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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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It was a nice hot sunny day and this boy named Aaron asked his parents if they could go summer camping. But his older sister, Janet, said," Mom can I stay with my cousins instead of going with you, dad, and Aaron?"

"You mean you don't want to come with us summer camping. It's a lot of fun, and it looks beautIful out there.

Janet said," Well, can I bring Rachel with us?"

Her mother agreed, "You can bring a friend but make sure your friend's parents know your friend is coming along.

"Okay mom,I'm gonna ask Rachel if she wants to come along with us...but how long will we camp mom?"

"Maybe three to four days," Her mom replied. So Janet went to ask Rachel. Rachel said she would but asked how long it would last?

"My mom said, three to four days," Janet answered.

"Well that's better than nothing, I'm gonna ask my mom if I can go with you." said Rachel.

"I'm gonna go home and get ready. "You'll give me a call if your mom says yes, and when you're ready, okay?" said Janet.

"Yeh I'll give you a call, see you later." Rachel replied.

Janet's mom, dad, and Aaron were all done packing their camping stuff and Janet was just getting done packing her stuff when the phone rang. It was for Janet and it was Rachel. She told Janet "Well, I'm all packed, ready to go, and my mom said it's alright that I'm going along with you and your parents."

"Well come over and have lunch with us so we can go right after we eat lunch, "said Janet.

"Okay I'm coming over. See you when I get there. "replied Rachel.

After they were done eating they got their stuff and brought it to the boat. Soon after, they took off and traveled for many hours until they found a good spot to put their tent up. Then they had something to eat and decided to take a boat ride. Janet's father told them to get some snacks because they were going to look for a good place to swim. They also put their sun glasses and towel in their bags. Then they took off.

They soon found a good spot for swimming and they stopped and made a fire. Then they went for a swim. They had a lot of fun swimming and playing games in the water.

After they dried off by the fire, they put on their clothes and went for a short ride. They saw many different small animals during their boat ride and they had a lot of fun.

Janet, Rachel, and Aaron said they were getting hungry so they had a picnic. Then they heard something breaking trees in the thick woods. When Aaron and his dad went to check, they found a little brown bear cub that was lost and they took it back to Janet, Rachel, and Janet's mom.

"Where did you two find that bear?"asked Rachel."

"Dad, can we bring the bear home?"asked Aaron.

"No, I think we'll bring it to someone who knows how to take care of little bears. "replied her dad.

Then Janet said, "But Aaron and l can take care of it you let us bring it home, I promise, Dad."

"But, if you don't take care of it I will take it to a zoo." He replied.

Many months passed by, and they had a lot of fun with the bear while it was growing up. They took pictures of the bear with Janet, Aaron, their mom, and dad, and when they all agreed that the bear was old enough to live on its own they brought it back to the woods and let it go. But they promised they would look for it again some day and bring it some of its favorite food.




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