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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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In a land far away there lived a student named Jack. Jack was the kind of man that loved to hunt. He loved to hunt so much that he was crazy to go hunting every day. Whenever he had a chance to go hunting he would be gone for about ten days. One day though Jack had to decide whether to go hunting or to go to school. After a lot of thought he decided he was going to go hunting. He didn't care if he got bad grades in school.

When the big day finally came when he was going to skip school and go hunting he got all his gear together and headed for the high hills of Mt. Peter. Those hills had more bears in them than anywhere else in the world. His plan was to stalk and kill the biggest bear in the world. While he was walking the trail to Mt. Peter he thought of all the places he could go to look for the biggest bear. When he came to a place where he thought a bear would come out, he camped there until he saw the first bear of his journey. The bear was about six feet high and about ten feet in length. That bear was not to Jack's liking, so he told him to go along and find some other place to roust around. But immediately the bear went into a fit and chased Jack away from his camp. When the bear finally stopped chasing him they were about five miles from camp. Jack was so tired from running that when he stopped he collapsed to the ground. While he was on the ground, at first he didn't see a second bear walking towards him. When Jack finally saw him, his eyes almost popped out of his head. This bear was eight feet tall and twelve feet long. It was the biggest bear he had ever seen!!

The only problem that Jack had now was that he didn't have a gun. The bear then grabbed Jack and picked him up and threw him to the ground. When Jack got up the bear slapped him in the face leaving four long claw marks that bled so bad Jack's face looked like one big pool of blood.

Everything looked red through Jack's eyes. When the bear charged again Jack was ready for him. He got out his knife and pointed it towards the huge bear. As the bear lunged, Jack stabbed him over and over again. Finally the bear ran away bleeding half to death. After the bear was gone, Jack looked at himself in the reflection of a pond. Did he look bad! His face was all cut up and his chest was scratched so bad that he hurt all over when he breathed. The only thing to do now was to head back to town and try to get to the hospital before he bled to death. So he walked and walked. But he was just too tired of walking and he finally fell to the ground. He was so exhausted he only wanted to die. He got his wish, because after lieing on the ground for about three hours he lost so much blood he finally died.

By: Leslie Hunter Jr.



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