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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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A lot of bears

In the summertime my family Fred, Anna, Sophie Ann, Andrea and I went for a boat ride to Kwig. We were in this long slough on about the sixth bend when we saw two cubs on a tree. While we were going to shore the momma bear came straight at me. I got kind of scared when it was coming at me. I was going to borrow Fred's .243 rifle but I used my own gun instead. When it started charging towards me I aimed towards mouth. Then I started shooting into its mouth. I shot about seven times in the mouth and on the head. It fellover struggled in the mud for a bit, then died.

Meanwhile the cubs were still on top of the tree. We left them there, and after a few minutes, we left to our fish camp. It just took us 45 minutes to go down. While we were going out of Kwig we saw lots of ducks and geese.

A couple days later we went into Tukchak Slough. We also went up the Cuelenguq River where we saw four Brown bears. After we saw the second bear we went to shore and fished for awhile. We caught pike, trout and Dolly Varden. After I caught a couple of pike and one trout, we went back to camp, cooked them up and ate them for supper.

Victor Shorty

A lot of bears


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