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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Once upon a time there were a couple kids in Kevin's house. There were Charlie, Fred, Donald, and Kevin. They were planning to to go camping in the woods. They brought food, a flash light, matches, sleeping bags, tent, cooking stuff, and a snack like chips, pop, cookies, and donuts.

They left about 1 p.m., heading for Mount Pilcher. They walked all day for 20 miles. Before it got dark out they put up their tent and made a fire. When they were finished making the fire, their stomach was growling, so they had a late supper. When they were done, they took out their flashlights and went in the tent to fix their bedding. After that they started telling scary stories. While they were telling scary stories, they ate their snack.

In the morning, since Kevin was the first one to get up, he made the fire. Then the rest of the boys got up. The first thing they did was have breakfast. Then they went for a walk to check what was in the woods. While they were walking, they saw lots of birds, like robins, grosbeaks, and other birds. Just before they started back to their camping place they saw an eagle in the sky. While the eagle was flying around them, they took pictures of it. Then they went back to their camp. After they got back, they made a fire and had their lunch. Then they packed up and left for home.

While they were going home they got lost. They forgot which way they had come. Then they started getting scared. But a couple of hours later, the same eagle came back and started flying around. When the boys stopped to watch it the eagle flew away. It was about 5:30 P.M., and their legs were so tired of walking they couldn't walk anymore. So they stopped where they were and made a fire. Then they made supper and set their tent up. It was just getting dark out when they started making their bed.

The next morning they all got up at the same time. After making a fire and eating their breakfast, they packed up and took off for home. Before they left, the same eagle came around again and lead them home. And from then on, every time they went camping, the same eagle always led the four boys home.


 Eagle in The Sky

 Eagle in The Sky






By: Tanya Peter

Grade 8


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