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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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It was a windy overcast day when Mike Smyth decided to start his journey from Galena to Barrow in the minus 35 degree weather. His skis were just waiting to be used on the hard packed trail over the tundra. His dog, Granite, knew this was the day to guide and protect his boss over the miles and miles of long cold nights ahead. Mike put on his thermal clothes and fur parka to attack the tremendous pressure the wind would put on him. A few days earlier he counted the miles from Galena to Barrow, hoping all his clothes would protect him. He struggled to walk next door to his neighbor's house to inform them that he would be leaving that day, and that he could not put it off any longer.

After gathering his gear, Mike set out to break the world's record for traveling in Alaska by foot and skis. He was determined to reach Barrow in 15 days in spite of the news on the radio that there were four grizzlies spotted 70 miles outside of Galena. With skis put on comfortably, poles in hand and a back pack weighing him down, he eagerly and confidently started out on his trek.

Right away the wind was so intense that it dried up his eyes as fast as he blinked to get moisture in them. To relieve his eyes, he stopped and searched for his goggles in his back pack. Mike was also pulling a sled attached to him that held some of his food and extra essentials. He didn't have to worry about taking too much food along on the trip because he had arranged for his best friend to fly out every two days to deliver his food. Rick Webber, Mike's best friend and a private pilot, was located in Ruby, Alaska. After securing his goggles on his face, Mike started skiing north to his destination.

As night fell upon him, it forced Mike to stop and pitch his tent and start a fire to thaw out his mittens. He gathered some dry twigs and a few dead spruce trees then quickly started the fire. To make it bigger he put piles and piles of wood on the fire. After that he cooked up some soup and had some hot cocoa. After filling his stomach, he decided it would be best for him to relax and sleep. So, he cuddled up in his sleeping bag and dozed off into the starry night.

Rattle. Twigs breaking. Heavy breathing. Strong scent. Mike awoke immediately out of a dream he thought he was in to find the largest grizzly he had ever seen in his life chewing at his back pack right in front of him. Hibernation wasn't on the bear's mind, but food certainly was. Quiet as a mouse, Mike crawled out of his sleeping bag and put on his parka and shoes. He grabbed his pocket knife and cut the back of his tent, trying not to disturb the busy bear. As he was slipping through the hole, Mike tripped over the peg sticking in the ground and screamed. The bear got startled and began to run all over the place. Before Mike could stand up, the bear was right in his face. Mike started hollering and screaming to scare the bear away. The bear was not the least bit frightened and he swung his paw at Mike missing his head by only an inch. Mike continued to holler and the bear swung again, this time successfully hitting Mike right across the stomach, cutting through his parka and slashing his skin. Mike dodged around the bear and ran toward the tent. He found his first aid kit in pieces and tatters, so he had to wrap his wound with a couple of his shirts. After realizing that the bear was gone and he was still alive, Mike crawled into his sleeping bag, hoping Rick would find him the next day.

When Mike awoke he found himself in the Anchorage Humana Hospital. Rick and Mike's sister, Stephanie, were standing by him. He didn't remember what had happened to him. Rick told him that he was attacked by a bear and was in a coma for two weeks. That was unbelievable to Mike because it seemed like he had just fallen asleep five minutes ago.

During his recovery, Mike soon found out that the bear was more than half blinded and was starving. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finally shot the bear to protect itself and other people who were in the country. After four months Mike was back on his feet again, living a happy life in Galena. He was disappointed that he didn't make it to Barrow, but he would try some other time in his life when he was fully recovered from the tragic incident that he would never forget.

Flora May Evan

Marshall School

From Galena to Barrow


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