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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Eagle Story!!!

Eagle Story!!!Eagle Story!!!

It was a great day to go do our experiments. MJ. and I climbed a mountain to do our experiments on eagles. We went to a mountain called Mt. Whitney in California.

I had no idea we would have to climb on big cliffs just to do experiments on Bald eagles. Two hours went by and M.J. and I were almost at the spot where we were to do our experiments.

As we were walking I saw some pretty flowers and decided to pick some. Suddenly M.J. hollered, "SOPHIE ANN, get down!!" And as I ducked down this big eagle flew above me. I thought it was extraordinarily cool, but M.J. was laughing. She started laughing at me because she thought the eagle's claws would hit my butt.

After that happened I had to put up our tent while M.J. did the cooking. We were camping at the spot where I saw those flowers. That night after we ate, M.J. thought that she should build a fire so no animals could come close to us while we were sleeping. So when we were done I went to bed. M.J. was still up when all of a sudden she heard something in the trees moving. She ran over to me and started to wake me up. "WHATS WRONG?" I asked her in a sleepy voice, and she pointed over there. "Something is moving around in the trees." So I decided to go check it out. M.J. said, "Take a stick or some rocks, okay!" (But I just ignored her and went to check it out.) "HOLY_ _ _ _! A snake, M.J.! Run!!" But M.J. didn't run. She grabbed a long stick and went behind it and put pressure on it and then jumped on it till it died.

That night M.J. stayed up all night watching for another snake. When the morning came we went over to the cliffs where we were doing our studies. When we got to the right spot we sat down and started to talk about the birds and how they never bother us but we always bothered them. We then thought we should go back to Alaska where we belonged.

So M.J. and I later packed up our stuff, went down to our truck and drove back to Alaska. But that trip has left memories for me and M.J. We will both remember the eagle that almost hit my butt.

By: Sophie Ann Moore
Grade 8

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