saw a male I would try and run as fast as I could to get away from him. When I got away I would keep on going. If I saw an animal I'd chase after it. When I caught it I' d eat it but I'd watch out for other kinds of animals while I am eating. After that I 'd take a rest before going on my journey. Then, along the way I' d stop at a stream to get a drink of water so that I won't get thirsty for awhile. When mating season came I would want to have a female cub. The reason why I wouldn't want a male cub is because they can be too much. Some may be mischief and mean and some of the other ones may not be mean and mischief. But I think the female cubs are better than the male cubs.

By: Mary Jane Shorty

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