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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Once upon a time there was a boy named Elmer. He had to walk 40 miles to a village to deliver mail. While he was walking to the village, he saw a hawk with funny looking wings. Since it couldn't fly, Elmer took the hawk to a safe place. Then he took off for the village again.

The next day when he was heading back to his village, hr picked up the hawk and went home. When he tries to touch the wings the hawk would make sounds like it hurt him.

When he got home, he put the hawk in a cage and gave it milk and bread to drink and eat. While the hawk was drinking and eating its food, Elmer watched it until he was really tired. After the hawk was done, Elmer went to bed.

The next moring when Elmer got up he went to the kitchen to get milk and bread for the hawk. When the hawk was finished eating, Elmer went to the animal clinic to get him a poke so he could go to sleep.

After the hawk fell asleep, Elmer took a very sharp small knife, then started cutting its wings open. A couple hours later Elmer was finished and the hawk woke up. Then the hawk stayed with Elmer for a couple of months so he could change the hawk's bandages.

Two months later the hawk's wings were better and he could fly around. So Elmer released him back into the wild. But ever since then the hawk would visit Elmer to drink milk and eat bread with him.

By: Tanya Peter

Grade 8

The Hawk That Could Fly The Hawk That Could Fly


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