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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Once on a hot day a bunch of us teenagers went across to the sandbar for a swim. We were having a lot of fun. Later on while we were swimming, some others took a nature walk into the woods. Tanya, Gerilyn, Jackie and Matthew went for the nature walk, while Yvonne, Charlotte, Mary Jane, Robert, Jonathan and I were swimming.

Later on our group got worried about the others so we all decided to look for them. We went in a bunch so we wouldn't be scared. As we went deeper into the woods it got darker,and Charlotte, Yvoonne ant I were getting scared so we told the rest that we were going to head back to the boat. As we were walking back, Yvonne picked up a long stick to poke at a bee hive she had seen along the way. She started to hit the hive even though

Charlotte and I told her not to. Suddenly a swarm of bumble bees flew towards us and we took off. We ran all the way down to the boat. They were mostly going for Yvonne because she was the one who was hitting their hive. I jumped into the water, and Charlotte went in right after me. Yvonne kept running though until the bees went away. When she came back, she was very tired! Then Charlotte and I started freaking out and teasing her. But Yvonne got stubborn and just walked away from Charlotte and me. About five minutes later though we heard Yvonne screaming. She came back to us limping. We asked her what the matter was, ant she told us that she just got stung by a bee. Charlotte and I looked at each other and freaked out even more.

Later on when it was almost dark, the rest of the kids came back, and we told them how Yvonne got stung by a bee. Everyone started laughing and freaking out. We stopped only when Yvonne told us that she'd swim all the way home if we didn't quit. She felt better and started laughing herself. And then everybody cracking up, ant we all went home laughing and freaking out about Yvonne.

The End

Theresa George

Yvonne's Famous bee Story Yvonne's Famous bee Story


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