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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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One day a little Indian girl named Flower went out to get wood. But she walked deep into the woods and got lost. She tried not to cry but she could not help it. She started crying anyway, and she cried for a long time.

Then an eagle came to her and asked her what was the matter. The little girl told the eagle she was lost and could not find her way home. Then the eagle said that he would go get his friend, the owl, because he could fly better through the thick trees.

After the owl came it brought her back to the little village. Then it told her that she would have to do him a favor some day. And the littl girl agreed.

One day when the girl was going to the out house the owl came back. It said that he wanted six mice from her. So the girl went to the corn field to get six mice. She caught them in about three hours and she brought them to the owl. The owl was very happy for the mice.

One sunny day Flower went to check a distant river. Soon it got windy and started to rain really hard. When the river started to flood, Flower became very scared. If the water got any higher, she thought, she might drown, and she started crying really loud.

Then the eagle came again and she was happy. But the eagle said she would have to pay him back someday. The girl agreed.

One morning the eagle came to the girl while she was asleep and told her that it wanted her to be his wife. The girl told him that she was not an eagle, so the eagle turned the little girl into an eagle. Then they both flew away and lived happily ever after.

The Girl That Married An EagleThe Girl That Married An EagleBy: Yvonne Evan

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