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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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There were three best friends, a hawk, owl, and eagle. They were very mischief friends too. They did all kinds of mischief, like steal eggs, destroy nests, and beat up baby birds.

One time hawk thought of a really, really mischief idea. It was to take all the nests from a small area and move them to a different area, so when the mother birds came back they would be really worried. So he told owl and eagle. They said it sounded good.

So one sunny, hot day hawk, owl, and eagle watched all the mother birds leave their nests to look for food. They then hurried out into the area and grabbed the smallest nests first and the biggest nests last and moved them onto a high cliff.

When the mother birds returned from their hunt they were really worried just like the hawk, owl , and eagle thought they would be. The mother birds looked and looked until they found their baby birds. The next time they said the hawk, owl, and eagle wouldn't get away with their mischief. So they set a trap.

The next hot, sunny day when the hawk, owl, and eagle got ready to move the nests, out popped the mother birds. They beat the three birds up so badly they couldn't fly for almost Iwo months. After that they never did any mischief again, and they had to get jobs in a church.

By: Charlotte Alstrom

The Mischief Hawk, Owl, and Eagle


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