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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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If I was a Grizz for a summer, I would probably be grumpy and bossy. I would have a really big appetite. I would catch fish like on T.V. Or kill wounded or The Summer Grizz small animals. I would probably sleep for part of the day. Or I would run around looking for food. I would get into fights with other bears and get my you know what kicked. I would tear up garbage bags, and eat left overs. I would kill other little cubs. I would feel sorry for the cubs, but at least I would have a full stomach. I would be free to do anything I wanted to do, unless there was a hunter with big guns around, Then I would run full speed out of there. I would skip mating season because I would be afraid of a disease. I would never go near a fisherman because he or she might panic and I might get scared and kill somebody. Then a Ranger would shoot me. So I would stay away from them. I would sneak up on small animals and kill the animal. I would drag it away and eat part of it and bury the rest of it for later. I would never go in to a town becThe Summer Grizz ause I might become a molokai or something. That's why I won't go into a town. If two hunters were hunting I would give them a hunting trip they would never forget. First I would hide under some stumps and if they found me I would grab them and throw them into a deep dark cave. Then I would cover it with some trees and run away, far away, from there so they wouldn't find me in a million years.


By Robert Pitka

The Summer Grizz


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