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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Once upon a time a bear named Sandy found a friend named Matrona who was also a bear. They were both Grizzly bears.

One day as they were walking in the forest laughing and being silly, they suddenly saw a human. His name was Elmo, and he was a boy that loved animals, especially lovable and huggable animals. But Elmo didn't know what kind of animals they were. Then Sandy told him that they were bears.So Elmo said hi to these lovable and huggable bears! Then she started to run after them. The two bears ran away, but Elmo ran quickly after them. And he ran so fast he kept up with them. He was only about two or three feet away from them. But then the bears ran into a cave and disappeared from sight. So Elmo said he'd run after them again tomorrow, and then he went home.

That night Sandy had a nightmare about Elmo. Her dream was that Elmo had caught them with a trap. The trap was a net and they got stuck in it. Sandy was so scared she suddenly woke up. When she told Matrona about her dream, Matrona said she hoped her dream didn't come true. Sandy agreed.

That night Elmo died for some unexplained reason, and the the bears were very happy.



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