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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Once upon a summer, just a few years ago, I was out late at night walking around Emmonak. I was by myself near the AC store down there.

Well, I didn't know anything about bees, and as I was walking along, all of a sudden a bee stung me. "HOLY COW!" I yelled so loud that my ears started to hurt. (Weird uh?)

"Sophie Ann, are you okay?" Bambi hollered at me. She and leona were walking behind me. Leona again asked "What's wrong? Holy cow a bee stung you on your left arm." So I asked, "What do you have to do when you get stung by a bee?" Both of those girls shrugged their shoulders.

Then a few seconds later Leona hollered, "Somebody run and get a health aide." But I said, "You know, it was just a little bee, that's all..." And then I fainted. Leo said to Bambi, "Let's slap her on her face until she wakes up, okay?" Bambi looked at Leo strangely and just replied, "Sure."

While they were slapping me, Leo got tired and just punched me in the left eye. "OUCH, GOD BLESS YOU!!!" I hollered. Then after a while Bam and Leo started to tell me everything that happened.

Then I went home and let my sister clean the wound. And I decided to stay away from bumble bees, I can guarantee you that!!! (Except when I want to have fun, I'll bother them!!)

by: Sophie Ann Moore
Grade 8

My Bee Story!


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